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Patients with psoriasis may have increased risk of psychological comorbidities. This cross-sectional study aimed at determining associations between sociocultural and socioeconomic factors with the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) scores and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) scores. Adult patients with psoriasis were recruited from a Dermatology outpatient clinic via convenience sampling. Interviews were conducted regarding socio-demographic factors and willing subjects were requested to complete the DASS and DLQI questionnaires. The Pearson χ2 test, Fisher’s exact test and multivariate logistic regression were used for statistical analysis to determine independent predictors of depression, anxiety, stress and severe impairment of quality of life. Unadjusted analysis revealed that depression was associated with Indian ethnicity (p = .041) and severe impairment of quality of life was associated with Indian ethnicity (p = .032), higher education (p = .013), higher income (p = .042), and employment status (p = .014). Multivariate analysis revealed that Indian ethnicity was a predictor of depression (p = .024). For stress, tertiary level of education (p = .020) was an independent risk factor while a higher monthly income was a protective factor (p = .042). The ethnic Indians and Malays were significantly more likely than the ethnic Chinese to suffer reduced quality of life (p = .001 and p = .006 respectively) and subjects with tertiary education were more likely to have severe impairment of quality of life (p = .002). Our study was unique in determining sociocultural influences on psychological complications of psoriasis in a South East Asian population. This has provided invaluable insight into factors predictive of adverse effects of psoriasis on psychological distress and quality of life in our patient population. Future studies should devise interventions to specifically target at risk groups in the development of strategies to reduce morbidity associated with psoriasis.  相似文献   
自编《大学生亲子互动问卷》,选取125名被试进行问卷初测,并采用探索性因素分析建立问卷的因子结构;运用编制好的亲子互动问卷和抑郁自评量表(SDS)对306名大学生进行纸笔测试。通过验证性因素分析考察《大学生亲子互动问卷》的结构,检验问卷的同质信度和分半信度,并运用回归分析考察亲子互动对抑郁的预测作用。结果显示《大学生亲子互动问卷》包含主动关怀、自我表露、家庭活动和经济交流四个维度共21道题目,项目载荷区间为0.46-0.78,解释率58.92%,问卷各维度内部一致性信度在0.71-0.89之间,分半信度在0.66-0.78之间,验证性因素分析拟合指数X~2/df=1.49,RMSEA=0.06,结构效度可接受。亲子互动与抑郁的相关分析显示大学生亲子互动总分及四个维度的得分与抑郁都存在显著负相关,进一步的回归分析显示自我表露与家庭活动两个维度是预测抑郁的主要变量。在大学生的亲子互动中,更多的自我表露和家庭活动与较低水平的抑郁相关联。  相似文献   
运动表象质量与运动技能水平有关,运动表象质量随着运动技能水平的提高而上升。器械使用可使人脑产生可塑性改变,使用者会将器械纳入身体图式。然而,两者影响运动表象的神经心理机制还不清楚。本研究采用功能性磁共振成像探析篮球运动员与新手在不同持球条件下表象投篮时脑功能活动的差异。结果表明运动员表象质量较好,镜像神经系统激活高于新手;持球条件下运动员表象质量显著高于不持球条件下,镜像神经系统激活程度显著低于不持球条件下。研究说明持器械可以显著提高运动员的表象质量,器械使用带来镜像神经系统的可塑性变化。  相似文献   
Adolescent smokers need cessation help, but the question of how best to intervene remains unanswered. This article describes the empirically validated protocol of an established, well‐utilized adolescent telephone counseling program for smoking cessation, tailored to adolescent developmental needs and shown to increase clients' 6‐month prolonged abstinence rate significantly. Clinical issues addressed include client assessment, motivation, self‐efficacy, familial and social support, planning, coping, relapse‐sensitive call scheduling, and self‐image. Counselor training considerations are also discussed.  相似文献   
面对日益突出的医患矛盾、临床与医学科研中的伦理问题,各国都在探索医院伦理委员会的建设.通过阐述我国医院伦理委员会建设的发展历程,并介绍其性质、构成、职责、工作形式和存在的问题等,对其规范化建设进行积极的探索.  相似文献   
信仰的失落 ,无论在当代世界 ,还是在当代中国 ,似乎已成为一个不争的事实 ,已经引起社会各界的广泛关注。西方不少学者试图通过重新唤起人们的宗教情绪来重建信仰 ,一些人更因此而陷入邪教的痴迷。显然 ,这都不是中国特色社会主义社会所需要的信仰 ,更与马克思主义的原则立场背道而驰。重建正确而高尚的信仰 ,是社会主义精神文明建设的重大问题 ,也是伦理学研究者责无旁贷的理论使命。任建东同志新近出版的学术专著《道德信仰论》(宗教文化出版社 2 0 0 4年版 ) ,通过回应现时代道德信仰的各种问题以及深入探索道德信仰的重建之道 ,成为一…  相似文献   
在112名大学生被试阅读难度不同的两种材料并解答相关的理解题和应用题时,按照阅读时是否要求生成图解与答题时是否允许生成图解两个条件将他们平均分为四个小组,探讨阅读画图与答题画图对被试理解和应用不同难度材料的影响。结果表明,阅读时学习者生成的图解可显著促进对难度较高材料的理解;答题时学习者生成的图解可显著促进对难度较低材料的应用;阅读时是否画图与答题时是否画图对理解和应用所学习材料没有显著交互作用。  相似文献   
本研究采用了多特征决策研究中的过程追踪技术,对人事筛选和挑选决策的策略进行了单步跳转和多步跳转分析与比较。结果发现,在人事挑选时,被试更多采用基于方案的补偿性策略,并以有关合适人选的心理映像为标准做出决策;而筛选时更多采用基于特征的非补偿策略以减少认知负荷,同时,以方案间比较为目的的补偿性策略也更多使用。这些策略变化体现了决策者的认知适应性。  相似文献   
China suffered both a heavy snow‐hit and a major earthquake in 2008. To investigate the effects of disasters on risky decision making, opportunity samples were obtained by recruiting residents in both devastated and non‐devastated areas. In a survey (Study 1) conducted shortly after the heavy snow‐hit, we found that people were not always more risk averse after a disaster as previous studies had claimed and that they were inclined to approach an option with ‘low probability associated gain’ and to avoid an option with ‘low probability associated loss’. These findings were replicated in a consecutive survey (Study 2) conducted after the Wenchuan earthquake. It was further found that the popularity of both insurance and lottery, which presumably contributed to overweighing of small probabilities, was detected to have been enhanced with substantial exposure to the earthquake disaster. The implications of these findings for risk education and government policy making were discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
近年来随着研究的深入,发现维生素D除了调节钙磷代谢外,对先天性免疫、适应性免疫亦具有调节作用,其不仅能降低重症加强治疗病房(ICU)内多器官衰竭的病死率,还能预测疾病的严重程度及预后,在危重患者中具有广阔的应用前景,可作为ICU的一种辅助治疗手段.  相似文献   
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