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现在,有一个很难忽视或很难否认的事实,就是在社会进步和科技进步之间,在社会政治思想即马克思主义思想和科技思想即科技革命之间存在着一种辩证的相互关系。这种关系有两层意思:科技革命通过非常不同、非常复杂的途径,影响着经济、社会政治和文化的发展,归根到底影响着社会生活的一切方面,影响着社会思想;而反过来,社会政治思想也推动着科学技术的发展,对科技活动的开展也发生着冲击,看不到这种推动是不行的。当代科学技术的巨大变化和日益深刻、日益迅速的发展,给所有人提出了这样一个迫切的任务;更  相似文献   
黑格尔对形式逻辑和辩证逻辑的看法辩证逻辑是德国哲学家黑格尔在十九世纪初引入的哲学术语。这个术语是他用来称呼自己关于一切“自然和精神事物”发展的规律的唯心主义学说的,又同被他作了歪曲解释的形式逻辑直接地对立起来。他正确地指出了他那个时代哲学理论的弊病之一,就是思维的规律和形式被形而上学地看作为某种一成不变的东西。其实,受工业生产的进步所制约的自然科学的发展已经表明,形而上学和它的  相似文献   
Three pigeons were trained on oddity matching in which either 1, 4, 8, 16, or 32 sample-key observing responses were required to turn off the sample stimuli and turn on the comparison stimuli. Oddity accuracy increased when the observing-response requirement was raised and decreased when the requirement was lowered. Next, while the observing requirement was maintained at one response, the number of responses required to the comparison stimuli was either 1, 4, 8, 16, or 32. Under these conditions, choice was defined as the comparison that first accumulated the required number of responses. In general, increasing the comparison-response requirement decreased accuracy and lowering the comparison requirement increased accuracy. The fixed-ratio observing requirements appeared to facilitate control by stimuli serving an instructional function.  相似文献   
Evaluated the effectiveness of the Zax Information Profile (ZIP), a personality test based on general fund of information, in discriminating between college students who sought mental health services and those who did not, Three successive classes of freshmen students at the Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester were administered the ZIP. Help-seeking students were matched with non-help-seeking students for sex, age, and intellectual ability. The hypothesis that ZIP scores would differentiate between these two groups was supported by the data. The potential use of the ZIP as a predictor of college adjustment and as a useful entrance screening device was discussed.  相似文献   
最近在制定临床实践指南的方法上发生了一些变化,这深刻地影响着医学保健的质量和成本,远远超过前后10年所有新出现的诊疗手段的作用.人们预期,制定指南方法的改变影响着指南的内容,进而对未来几十年中成千上万的临床决策发挥指导作用.目前,制定指南的方法所经历的改变代表了医学赖以存在的知识基础发生了变化.  相似文献   
一、比较方法的意义与界限假定一个人严肃地对待哲学,那么任何试图比较卡尔.雅斯贝尔斯与马丁.海德格尔的作法都难免显得十分可疑。也许,甚至将比较方法列入哲学工具之标准目录也显得可疑,但是,那些使用这种方法的人们却常为这种方法所提供的巨大的解释收益而辩护。当然,对于我  相似文献   
情感问题,确切地说即情感和理性的相互关系问题,在伦理学史中一向占据着中心的地位。对马克思列宁主义伦理学来说,这个问题是方法论上的关键问题。马克思列宁主义伦理学按照自己的方法和对象的特点,运用和发展了辩证唯物主义认识论的成果,在这一成果中感觉论原则占着特殊的地位。在现代伦理学文献中,对这个原则研究、使用的情况是怎样  相似文献   
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