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从中国语言的词源上看,音乐中的"乐(yuè)"通快乐的"乐(lè)",它们都源自于"鼓",而鼓声能够令人兴奋、情绪激昂,因此,中国文化中的音乐的原初含义有"令人振奋、快乐"的声音和人在振奋、快乐时表达这种心情的声音两层意思。后来这两层含义延伸为"动情"即激发人的情感或心理感染和"传情"或"达情"即表达人的情感。基于此,创作好的音乐作品或评判一个音乐作品的好坏,要看它是否具有"言志"、"激励人或令人振奋"、"表达情感"和"培养或锻造人的积极情感或心理品质"的作用。  相似文献   
This article offers an ethical decision‐making model, informed by community psychology values, as a means for guiding psychologists when engaging in social justice‐oriented work. The applicability of this model is demonstrated through a case analysis elucidating how America's psychologists individually and collectively arrived at the decision to endorse torture—ostensibly as a means for preventing terrorism. Critics have wondered how the American Psychological Association succumbed to these involvements, and how to prevent such ethical lapses in the future. Unfortunately, the American Psychological Association's ethical codes fail to provide explicit guidance for psychologists' involvement in social justice work that impacts communities and systems. To address this gap, we present a values‐driven, ethical decision‐making framework that may be used to guide psychologists' future practices. This framework infuses fundamental community psychology values (i.e., caring and compassion; health; self‐determination and participation, human diversity, social justice; and critical reflexivity) into a 9‐step model.  相似文献   
Despite evidence indicating fatness and thinness information are processed differently among weight-preoccupied and eating disordered individuals, the exact nature of these attentional biases is not clear. In this research, eye movement (EM) tracking assessed biases in specific component processes of visual attention (i.e., orientation, detection, maintenance and disengagement of gaze) in relation to body-related stimuli among 20 weight dissatisfied (WD) and 20 weight satisfied young women. Eye movements were recorded while participants completed a dot-probe task that featured fatness-neutral and thinness-neutral word pairs. Compared to controls, WD women were more likely to direct their initial gaze toward fatness words, had a shorter mean latency of first fixation on both fatness and thinness words, had longer first fixation on fatness words but shorter first fixation on thinness words, and shorter total gaze duration on thinness words. Reaction time data showed a maintenance bias towards fatness words among the WD women. In sum, results indicated WD women show initial orienting, speeded detection and initial maintenance biases towards fat body words in addition to a speeded detection – avoidance pattern of biases in relation to thin body words. In sum, results highlight the importance of the utility of EM-tracking as a means of identifying subtle attentional biases among weight dissatisfied women drawn from a non-clinical setting and the need to assess attentional biases as a dynamic process.  相似文献   
时间压力是现代社会中人们经常面对的重要问题。以往研究认为时间压力只会产生消极影响, 然而现有研究发现时间压力也会产生积极影响。总结以往研究, 介绍了时间压力的概念和测量方式, 分别阐述了时间压力的损耗作用和促进作用, 并用注意焦点理论、激活理论、维生素模型和挑战?阻碍模型等理论解释时间压力的双刃效应。未来研究应该进一步关注:(1)基于时间心理账户开展时间压力的分类研究; (2)时间压力促进作用的动机和情绪双路径机制; (3)探寻有效缓解时间压力损耗作用的机制。  相似文献   
领导情绪对员工绩效有非常重要的影响, 但并非总是遵循“对称假设”。在特定条件下, 领导表达的消极情绪对员工绩效起到积极作用。情绪即社会信息模型(EASI)可以通过情绪表达者、情绪接受者、组织氛围和组织文化四个角度解释这一不对称现象, 但也存在局限性。文章在以往研究的基础上, 从情绪和认知两条路径出发, 对领导情绪和员工绩效间的中介机制及影响因素进行了系统梳理, 并提出了一个整合模型。未来研究应该关注:领导消极情绪表达的时机和程度, 不同类型的消极情绪对员工绩效的影响, 员工情绪反应的差异性。  相似文献   
The relationship between coping strategies used by South Asian American women and subjective well‐being (SWB) was studied. Second‐generation women were found to use more support compared with 1st‐generation women. Problem‐solving coping was inversely related to age. Avoidance coping was found to predict SWB when controlling for age and generational status. Se estudió la relación entre las estrategias de afrontamiento empleadas por mujeres americanas surasiáticas y el bienestar subjetivo (SWB, por sus siglas en inglés). Se descubrió que las mujeres de segunda generación emplean más apoyos que los que emplearon las mujeres de primera generación. El afrontamiento basado en la resolución de problemas fue inversamente proporcional a la edad. También se halló que el afrontamiento basado en la evitación puede predecir el SWB, cuando se controlan los datos de edad y estatus generacional.  相似文献   
Using the Deese/Roediger‐McDermott (DRM) false memory method, Smith and Hunt ( 1998 ) first reported the modality effect on false memory and showed that false recall from DRM lists was lower following visual study than following auditory study, which led to numerous studies on the mechanism of modality effect on false memory and provided many competing explanations. In the present experiment, the authors tested the modality effect in false recognition by using a blocked presentation condition and a random presentation condition. The present experiment found a modality effect different from the results of the previous research; namely, false recognition was shown to be greater following visual study than following auditory study, especially in the blocked presentation condition rather than in the random presentation condition. The authors argued that this reversed modality effect may be due to different encoding and processing characteristics between Chinese characters and English words. Compared with English words, visual graphemes of critical lures in Chinese lists are likely to be activated and encoded in participants' minds, thus it is more difficult for participants to discriminate later inner graphemes from those items presented in visual modality. Hence visual presentation could lead to more false recognition than auditory presentation in Chinese lists. The results in the present experiment demonstrated that semantic activation occurring during the encoding and retrieve phases played an important role in modality effect in false recognition, and our findings might be explained by the activation‐monitoring account.  相似文献   
我们证明存在一个完备实数集使得在这个完备集中任何两个实数都是LR可比较的。"在LR度中是否每个完备集都包含一个不可数的反链?"这一问题多次被提及。显然,图灵归约蕴含LR归约。但过去十年的研究表明,两者之间还是存在着显著的差异的。那么一个很自然的疑问就是,图灵度中的基本结论——每个完备集都包含两个图灵不可比实数——是否在LR度中仍为真。  相似文献   
患者知情同意权实现的伦理思考与法律保护   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:23  
随着医学科学的发展,患者的知情同意已是医学实践的一个基本伦理观念和原则,但是,它的实现不仅需要道德规范的约束,而且还需要法律的保护.  相似文献   
阿尔文·普兰丁格是当代美国著名的宗教哲学家。本文力图从分析哲学的方法、有神论认识图景、复合型认知结构和改革宗的认识论四个角度,扼要勾画普兰丁格的宗教认识论的基本特征,从总体上把握其学说观点,并从一个侧面揭示当代基督教哲学认识论思想的潮起潮落。  相似文献   
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