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In this study, we focus on mental speed and divergent thinking, examining their relationship and the influence of task speededness. Participants (= 109) completed a set of processing speed tasks and a test battery measuring divergent thinking. We used two speeded divergent-thinking tasks of 2 minutes and two unspeeded tasks of 8 minutes to test the influence of task speededness on creative quality and their relation to mental speed. Before each task, participants were instructed to be creative in order to optimally measure creative quality. We found a large main effect of task speededness: less creative ideas were generated when tasks were speeded as compared to unspeeded (Cohen's d = −1.64). We could also replicate a positive relationship of mental speed with speeded divergent thinking (= .21) and mental speed with unspeeded divergent thinking (= .25). Our hypothesis that the relation is higher for the speeded divergent-thinking tasks was not confirmed. Importantly, variation in creative quality scores under speeded conditions was not explained by mental speed beyond the predictive power of unspeeded creative quality. The latter finding implies that measurement of creative quality under speeded conditions is not confounded by mental speed.  相似文献   
Recent research on mental contamination (internal, psychological feelings of dirtiness) has focused primarily on examining the experimental variables necessary to provoke contamination-related thoughts, feelings and behaviour; yet, relatively little is known regarding the individual differences among participants' mental contamination responses to these situational and experimental characteristics. The purpose of this study was to determine whether variables associated with symptoms, beliefs and appraisals could predict the experience of mental contamination after an established provocation. Female undergraduate students (n = 70 from Part I of this study; Elliott & Radomsky, 2009), completed a series of questionnaires then listened to an audio recording and imagined that they were receiving a forced, non-consensual kiss from a man described as moral or immoral. Participants indicated the presence and degree of mental contamination and appraisals of the man and act, then completed a behavioural task for which spontaneous washing was recorded. Results indicated that, although symptoms of physical contamination were able to predict feelings of mental contamination, appraisal variables emerged as unique predictors of feelings of mental contamination. Results are discussed in terms of cognitive-behavioural conceptualizations of and treatments for contamination fears.  相似文献   
Time is grounded in various ways, and previous studies point to a “mental time line” with past associated with the left, and future with the right side. In this study, we investigated whether spontaneous eye movements on a blank screen would follow a mental timeline during encoding, free recall, and recognition of past and future items. In all three stages of processing, gaze position was more rightward during future items compared to past items. Moreover, horizontal gaze position during encoding predicted horizontal gaze position during free recall and recognition. We conclude that mental time line and the stored gaze position during encoding assist memory retrieval of past versus future items. Our findings highlight the spatial nature of temporal representations.  相似文献   
We examined the influence of age, gender, Black vs. White ethnicity, and education on five indices of personality stability and change across an average interval of 8 years in the East Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area study. In the full sample (n = 505, aged 30–88), examination of structural, rank-order, ipsative, and mean level stability, as well as indices of reliable change suggested that NEO-PI-R personality traits showed moderate to high levels of stability over time. There were few age and gender effects on temporal stability but rank-order, ipsative, and mean level stability were lower among Blacks and individuals with lower education. Future research should explore additional demographic predictors of temporal plasticity in a diverse range of samples, and employ observer ratings to assess personality.  相似文献   
This study investigates the comprehension of a dosage according to the desired aim before reading. The results of the two experiments carried out indicate that only the cognitive activities underlying the performance of the instructions (versus comprehension/memorisation) require the transformation of the declarative representation into a procedural one. The inferences generated attest a result/procedure relation and a hierarchical organisation of the planification of actions brought into play. Moreover, information which is directly goal‐related receives more extensive treatment than other information.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bereits 1681 beklagte sich ein englischer Arzt in einem Brief über Patienten, die ohne jedes Ma? jene lieben, die sie alsbald ohne jeden Grund hassen würden. Weiterhin seien pl?tzliche Ausbrüche von Wut, Schmerz, Angst oder ?hnlichen Emotionen zu beobachten. Mit dieser frühen Beschreibung typischer Borderline-Symptome wird die Darstellung der Entwicklung der Theorie der Borderline-St?rung von den Anf?ngen bis heute eingeleitet. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden der Stand der Diagnostik und die derzeit wichtigen Behandlungskonzepte umrissen, und zwar die psychodynamischen, verhaltenstherapeutischen und klientenzentrierten Ans?tze. Es wird dargelegt, welche Antworten es auf die Frage gibt, was das angemessene therapeutische Setting ist, insbesondere mit Blick auf station?re Behandlungskonzepte. Die vorliegenden empirischen Studien best?tigen die Wirksamkeit von Psychotherapie bei Borderline-St?rungen. Die geringe Zahl der Studien belegt aber auch die Schwierigkeit der empirischen Forschung in diesem Bereich. Der abschlie?ende Ausblick in die Zukunft der Psychotherapie der Borderline-Pers?nlichkeitsst?rungen prognostiziert eine weitere Zunahme von Pers?nlichkeitsst?rungen im Spektrum psychiatrischer Erkrankungen und eine zunehmende Differenzierung des Behandlungsangebots bzw. Spezialisierung der Behandler.   相似文献   
This study examined how emerging adults' perpetration of aggression toward a sibling closest in age was longitudinally associated with their sibling relationship quality. Emerging adults (N = 143; Mage = 19.62; 70% female) completed surveys online or by mail at two time points, 4 years apart. Of emerging adults, 25% perpetrated aggression against their closest‐in‐age sibling. Perpetration of sibling aggression was predictive 4 years later of less sibling warmth, involvement, and emotional help. None of the interactions with gender and sibling gender was significant. This study's findings demonstrate the importance of examining the consequences of perpetration of aggressive behavior toward a sibling for sibling relationship quality in emerging adulthood.  相似文献   
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