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内隐自尊与外显自尊的关系:多重内隐测量的视角   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
杨福义  梁宁建 《心理科学》2007,30(4):785-790
本研究以102名大学生为被试,从多重内隐测量的视角出发,运用内隐联想测验(IAT)、Go/No-go联想任务(GNAT)和外部情绪性Simon任务(EAST)三种实验程序对内隐自尊及其特性进行了测量和研究,同时运用结构方程建模对内隐自尊和外显自尊的结构关系进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)IAT、GNAT和EASI这三种基于反应时范式的内隐自尊测量方法是有效的,均能有效检测出内隐自尊效应,内隐自尊的特性表现为个体倾向于将自我与积极属性或事物相联,将他人与消极属性或事物相联;(2)内隐自尊与外显自尊是分离的结构,两者是相对独立的两个自我评价系统,支持内隐自尊和外显自尊的两维结构说;(3)双重态度模型和信息加工双过程模型两种理论模型都可以解释内隐自尊和外显自尊的分离现象。  相似文献   
通过对从事人力资源管理工作的公务员、软件工程师、网络编辑和报纸广告销售人员四个职业的272名任职者调查数据的层次回归分析,文章发现控制了职业和人口统计学变量的影响之后,工作满意度、情感承诺和工作投入三个工作态度变量对工作技能的重要性和水平评价有显著影响。进一步对比发现,工作满意度对于技能的重要性和水平评价的影响效应较大。该研究对多个职业的分析结果拓展了人们对工作分析结果影响因素的认识,并对未来工作分析研究和实践有重要的启示作用  相似文献   
贺雯  梁宁建 《心理科学》2008,31(3):759-761
元刻板印象是指个体关于外群体成员对其所属群体(内群体)所持刻板印象的信念,这一社会认知领域中新的概念属于元知觉的范畴.社会认知心理学家发现元刻板印象是影响群体间关系的重要因素,有关此方面的研究成为国外社会认知领域研究中的新动向,本文介绍了近年来国外有关元刻板印象的最新研究成果.  相似文献   
Tao Liang 《Dao》2014,13(3):305-321
According to recently excavated bamboo and silk material, the idea of du 獨 in the concept shendu 慎獨 does not refer to a spatial notion of dwelling in solitude or a solitary dwelling; rather it is the state before having made contact with external things, or the state “before feelings are aroused” (weifa 未發) of the inner heart/mind. It refers to internal thoughts and volitions, or “casting aside external sensations” (sheti 舍體). Shen 慎 should be glossed in accordance with the Erya 爾雅 (Approaching Elegance), rendering it as “sincerity” (cheng 誠). Shendu then means to “cause one’s will to be sincere” (chengqiyi 誠其意). Zheng Xuan 鄭玄, in explaining shendu as being “cautious of the actions one performs in private” (shen qi xianju suowei 慎其閒居所為), completely strayed from the original meaning as found in the bamboo-silk texts. Zhu Xi 朱熹, seeing the insufficiencies of Zheng Xuan’s interpretation of shendu, broadened the meaning of du, and in particular added a spiritual meaning to it. However, due to influence by Zheng Xuan, Zhu Xi still preserved some misreadings of the term; especially in his interpretation of shendu in the Daxue 大學 (Great Learning) and Zhongyong 中庸 (Doctrine of the Mean). Considering that the Neo-Confucian methods of cultivation embodied in the ideas of “abiding in reverence and enriching the self” (jujing hanyang 居敬涵養), and “being refined and focused” (weijing weiyi 惟精惟一) actually accorded more with the original meaning of shendu, Zhu Xi’s misreading of shendu is indirectly related to the loss of its original meaning due to the broken transmission of the ancient texts.  相似文献   
张亮 《哲学动态》2006,(1):57-60
马克思主义哲学史是一门非常年轻的学科。在苏联,它的形成时间可以追溯到20世纪50年代中后期。在我国,相对系统的马克思主义哲学史研究则发端于20世纪70年代末期。经过几代学人20多年的辛勤努力,我国的马克思主义哲学史学科获得了长足的发展:我们不仅建立起了一支颇具规模、老中青相结合的研究队伍,而且涌现出了一批重要的学术著作,其中既有八卷本《马克思主义哲学史》这种通史性的宏篇巨制,也有《探索者道路的探索》、《走向历史的深处》这种断代史研究的力作。然而,毋庸讳言,与我国哲学其他学科的发展相比,马克思主义哲学史学科的发展仍有…  相似文献   
The present study explored how the processing of morphologically complex words in second-language (L2) learners changes as their proficiency increases. ERPs were recorded from highly proficient and less proficient L2 learners, using the repetition priming paradigm. Three experimental conditions were investigated: morphological related/unrelated pairs, semantically related/unrelated pairs, and form related/unrelated pairs. The presence of priming in each condition was assessed by comparing responses to targets preceded by related primes with those preceded by unrelated primes. ERP results showed that highly proficient L2 learners demonstrated priming effect within 350–550 ms in the morphological condition, associating with an N400 reduction, while less proficient L2 learners showed no morphological priming effect within the N400 range. Besides, form priming effect was observed in both highly proficient and less proficient L2 learners within 400–450 ms and 450–500 ms, and semantic inhibiting effect was observed in both groups within 450–500 ms, suggesting that less proficient L2 learners were equally sensitive to the word form and meaning. The ERP results indicate that highly proficient L2 learners manifest rule-based decomposition, while less proficient L2 learners rely more on lexical storage in processing morphologically complex words. Less proficient L2 learners have not developed the decomposing mechanism, despite their sensitivity to word form and meaning. The way in which morphologically complex words are processed in L2 learners does change as their proficiency increases, validating the predictions of the declarative/procedural model.  相似文献   
