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〔译者说明〕这篇文章是专门讨论控制论在社会主义国民经济的规划、领导和组织工作中的应用问题的。作者认为,控制论的方框开关方法、模型理论、多稳定系统理论和信息论都可以应用到社会主义国民经济的规划、领导和组织工作中。从这里我们看到一种倾向,即:企图完全用控制论的理论和方法,来研究社会主义国民经济的管理工作。值得注意的有下列几点:第一、作者认为,可以应用方框开关方法来简化国民经济系统的调节区间,使系统成为一个发挥最大作用的整体,而这在实践方面就意味着简化管理工作,节省费用与劳动力。第二、可以应用模型理论来模拟经济过程。经济模型有两类,一为经济的信息模型,一为经济-数学的功能模型。前一类说明劳动力、物资和金融的流动,后一类反映国民经济的一切基本功能的统一和相互作用。第三、据说,把多稳定系统理论应用到国民经济管理工作中来,就意味着作为母系统的国营联合企业给予作为子系统的各个企业以相对独立,也就是说,母系统的调节器只管母系统与它的子系统的相互关系,而不管这些子系统本身的过程。第四、坚持一种已采用的调节器的结构与工作的方式方法,使调节器不随着调节区间发生的改变而改变,阻碍系统的继续发展,这是官僚主义的一种标志。官僚主义是可以用控制论来克服的。第五、作者认为,国营联合企业的领导者及其管理人员所做的领导和组织工作也是一个要求信息、组织信息通道、利用和存储信息的问题,他们应该设法去掉信息传递中叠加的干扰成分,科学地构造信息通道。  相似文献   
存在主义在美国没有真正生根。它赢得了一些热情的门徒,但是它没有产生一个像海德格尔、萨特尔或马赛尔那样有权威的哲学家。有人认为存在主义已经说完它要说的一切了。无论如何,美国的贡献的重要性是值得怀疑的。但是,人们也曾多次尝试对这个运动作一次总的考察,并试图估计它的力量、它的弱点和它的价值。此  相似文献   
长期以来,社会学在波兰就是一门最通俗的科学。近几年来,要求学习社会学的人数超过了社会学专业中的名额约近六倍,有些地方甚至约近十倍。五种社会学杂志都拥有广大的读者:《社会学论坛》(创刊于1930年,其间曾停过刊),《社会学研究》(创刊于1961年)、《政治社会学  相似文献   
作为现代非经典逻辑分支的时间逻辑,是判断的一个公理化逻辑理论,这些判断是用命题表达的,而这些命题的真值将随着时间的推移而发生变化。时间逻辑的产生和形成是逻辑学发展的一个具体典范,它以新的方式丰富了逻辑学。这一对认识的理论方法的创新,是在概括总结全部科学成果和认识经验的基础上产生的,是符合辩证唯物主义的基本观点的。按照列宁的说法,逻辑是“各种科学的经验的总结”。人类社会在探索、实践和革命性地改造周围世界及自身中,从逻辑方法的发展  相似文献   
各位代表、各位同志: 中国佛教协会是全国各民族、各教派佛教徒共同的爱国组织,是团结、进步的组织。中国佛教协会高举爱国爱教的旗帜,维护信徒的合法权益,贯彻党和国家的宗教信仰自由政策,开展同各国佛教界人士的友好交往,做了大量的工作。在过去的四十年里,佛教界人士同信仰其他宗教的公民和不信仰宗教的公民同呼吸共命运,为祖国的繁荣富强作出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   
重建权利和义务的平衡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以往我们过多地强调权利而忽视义务的教育使一些人错误地认为人们只有权利而不必尽义务。第二次世界大战后第二代人的一个代言人曾经提出一种新的、来自责任方面的自由,这种自由是指,人  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to examine the contribution of sensory information to asymmetries in manual aiming. Movements were performed in four vision conditions. In the full-vision condition (FV), subjects were afforded vision of both the hand and the target throughout the course of the movement. In the ambient-illumination-off condition (AO), the room lights were extinguished at movement initiation, preventing vision of the moving limb. In the target-off (TO) condition, the target was extinguished upon initiation of the movement. In a no-vision (NV) condition, ambient illumination was removed and the target was extinguished upon initiation of the response movement. Results indicated that accuracy was superior in the full-vision and target-off conditions and when movements were made by the right hand. Movements made by the right hand were also of shorter mean duration. The magnitudes of performance asymmetries were uninfluenced by vision condition. Analyses of movement kinematics revealed that movements made in conditions in which there was vision of the limb exhibited a greater number of discrete modifications of the movement trajectory. On an individual-trial basis, no relationship existed between accuracy and the occurrence of discrete modifications. These data suggest that although vision greatly enhances accuracy, discrete modifications subserved by vision reflect the imposition of nonfunctional zero-order control processes upon continuous higher-order control regimes.  相似文献   
A widespread view in cognition is that once acquired through extensive practice, mental skills such as reading are automatic. Lexical and semantic analyses of single words are said to be uncontrollable in the sense that they cannot be prevented. Over the past 60 years, apparently convincing support for this assumption has come from hundreds of experiments in which skilled readers have processed an irrelevant word in the Stroop task despite explicit instructions not to, even when so doing would hurt color identification performance. This basic effect was replicated in two experiments, which also showed that a considerable amount of semantic processing is locally controlled by elements of the task. For example, simply coloring a single letter instead of the whole word eliminated the Stroop effect. This outcome flies in the face of any automaticity account in which specified processes cannot be prevented from being set in motion, but it is consistent with the venerable idea that mental set is a powerful determinant of performance.  相似文献   
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