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《国语》中蕴含了丰富的伦理道德思想。其中"德"字共250见,具有多重内涵,大体上可以从"德性""德行""德政"三个层面对其"德"的内涵加以归类。该书记载了许多典型案例,其不遗余力地表彰和强化"德",主要目的是劝诫统治者推行德政来教化民众。该书还涉及礼、敬、忠、信、仁、义、智、勇等具体德目,通过分析这些具体德目,可以看出当时的"周礼"已经难以约束、规范人们的行为。春秋时期德目繁多,没有出现一个能够统一诸德的德目来规范人们的行为,然《国语》和《左传》的作者亦尝试以"仁""文"二德来统一诸德,这为孔子"仁学"的创立提供了必要的理论基础和方法借鉴。  相似文献   

Inference of variance components in linear mixed modeling (LMM) provides evidence of heterogeneity between individuals or clusters. When only nonnegative variances are allowed, there is a boundary (i.e., 0) in the variances’ parameter space, and regular inference statistical procedures for such a parameter could be problematic. The goal of this article is to introduce a practically feasible permutation method to make inferences about variance components while considering the boundary issue in LMM. The permutation tests with different settings (i.e., constrained vs. unconstrained estimation, specific vs. generalized test, different ways of calculating p values, and different ways of permutation) were examined with both normal data and non-normal data. In addition, the permutation tests were compared to likelihood ratio (LR) tests with a mixture of chi-squared distributions as the reference distribution. We found that the unconstrained permutation test with the one-sided p-value approach performed better than the other permutation tests and is a useful alternative when the LR tests are not applicable. An R function is provided to facilitate the implementation of the permutation tests, and a real data example is used to illustrate the application. We hope our results will help researchers choose appropriate tests when testing variance components in LMM.  相似文献   
清中叶来华意大利传教士马国贤在华传教14载,深谙天主教在华传播之现状与困境,长期致力于在中、意培养中国本土化传教士。其自华返回意大利后,在其故乡那不勒斯创办中国学院,招收中国学生以培养中国本土传教士。本文拟以传教士本土化培养为视角,着重探讨马国贤创办中国学院之动因、经过与影响。  相似文献   
引言追求和谐完美,不只是现代人的理想,古人也同此心;不只是中国人的愿望,外国人也同此愿。早在公元前4世纪古希腊哲学家柏拉图就作有《理想国》,16世纪英国莫尔著《乌托邦》,18世纪英国欧文发起合作社运动,还有德国音乐家贝多芬和诗人席勒的《欢乐颂》……人们总是在憧憬一个理想的世界。  相似文献   
This study explores the use of the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), a neuro-fuzzy approach, to analyze the log data of technology-based assessments to extract relevant features of student problem-solving processes, and develop and refine a set of fuzzy logic rules that could be used to interpret student performance. The log data that record student response processes while solving a science simulation task were analyzed with ANFIS. Results indicate the ANFIS analysis could generate and refine a set of fuzzy rules that shed lights on the process of how students solve the simulation task. We conclude the article by discussing the advantages of combining human judgments with the learning capacity of ANFIS for log data analysis and outlining the limitations of the current study and areas of future research.  相似文献   
费希特耶拿时期的哲学是从自我的本原行动出发的,主体的绝对能动性是知识学用以说明一切知识的依据,由此确立的最高原则是人的自由原则。然而,费希特对人的主体能动性(尤其是在道德实践领域)的高扬是从"脱离了自然的精神"片面地出发的。在这一时期费希特的思想中,一切存在、客体都不过是意识的对象而由人的认识能力加以规定。费希特哲学思想的致命弱点也恰恰就在于此。在"无神论事件"及外界的批评下,费希特开始反思知识学的基础或本原,进一步探寻自我或本原行动的实在性的根据。这就导致了费希特哲学向宗教的回归。这在当时对德国哲学及宗教的发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

To help with the fragile nature of cohabiting parents' relationship, more understanding about their interpersonal experiences is needed to identify factors that matters for their relationship stability. We examined how cohabiting parents' perceived coparenting support from their partner was associated with their later relationship status (married/cohabiting/not together). Further, we examined the possible moderating effect of perceived coparenting support on the association between marriage plans and later relationship status. Results suggested that the associations between fathers' plans and couples' marriage entrance as well as continued cohabitation were dependent upon fathers' perceived coparenting support from mothers. Clinical and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Insomnia disorders affect up to 10% of adults and are associated with other health problems and poor quality of life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is an effective treatment; however, its effectiveness is hindered by poor attendance and adherence to treatment recommendations. The present study sought to identify predictors of attendance and adherence in CBT-I. Participants were 108 adults with insomnia disorder. Participants were primarily female (71.3%), middle aged (mean age = 50.5), and Caucasian (92.6%). Demographic variables, physical health problems, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression-Revised scale, and Insomnia Severity Index were used to predict attending three or more sessions and adherence to consistent bedtime and waketime. Higher age was associated with better attendance and less deviation in bed and wake times. Anxiety and depression symptoms were associated with less attendance, and depression was also associated with more deviation in waketimes. To promote better attendance and adherence in treatment, depression or anxiety symptoms should be addressed before or during CBT-I. Identifying and tailoring CBT-I treatments toward the needs of different age groups may also improve attendance and adherence.  相似文献   
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