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In a representative study German migrants within Germany were assigned to two different groups depending on their answers to the following two questions (?Where did you mainly grow up – Eastern Germany or Western Germany?“ and ?Where do you live now?“). The migrants (54 West-East and 68 East-West migrants) were compared with non-migrants (1,136 Western and 294 Eastern Germans) concerning different variables of their psychic condition. Migrants suffered from higher stress, less bodily well-being and more somatic symptoms than non-migrants. Probands migrating from Western to Eastern Germany reported the lowest levels of quality of life.  相似文献   
Taking up the question of the permeability of boundaries between early Eastern Christian and Islamic communities and their literatures, this article studies the Coptic and Copto-Arabic trajectory of the transmission and reception history of the Protoevangelium of James, a text which offers remarkable parallels to presentations of Mary and Jesus in the Qur'an. Being a second-century Christian apocryphal work, the Protoevangelium tells of Mary's infancy and youth and ends shortly after the birth of Christ. The article proceeds from Émile de Strycker's claim of the Protoevangelium's Egyptian provenance through an examination of Egyptian Christian traditions concerning it, covering Coptic and Copto-Arabic literature up to and including the History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria. Ongoing research on Christian women in Copto-Arabic sources points to traces of the usage of the Protoevangelium of James in the early stages of redaction of the History of the Patriarchs of the Coptic Church of Alexandria. Coptic and Copto-Arabic art also provides a number of pictorial representations of passages in the Protoevangelium. Finally, the transmission history of the Coptic and Arabic versions of the Protoevangelium rounds out the picture of the reception history of this text in Christian Egypt into later medieval times. The article contributes towards a systematic study of the spread of the Protoevangelium of James tradition in the late antique and Byzantine Christian East and also towards a better understanding of the oral, written, and visual milieu in which the Qur'an and early Islamic exegetical traditions encountered apocryphal motifs derived from the Protoevangelium of James.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality traits, tobacco consumption, physical inactivity, obesity markers and metabolic components as cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs). A total of 2543 participants from the general population (CoLaus|PsyCoLaus) had provided complete information on physical health and unhealthy behaviors and completed the Revised NEO Five-Factor Inventory. Our results show a strong cross-correlation between obesity markers and metabolic components suggesting that their combination could represent an important CVRF. Moreover, socio-demographic characteristics, tobacco consumption, and physical inactivity were associated with both obesity markers and metabolic components latent traits. The conscientiousness personality trait was significantly associated with obesity markers, but played a modest role. Indeed, higher conscientiousness was associated with lower level of obesity indicators. However, no link between personality and metabolic components were found. In sum, our data suggest that health related behaviours have more effect on the development of cardiovascular diseases than personality traits.  相似文献   
Staying vigorous throughout the day is important for work‐related behaviour, subjective well‐being, and for effective functioning in the family domain. This study examined trait vigour (i.e. a person's general level of vigour), day‐specific workload (time pressure, work hours), and recovery resulting from unwinding during leisure time as predictors of day‐specific vigour as experienced at the end of the working day. Seventy‐five individuals from service and public administration organizations completed one general survey and daily surveys two times per day for five working days. Trait vigour, demographic variables and control variables (e.g. job control, home workload) were assessed in the general survey. Day‐specific level of vigour, day‐specific workload, and day‐specific recovery were measured in the daily survey. Analyses following a hierarchical linear modelling approach showed that trait vigour, day‐specific workload and recovery accumulated during the preceding evenings predicted an individual's level of vigour at the end of the working day, after controlling for a range of other variables (gender, age, job control, and home workload). Trait vigour and accumulated recovery experiences interacted significantly to predict vigour at the end of the working day, indicating that individuals high on trait vigour benefit most from recovery experienced over the course of several days.  相似文献   
Do capuchin monkeys use weight to select hammer tools?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The extent to which tool-using animals take into account the properties of the tool is little explored. The use of percussors to crack open encapsulated fruit is a complex form of tool use, the choice of an adequate tool being a critical aspect in success. Several properties (e.g., material, resistance, friability, shape and weight) affect the suitability of an object to open a hard-shelled nut, with weight being amongst the most important factors. In general, heavier tools require fewer strikes to crack open a nut.  相似文献   
To investigate the process of habit formation in everyday life, 96 volunteers chose an eating, drinking or activity behaviour to carry out daily in the same context (for example ‘after breakfast’) for 12 weeks. They completed the self‐report habit index (SRHI) each day and recorded whether they carried out the behaviour. The majority (82) of participants provided sufficient data for analysis, and increases in automaticity (calculated with a sub‐set of SRHI items) were examined over the study period. Nonlinear regressions fitted an asymptotic curve to each individual's automaticity scores over the 84 days. The model fitted for 62 individuals, of whom 39 showed a good fit. Performing the behaviour more consistently was associated with better model fit. The time it took participants to reach 95% of their asymptote of automaticity ranged from 18 to 254 days; indicating considerable variation in how long it takes people to reach their limit of automaticity and highlighting that it can take a very long time. Missing one opportunity to perform the behaviour did not materially affect the habit formation process. With repetition of a behaviour in a consistent context, automaticity increases following an asymptotic curve which can be modelled at the individual level. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In most of their work settings, the health and well-being of hospital physicians are at risk. Trends of work intensification and changing laws in the European Union and beyond have heightened the call for taking a closer look at the workplace and training conditions of hospital physicians. This study aims to identify specific work characteristics (such as autonomy, social support, cognitive demands, and skill adequacy), in order to determine conditions for the applicability of individual character strengths at work and in turn for increased work engagement and well-being. We examined our hypotheses based on cross-sectional (N = 173) and longitudinal self-report data (N = 72) of hospital physicians in Austria. The results identified significant indirect effects of skill adequacy, cognitive demands, autonomy, and social support at work – via the applicability of individual character strengths at work – on work engagement and general well-being. Longitudinal analyses additionally confirmed autonomy as a thriving work characteristic for promoting the applicability of individual character strengths over time (time lag: 6 months). This study revealed the value of enabling and preserving the applicability of character strengths in a hospital work setting and focused – for the first time – on its predicting work characteristics. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of securing skill adequacy early in the training of young physicians and encouraging, as well as, sustaining autonomy in their daily work life.