Findings on the effect of social status on corruption perception are mixed. To make sense of the mixed results, three studies were conducted to examine whether meritocracy moderates this effect. In Study 1, we measured all variables using a questionnaire-based correlational design. In the preregistered Study 2, we adopted an experimental design in which we manipulated social status using a false feedback paradigm and measured corruption perception and meritocracy. In Study 3, we manipulated meritocracy using a scrambled sentence task and measured its effect on the relationship between social status and corruption perception. The results consistently demonstrated that meritocracy could moderate the influence of social status on corruption perception. Specifically, social status was negatively associated with corruption perception when meritocracy was weak, whereas the association was not significant when meritocracy was strong. Our results suggest that meritocracy critically affects acknowledgment of the pervasiveness of social injustice and even deters the disadvantaged from fighting against corruption.  相似文献   
本文通过3个研究探究了交互自然性的心理结构及其影响。研究1通过开展字典检索, 文献回顾和专家访谈, 得到了包含有9个条目的初始量表。研究2问卷调查了353名智能网联汽车用户, 探索性因素分析发现了两因素结构 (“通达舒畅”和“随景应人”)。后续分析表明这两个因素对满意度等关键效标有显著独特的预测作用。研究3使用新样本(n = 349) 验证了双因素模型的稳定性, 还发现这两个交互自然性体验维度对推荐意愿、忠诚感等重要变量也有显著预测作用, 此外还发现, 通达舒畅更多受到基本驾驶辅助系统等功能的影响, 而随景应人更多受到交互和智能相关功能的影响。本文进一步讨论了该量表如何用于未来的人机交互研究。  相似文献   
Two studies examined the role of holistic thinking in meaning-making and gratitude during the COVID-19 pandemic. Correlational and mediational evidence showed that participants with high holistic thinking tended to construct more meaning from the pandemic and feel grateful, compared to participants with low holistic thinking (Study 1). Experimental manipulation of holistic thinking elicited behavioral choice for books on life meaning, which predicted gratitude (Study 2). These results cannot be explained by individual differences in the perception of threat (Study 1) or distress (Studies 1–2) associated with the pandemic. They cannot be explained by demographic factors such as age or gender, or cultural constructs such as ethnicity, educational level, or religiosity (Studies 1–2). These findings push understanding forward. They strengthen interdisciplinary links, fusing positive psychology with the social cognition of thinking styles. We discuss promising directions for future research with cross-cultural implications.  相似文献   
Maximum likelihood estimation is computationally infeasible for latent variable models involving multivariate categorical responses, in particular for the LISCOMP model. A three-stage generalized least squares approach introduced by Muthén (1983, 1984) can experience problems of instability, bias, non-convergence, and non-positive definiteness of weight matrices in situations of low prevalence, small sample size and large numbers of observed indicator variables. We propose a quadratic estimating equations approach that only requires specification of the first two moments. By performing simultaneous estimation of parameters, this method does not encounter the problems mentioned above and experiences gains in efficiency. Methods are compared through a numerical study and an application to a study of life-events and neurotic illness.The authors would like to thank Bengt Muthén for many helpful discussions and Scott Henderson for generously providing the Canberra data set. This work was supported in part by grant number GM49909 of the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   
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