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我们可以毫不犹豫地说,我们的时代是各种人道主义相互对垒的时代。打着人道主义招牌的派别不仅多如牛毛,而且竞争激烈,甚至相互论战。在我们的时代,由于个人的生活问题占着日益重要的地位,政治斗争往往表现为指责对方不讲人道主义或者反对人道主义。但这种指责丝毫不能证明自己是真正的人道主义者,也不能避免自己被别人指责为不讲人道主义。人道主义之所以大受欢迎以及它的种种派别之争无非说明了以下的事实:今天,人的生活遭受到空前的威胁,因此人至少需要听到一些安慰的话语,听到一些祈求人类幸福的话语。因此,谈到人和人的幸福(尤其在宣传中),任  相似文献   
60年代后期,心灵哲学家(或译心智哲学家)之间曾有一场大争论,关涉哥德尔定理的不可判定命题是否为下述结论提供了很好的理由的问题:人脑在计算上天生地强于任何从原则上说可以构造出来的机械的(即非人类的)计算自动机。应予注意的是:这场争论产生于这样的时刻,当时人们公认计算自动机的具体例证是冯·诺意曼型的串行的,顺序操作的数字计算机。如今,W.D.希利斯(Hillis)已经发明一种具有完全相异结构的计算自动机,即所谓的“连接机”  相似文献   
This study investigates the relationships among social isolation, psychological health, and protective factors in adolescents. Feelings of social isolation may influence psychological health in adolescents, but protective factors such as family connectedness, school connectedness, and academic achievement may also play a key role. The sample included 4,746 adolescents from 31 middle and high schools. Participants responded to 221 survey questions regarding peer relationships, psychological health, school connectedness, family relationships, and academic achievement. The findings revealed that social isolation was associated with an increased risk for depressive symptoms, suicide attempts, and low self-esteem. Protective factors influenced associations between social isolation and psychological health. Implications for prevention such as building healthy peer relationships, promoting family connectedness, and developing school-based interventions are discussed.  相似文献   
Given the incidence and seriousness of suicidality in clinical practice, the need for new and better ways to assess suicide risk is clear. While there are many published assessment instruments in the literature, survey data suggest that these measure are not widely used. One possible explanation is that current quantitatively developed assessment instruments may fail to capture something essential about the suicidal patient's experience. The current exploratory study examined a range of open ended qualitative written responses made by suicidal outpatients to five assessment prompts from the Suicide Status Form (SSF)--psychological pain, press, perturbation, hopelessness, and self-hate. Two different samples of suicidal outpatients seeking treatment, including suicidal college students (n = 119) and active duty U.S. Air Force personnel (n = 33), provided a wide range of written responses to the five SSF prompts. A qualitative coding manual was developed through a step-by-step methodology; two naive coders were trained to use the coding system and were able to sort all the patients' written responses into the content categories with very high interrater reliability (Kappa > .80). Certain written qualitative responses of the patients were more frequent than others, both within and across the five SSF constructs. Among a range of specific exploratory findings, one general finding was that two thirds of the 636 obtained written responses could be reliably categorized under four major content headings: relational (22%), role responsibilities (20%), self (15%), and unpleasant internal states (10%). Theoretical, research, and clinical implications of the methodology and data are discussed.  相似文献   
康德既没有在他的道德哲学中,也没有在他的《人本学》中,“提出过一种详细的理性的行为哲学”,这是近现代有关康德的文献一向感到遗憾的事情。放在我们面前的F.考尔巴赫的这本全面解释康德的书的标题,却一下子就使我们感到不胜惊讶,因为它谈的竟完全是康德哲学中的“行为原则”问题。多年来他发表了一大批论康德哲学的书籍和文章,这些著作不但证明了他是最杰出的康德解释者之一,也证明了他是一个最坚持己见的人。当然他也知道,康德本人“并没有很明显地使行动的概念成为他的哲学的论题”。然而康德哲学的“论述”却贯穿着“能交织出一种行为理论的线索”;他甚至认为  相似文献   
人们除了一般地从科学上把痛苦理解为一种特殊感觉方式以外,也曾经从哲学上对痛苦加以解释。海德格尔则没有研究科学治疗学对痛苦的说明,也没有研究痛苦对哲学伦理学可能有的贡献。他研究痛苦完全遵循着现象学的方法:他关注的是,在痛苦中,通过痛苦,什么呈现在人前,使什么变得更为清楚明显了。本文目的就是阐述并详细说明这一方法。但事先要提醒一下,海德格尔在哪儿也没有提出过关于痛苦的系统论述。在我们所能得到的他的所有著作中,都找不到他对痛苦的详细分析。他对痛苦的主要陈述凑在一起,也不  相似文献   
The present study addresses the issue of age differences in 5 personality domains across the life span in a cross-sectional study. In contrast to most previous studies, the present study follows a methodologically more rigorous approach to warrant that age-related differences in personality structure and mean level can be meaningfully compared. It uses data on 50 items of the Five-Factor Personality Inventory (FFPI) available from a study in a large and representative Dutch sample (N = 2,494; age range: 16 to 91 years) conducted in 1996 for the purpose of establishing norms for the FFPI. After having established strict measurement invariance, tests were made for factor covariances to be equal across age groups, revealing structural continuity of personality. Additionally, factor variances were shown to be equal across age groups. A number of age differences in the mean level of the five personality domains emerged. Specifically, older adults were, on average, more agreeable and, especially, more conscientious than middle-aged and younger adults. Findings from our study suggest that both continuity and change may mark personality over the course of life.  相似文献   
Thirteen nondemented patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) were compared with age-matched controls on two standard tests of implicit learning. A verbal version of the Serial Reaction Time (SRT) task was used to assess sequence learning and an artificial grammar (AG) task assessed perceptual learning. It was predicted that PD patients would show implicit learning on the AG task but not the SRT task, as motor sequence learning is thought to be reliant on the basal ganglia, which is damaged in PD. Patients with PD demonstrated implicit learning on both tasks. In light of these unexpected results the research on SRT learning in PD is reconsidered, and some possible explanations for the sometimes conflicting results of PD patient samples on the SRT task are considered. Four factors which merit further study in this regard are the degree to which the SRT task relies on overt motor responses, the effects of frontal lobe dysfunction upon implicit sequence learning, the effects of cerebellar degeneration, and the degree to which the illness itself has advanced.  相似文献   
本研究考察了母亲对其孩子认识能力的判断以及这种判断与孩子发展水平的关系。被试是49名一年级小学生和他们的母亲。研究者要求每个儿童对皮亚杰成套测验或IQ测验中选取出来的作业项目作出反应,而后向每位母亲提出各种有关她们自己的孩子及其他大多数儿童可能如何反映的问题。  相似文献   
对我来说问题似乎很清楚,近代伦理哲学已经非常有效地消除了以前某些哲学家的分类在伦理学理论中所导致的混乱。通过消除这些人为的障碍,我们可以开辟一条进一步探究道德陈述的性质和地位的道路。(一)道德判断是客观的还是主观的?人们常常认为,对这个问题的回答将十分明确地决定着道德判断是可证实的还是任意的。可是,问题远非如此,因为不同的哲学家一直以不同的方式来使用“主观的”和“客观的”这两个词。我不自称我的分析穷尽了一切,但我想提  相似文献   
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