Summary. Knowledge acquisition in collaborative problem solving is mainly realized by two activities: (1) when participants mutually impart their knowledge and (2) when they elaborate their knowledge together. Both activities are favoured by differences in the participants' prior knowledge. To support this thesis, an experimental study and a cognitive simulation are described. In the study, pairs of students were systematically taught complementary knowledge about qualitative resp. quantitative aspects of classical mechanics. During the subsequent collaborative problem solving the students successfully exchanged information about their complementary knowledge. Students who had been taught knowledge about qualitative aspects of physics gained more from their partners than students who had been taught knowledge about quantitative aspects. A cognitive model simulates problem solving and learning under the conditions set up in the study. In a simulation study based on the cognitive model it was possible to reconstruct the main results of the experimental study. Finally, the role of dialogue analysis and external representations are discussed and conclusions for the design of computer systems supporting collaborative problem solving are drawn. Zusammenfassung. Wissenserwerb bei der Kooperation vollzieht sich vor allem durch zwei Aktivitäten: (1) gegenseitige Wissensvermittlung und (2) gemeinsame Elaboration des Wissens. Für beides ist unterschiedliches Vorwissen der Beteiligten eine günstige Voraussetzung. Um diese These zu unterstützen, wird im vorliegenden Artikel eine experimentelle Studie dargestellt, in der Paaren von Schülerinnen systematisch komplementäres Vorwissen über qualitative bzw. quantitative Aspekte der klassischen Mechanik vermittelt wurde. Beim anschließenden kooperativen Problemlösen vermittelten die Schülerinnen sich gegenseitig erfolgreich Teile ihres Wissens. Schülerinnen, die zuvor Wissen über qualitative Aspekte der Physik erworben hatten, lernten dabei mehr von ihren Partnerinnen als Schülerinnen, die zuvor Wissen über quantitative Aspekte erworben hatten. Ein nachfolgend implementiertes kognitives Modell simuliert kooperatives Lernen und Problemlösen unter den Bedingungen der Studie und ist in der Lage, die zentralen Befunde der Studie zu rekonstruieren. In der Diskussion wird auf die Rolle des Dialogverhaltens und der Nutzung externer Repräsentationen für das kooperative Lernen und Problemlösen eingegangen. Abschließend werden Schlußfolgerungen für die Gestaltung von Computersystemen zur Unterstützung kooperativen Lernens und Problemlösens gezogen.  相似文献   
Summary. Desktop video conferencing enables learners to cooperate while being spatially apart, and to communicate synchronously while working on a collaborative task. Yet, little is known about both the collaborative knowledge construction in these technological settings and the adequate methods of supporting this activity. Therefore, we conducted an empirical study with the following research questions: (1) To what extent does the mode of dyadic collaboration (net-based vs. face-to-face) and the kind of structural support (content-specific vs. content-unspecific) influence the collaborative knowledge construction? (2) To what extent do these factors influence both the individual learning outcomes and the dyadic divergence of learning partners' individual outcomes? Analyzing mean values of collaborative knowledge construction and learning outcome variables, we did not find differences between face-to-face and videoconferencing groups. However, the dyadic divergence of learning partners' individual transfer knowledge was influenced by the learning conditions. The results of this exploratory study are discussed in their relevance for future research on cooperative learning and videoconferencing. Zusammenfassung. Videokonferenzsysteme ermöglichen es, dass sich Lernpartner an verschiedenen Orten aufhalten und bei der Bearbeitung einer gemeinsamen Aufgabe zeitgleich über eine audiovisuelle Verbindung miteinander kommunizieren. Bislang ist kaum untersucht, wie Lernende in videokonferenzbasierten Lernumgebungen gemeinsam Wissen konstruieren und welche Formen instruktionaler Unterstützung dafür angemessen sind. In einer empirischen Untersuchung sind wir deshalb u. a. folgenden Fragestellungen nachgegangen: (1) Inwieweit beeinflussen der Kooperationsmodus (Netz vs. Face-to-face) und die Art des Struktu (inhaltsspezifisch vs. inhaltsunspezifisch) die gemeinsame Wissenskonstruktion? (2) Inwieweit beeinflussen der Kooperationsmodus (Netz vs. Face-to-face) und die Art des Strukturangebots (inhaltsspezifisch vs. inhaltsunspezifisch) den individuellen Lernerfolg und die Divergenz des individuellen Lernerfolgs zwischen den Lernpartnern? Im Mittel fanden sich weder Unterschiede im Hinblick auf die Merkmale der gemeinsamen Wissenskonstruktion noch hinsichtlich des individuellen Lernerfolgs zwischen Face-to-face- und Videokonferenz-Bedingungen. Es zeigte sich jedoch, dass sich die Divergenz des Lernerfolges in den verschiedenen Treatmentgruppen unterschied: Lernende, die in der Videokonferenz-Bedingung in derselben Dyade zusammengearbeitet hatten und dabei von dem inhaltsunspezifischen Strukturangebot unterstützt worden waren, waren sich im Lernerfolg weitaus ähnlicher als Lernende derselben Dyaden in den anderen experimentellen Gruppen. Die Befunde dieser explorativen Studie werden in ihrer Bedeutung für weitere Studien des Lernens mit Videokonferenzen und des kooperativen Lernens diskutiert.  相似文献   
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