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采取内隐联结测验(IAT),测得100名高中生的内隐攻击性,同时结合问卷对其外显攻击性和应对方式进行调查.结果显示:(1)内隐和外显攻击性对消极应对方式均有显著预测效应,但两者与积极应对方式无显著关系;(2)内隐攻击和外显攻击的交互项对应对方式的影响不显著.  相似文献   
随着科学技术的发展及其日益社会化,人们的思维方式、价值观念发生了变化,一些有违科技荣辱观的问题日益凸显。它们不仅败坏学术风气,损害我国科技界声誉,而且阻碍我国科学技术的进步,影响我国科教兴国战略的实施。因此,在当前建设社会主义核心价值体系、弘扬社会主义荣辱观的形势下和过程中,加强社会主义科技荣辱观的研究和建设,既十分紧迫,又非常重要。  相似文献   
德国现象学家舍勒的思想庞杂多变,对于他晚年提出的哲学人类学的意义及在舍勒哲学中的地位,众说纷纭.本文论证其哲学人类学实是舍氏伦理学提出的伦理人格主义的发展和完成.  相似文献   
论“逻辑在先”的哲学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑格尔曾经指出要进入并研究哲学"需要一种特殊的能力和技巧"[1];柏格森更为明确地讲"研究哲学,就在于扭转思想活动的习惯方向."[2]进而言之,这一扭转乃是进人哲学研究的"门槛",只有跨越了这一门槛,才有可能登堂入室.这一门槛就是:从时间在先转向逻辑在先.  相似文献   
The purpose was to examine the different aspects of perfectionism and athletes' burnout. College athletes (N = 320) with mean age of 19.7 yr. (SD = 1.4) completed the Chinese version of the Multiple Perfectionism Scale for Sport and the Eades' Athlete Burnout Inventory. Results indicated that perfectionism could be separated into adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism. Adaptive perfectionism was linked to reduced athletes' burnout while maladaptive perfectionism was associated with athletes' burnout. In addition, significant interaction was found between adaptive perfec tionism and maladaptive perfectionism on athletes' burnout. Results suggest that high maladaptive perfectionism and low adaptive perfectionism corresponds to higher scores on athletes' burnout. Perfectionism should not be treated as an all-or-nothing disposition. The extent of athlete burnout can vary with the interaction effects of the two types of perfectionism. In terms of practical implications in intervention work, coaches and sport psychologists should try to reduce athletes' maladaptive perfectionism and increase adaptive perfectionism.  相似文献   
To develop measures of consumers' self-evaluative motives of Self-verification, Self-enhancement, and Self-improvement within the context of a mall shopping environment, an initial set of 49 items was generated by conducting three focus-group sessions. These items were subsequently converted into shopping-dependent motive statements. 250 undergraduate college students responded on a 7-point scale to each statement as these related to the acquisition of recent personal shopping goods. An exploratory factor analysis yielded five factors, accounting for 57.7% of the variance, three of which corresponded to the Self-verification motive (five items), Self-enhancement motive (three items), and Self-improvement motive (six items). These 14 items, along with 9 reconstructed items, yielded 23 items retained and subjected to additional testing. In a final round of data collection, 169 college students provided data for exploratory factor analysis. 11 items were used in confirmatory factor analysis. Analysis indicated that the 11-item scale adequately captured measures of the three self-evaluative motives. However, further data reduction produced a 9-item scale with marked improvement in statistical fit over the 11-item scale.  相似文献   
医生在进行职业角色扮演的时候容易出现角色的紧张与冲突,其实质是医生所承担的角色内部及其之间利益的紧张与冲突。角色道德问题是当代中国医德发展所面临的一大难题。分析了当代中国医生角色道德病症及其原因,为当代中国医德研究开辟了一条新的路径。  相似文献   
通过对四年来护士发生护理缺陷的种类及主要责任护士的年龄、工作年限,发生的原因及结果进行分析,探索杜绝护理缺陷和医疗纠纷的途径,来不断深入和完善预防措施。对我院2004年~2007年发生的18例护理缺陷进行总结、分析原因,制定整改意见,监督整改结果,以完善防范手段。护士是高风险职业,护理缺陷的发生在各个年龄段,各个工作年限都会因工作的粗心大意而发生,发生的种类也是各不相同的,因此,护理缺陷的发生与护理人员的责任心、工作经验和应变能力息息相关,即使工作经验丰富的护士也会因为一时的细节疏忽而导致护理缺陷的发生。加强缺陷管理和护士安全教育,强化法制观念采取奖惩并用手段,对降低护理缺陷发生有很大作用。  相似文献   
对构建我国艾滋病防治督导与评估预期框架的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据艾滋病防治督导与评估框架具有的功能及构建框架的原则,提出了构建我国艾滋病防治督导与评估预期框架的思路。该预期框架包括总框架和组织管理与协调、指标体系和数据管理三个分框架。通过对构建预期框架的探讨,为制定我国艾滋病防治督导与评估方案提供参考。  相似文献   
林英 《世界宗教研究》2006,90(2):103-112
佛菻国使者在唐代曾7次来到长安,学界一直认为这些使节可能来自拜占庭帝国,或是入华传教的景教僧。但是,唐代社会习惯称景教僧为波斯僧,而不是拂菻僧,大秦景教流行中国碑中还存在着有意回避拂菻一词的线索。此外,《酉阳杂俎》中由拂菻僧记载的拂菻、波斯植物表现出古希腊药典的行文格式。本文分析了7世纪前后拜占庭帝国内部的宗教纷争、阿拉伯帝国崛起后叙利亚的基督教派别面临的情况,以及唐代拂菻贡品的产地,做出如下推测:拂菻僧可能是东迁至中亚的叙利亚迈尔凯特派,他们拥护拜占庭帝国和希腊正教,因此才会自称来自拂菻,即当代的罗马帝国。  相似文献   
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