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为了克服网络虚拟性的影响,网络商铺往往通过提升网站临场感以弥补购物体验不足的问题。那么,网站临场感是否会对女性消费者这一细分群体产生影响呢?本研究从网站临场感的视角出发,以女大学生为研究对象、服装网站为实验材料,采用实验法研究了网站临场感对女性网络购买意愿的影响及其发生机制。研究发现:网站临场感对女性网络购买意愿具有显著的正向影响;网站临场感可以通过风险感知和沉醉感的中介作用对女性网络购买意愿产生影响,且该中介作用包含了三条路径,即风险感知的中介作用、沉醉感的中介作用以及风险感知和沉醉感的链式中介作用。  相似文献   
Personality dimension extraversion describes individual differences in social behaviour and socio‐emotional functioning. The intrinsic functional connectivity patterns of the brain are reportedly associated with extraversion. However, whether or not extraversion is associated with functional hubs warrants clarification. Functional hubs are involved in the rapid integration of neural processing, and their dysfunction contributes to the development of neuropsychiatric disorders. In this study, we employed the functional connectivity density (FCD) method for the first time to distinguish the energy‐efficient hubs associated with extraversion. The resting‐state functional magnetic resonance imaging data of 71 healthy subjects were used in the analysis. Short‐range FCD was positively correlated with extraversion in the left cuneus, revealing a link between the local functional activity of this region and extraversion in risk‐taking. Long‐range FCD was negatively correlated with extraversion in the right superior frontal gyrus and the inferior frontal gyrus. Seed‐based resting‐state functional connectivity (RSFC) analyses revealed that a decreased long‐range FCD in individuals with high extraversion scores showed a low long‐range functional connectivity pattern between the medial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, middle temporal gyrus, and anterior cingulate cortex. This result suggests that decreased RSFC patterns are responsible for self‐esteem, self‐evaluation, and inhibitory behaviour system that account for the modulation and shaping of extraversion. Overall, our results emphasize specific brain hubs, and reveal long‐range functional connections in relation to extraversion, thereby providing a neurobiological basis of extraversion.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to reveal the most critical underlying factor influencing the mechanical properties of metal matrix composites (MMCs). It is shown that the mechanical properties of MMCs are essentially governed by the degree of strain localisation during plastic deformation. In other words, the MMCs exhibit superior mechanical performance only if the strain localisation is obviously inhibited and the accumulated stresses can be effectively transferred out. The work provides a new perspective in guiding the design of next-generation high-performance MMCs by suppressing the strain localisation as far as possible.  相似文献   
检验了内部人身份感知(PIS)和基于组织的自尊(OBSE)在组织支持感(POS)对组织认同的影响过程中的角色和地位。采用多样本结构方程建模的方法,通过对中国2家企业的员工的问卷调查所获取的452份有效数据进行分析,结果表明:(1)POS对PIS和OBSE有直接的显著影响;(2)同时借助于PIS和OBSE的中介作用对组织认同产生间接的影响。  相似文献   
交通事故是目前导致创伤后应激障碍(posttraumatic stress disorder,PTSD)的主要原因之一,PTSD常常伴发其他精神障碍如焦虑、抑郁等,即使事故过去很长一段时间以后,症状仍然可能残留或复发,容易迁延形成慢性病程,给患者家庭及社会带来沉重的经济负担。本文综述了交通事故所致PTSD的流行病学、临床症状及影响因素、认知功能损伤、对患者生活质量的影响及对未来研究方向展望。  相似文献   
弗洛伊德关于家庭和心理性别发展的论述给神经性厌食症的理解、分析与治疗带来了新的关注焦点,在其之后的学者将他的思想进一步继承和发展,创造出了以家庭为关注对象的且在当代得到广泛应用的系统家庭疗法,并将该疗法应用到了神经性厌食症的诊断与治疗中,取得了开创性的成果.  相似文献   
加入WTO以后,中国市场进一步开放,这对我国中医药产业带来巨大冲击.在此背景下,加强中医药知识产权保护战略,是解决问题的关键.我国中医药企业应当实施以专利权、商标权和商业秘密保护为主要内容的知识产权战略.  相似文献   
王玄览道教重玄美学思想简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在道教美学思想的范畴里,“道”(有时又称为“玄”“一”)是其本体论的核心判断。“道”是一切美的根源与归宿,是修道之人获得宗教化审美体验的源泉。早期道教著名学者葛洪在其所著《抱朴子》中开宗明义地说:“玄者,自然之始祖,而万殊之大宗也,妙昧乎其深也,故能微焉;绵邈乎其远也,故能妙焉。”妙者,美也;玄即妙即玄即美。在道教哲学里,如何说明作为世界本原的“道”即是内在于万事万物中的本体之“道”,一直是一大难题。这个问题在美学上同样不能避免。作为美的本原的道与作为美的本体之道如何即二即一,即沟通美的本原与美的本体,使作为最…  相似文献   
Measuring the personality of Chinese: QZPS versus NEO PI-R   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The response patterns of Chinese subjects to the items and facets of NEO Personality Inventory Revised (NEO PI-R) were investigated. The Big Five-factor structure underlying this instrument was not found, while a seven-factor structure, more recently proposed to represent the Chinese personality, emerged. A cross-cultural strategy was adopted to analyze these results and mechanisms through which culture influences personality, behavioral categories and specific behaviors were proposed. The results showed that the Big Seven model of Chinese personality was stable and Western personality questionnaires could not accurately measure the personality characteristics of the Chinese.  相似文献   
雷恩海  李天保 《学海》2005,(2):179-186
唐代是中国散文发展过程中的重要时期。2 0世纪的唐文研究,走过了百年艰难探索的漫长历程,有着明显的发展阶段,唐文研究也取得了令人注目的成就,但与唐诗研究相比较、与唐文的丰厚遗存相比较,仍然是唐代文学研究中的一个弱点,存在着许多问题。本文对百年唐文研究作一简要回顾与反思,按其发展阶段进行分析总结,并探讨造成唐文研究滞后的原因,以期有助于唐文研究的进一步深化  相似文献   
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