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本研究以345名教师为研究对象,基于交互作用视角建立框架模型,研究教师社会化前因变量、社会化近端结果和终极结果之间的关系,以揭示教师社会化过程。结果表明:①教师社会化近端结果在组织策略和社会化终极结果之间起部分中介作用,在教师主动策略和社会化终极结果之间起完全中介作用;②同事帮带仅通过促进教师对学校的了解促进教师社会化终极结果;③家长配合一方面直接促进教师工作绩效,另一方面通过角色清晰对社会化终极结果产生积极影响。  相似文献   
高校毕业生择业焦虑问卷的跨地区验证和比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高校毕业生择业焦虑问卷的结构进行必要的修订和跨地区验证。使用修订后的问卷对内蒙古、陕西、山东、广东等四省区7所大学的1458名2007届毕业生进行调查,考察不同地区毕业生择业焦虑状况。结果表明:修订后的问卷具有较好的心理测量学指标和跨地区普遍适用性;不同地区高校毕业生的择业焦虑在4个维度和问卷总分上均存在显著差异。说明问卷的修订是有效的,可用于不同地区毕业生择业焦虑的测量和心理教育效果的评定;地区间的经济、文化、教育水平的差距可能是导致毕业生择业焦虑差异的主要因素。  相似文献   
孔孟思想是典型的德性伦理思想,孔孟德性思想是一个以"仁"为核心,主要包括恭、宽、信、敏、惠和仁、义、礼、智、信等德目的思想体系,其内容广泛,涉及人类社会生活的各个领域,对中国几千年的思想文化产生了深远影响。当今社会,在经济飞速发展、社会生活发生巨大变化的背景下,孔孟德性思想是现代社会融洽人际关系、建立良好社会秩序的思想基础,是提升个体生命质量、应对现代社会挑战的自律武器,是增强民族凝聚力、博大民族情怀的心理根基。  相似文献   
The present study examined the moderating effect of Zhong Yong on the relationship between perceived creativity and innovation behaviour in Chinese companies. A total of 273 paired questionnaires were collected with employee self-rated creativity and Zhong Yong and supervisor-rated innovation behaviour. The results show that for people higher on Zhong Yong, their creativity was not correlated with innovation behaviour; for people less immersed in Zhong Yong, this correlation is significant. This finding provides a new insight into the effects of Zhong Yong on the creativity-innovation behaviour transformation processes. The implications for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   
本研究通过两个实验,考察笔画省略方式和声旁对形声字识别的影响。实验一采用命名任务考察了声旁和三种笔画省略方式(省前、略后、不省)对左右结构形声字识别的影响。结果表明存在笔画顺序效应和声旁位置效应,并发现略后的笔画中有声旁,笔画顺序效应会消失。这说明声旁的作用抵消了笔画顺序效应,体现了声旁在形声字识别中的重要作用;实验二在实验一的基础上,采用上下结构的形声字,实验结果表现出了相同的趋势,且更加显著。  相似文献   
为考察阅读范文是否能够提高三年级小学生记叙文写作的成绩,在建立低年级小学生记叙文写作评价指标的基础上,选择1篇完整范文并设计8篇不同类型的不完整范文,选取300名三年级小学生为被试进行了实验研究。实验结果表明:(1)阅读完整范文和联结内容式、补充中间式、补充开头式、补充结尾式等不完整范文能够明显提高小学生记叙文写作结构分项的成绩,阅读其他4种类型的不完整范文作用不明显。(2)阅读完整的和8种不完整范文均能明显提高小学生在记叙文写作内容分项的成绩。(3)除了补充开头式、补充中间和结尾式两种不完整范文之外,阅读其他7种范文均能明显提高作文词句分项的成绩。(4)阅读范文对避免写作中出现错别字、错用标点符号和病句无显著作用。  相似文献   
利用ERP技术,考察个体的主动性控制在语言转换线索加工阶段的作用。实验采用线索化的语言转换范式,要求汉–英双语者根据线索使用汉语或英语对图片进行命名,记录线索加工阶段的脑电成分。采用AX连续执行测验(AX-Continuous Performance Test)中AY试次的错误率作为主动性控制参与程度的指标。结果发现,在线索呈现后的200-350 ms和350-500 ms两个时间窗口,转换试次比重复试次诱发了更负的N2波幅和晚期负波,而且AY试次的错误率可以显著地预测转换试次的N2和晚期负波的波幅。结果表明,语言转换的线索加工可区分为由主动性控制调节的两个阶段,即“与非目标语言任务图式的分离”和“转入目标语言任务图式”的阶段。本研究为主动性控制参与语言转换过程提供了直接的实验证据。  相似文献   
The main purpose of this study was to validate the short-form of the UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS-8; Hays & DiMatteo, 1987) in Taiwanese undergraduate students. A total of 130 undergraduate students participated in this study. Participants completed the ULS-8 in addition to measures of life satisfaction, social support, and adult attachment style. Result of confirmatory factor analysis supported the one-factor model of the ULS-8 with adequate values of various fit indices, revealing that the 8 items of the scale were homogeneous for measuring loneliness. In addition, the ULS-8 had a negative relationship with life satisfaction, and social support; and a positive one with anxiety and avoidant attachment tendency. All the findings showed that the ULS-8 was an adequate short-form measure of loneliness.  相似文献   
(If an abstract can ever be ‘abstract’?) Buddhism (and, more generally, religion) has never been thought as a question - that is, as a question inseparable from the question of the political. The academic study of Buddhism continues to be dominated by an empiricist, humanist, and even humanitarian project, shackled by modes of knowledge production, within the garrisons of colonialist area studies. No textualizing, anthropologizing, historicizing approach - however, critical it may be - can avoid the trap of humanism. To think the question of religion, one must begin to think it and its heritage as an aporia, an irreducible contradiction. In reading Qadri Ismail's Abiding by Sri Lanka, I argue that reflecting on the aporia of religion - whose legacy is not a ‘problem’ to be solved, inherited, or abandoned - might well enable us to imagine a notion of the political hitherto unheard of.  相似文献   
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