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This essay addresses the problem of communication between Christianity and the secular world in an area where the latter tends to oppose the moral norms endorsed by the former. How, in the interest of missionary outreach (and with which understandings of what such outreach involves) can the language barriers be bridged? Whereas the Roman Catholic natural law tradition posits a neutral common ground of (traditional or hermeneutical) rationality between Christianity and the world, an Ebeling- and Barth-modified Lutheranism engages in an argument ad hominem by seizing upon an admitted deficiency within that world, and by recommending Christianity for mending that deficiency. Both positions differ from the Evangelical claim that since that which the world politically values is derived from Christianity, it must remain subject to Christianity's moral legislation. An entirely different approach to the communication- and outreach-problem is taken by Orthodox Christianity: The gulf which separates it from the world is acknowledged, and the possibility of trans-gulf-traffic is referred to God's grace. It is only this latter model, however, which preserves Christianity's theological terms (such as "Scripture", "law", and "holiness") from common-ground-securing, deficiency-mending, or authority-imposing secularizing, and thus from compromising that very theological context into which communicative outreach endeavors were to invite.  相似文献   
Hospital chaplaincy, in its exposure to clients, colleagues,and care-takers from different faith backgrounds, can be understoodin either generic or catholic terms. The first understanding,often merely implicit in denominationalist approaches, assumesthat some "Absolute" can be prayerfully invoked through themedium of diverse rituals, confessions, and symbols. This positioncombines the advantage of unprejudiced acceptance of other creedsand traditions with the disadvantage of lacking resources fordiscriminating among the spiritualities that may be operativewithin those other creeds and traditions. Catholicism, in linkingtrue spirituality with the one true church as the mystical bodyof the Tri-une God, secures such a criterion but fails to satisfythe tolerance-of-acknowledgement in the secular sense, whichis canonical in contemporary ecumenism. The Orthodox understandingof Catholicism is portrayed as imposing a non-judgemental humilityand repentance which provides a solution to that spiritual-humandilemma of inter-faith cooperation in the hospital.  相似文献   
Patristic teaching about sin and disease allows supplementing well-acknowledged conditions for a Christian medicine with further personal challenges, widely disregarded in Western Christianities. A proper appreciation of man's vocation toward (not just achieving forgiveness but) deification reveals the need to cooperate with the Holy Spirit's offer of grace toward restoring man's pre-fallen nature. Ascetical exercises designed at re-establishing the spirit's mastery over the soul distance persons from (even supposedly harmless) passion. They thus inspire the struggle towards emulating Christ's (self-crucifying) kenotic love, and to accept even secularly "undeserved" suffering as spiritually deserved in view of his (forever) lacking fervor in that struggle. Only in the spirit of that love can the evil Adam's sin brought into this world work its therapeutic impact, the eschatological purpose of which explains God's lovingly permitting that evil. This therapeutic impact is physically manifested already in this life through the transforming energies granted the saints of the church.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of decision-making teams depends largely on the quality of information processing. Prior research has shown that guided team reflexivity and team feedback are important means of advancing team information processing and outcomes. However, the nature of the relationships, and how these relate to team regulatory processes, cognitive emergent states, and ultimately team performance, is currently poorly understood. Drawing on reflexivity and team information-processing theory, we proposed and found that teams that received guided team reflexivity or a combination of both guided reflexivity and feedback showed higher levels of actual reflection than teams that received neither a reflexivity intervention nor feedback. Conditional process analysis showed that the effects of team reflection on team performance improvement were mediated by a path from shared team mental models to shared task mental models and to adaptation. Finally, we also expected that team reflection would be lower in virtual teams than in face-to-face teams. These hypotheses were tested experimentally among 98 student teams that communicated either face-to-face or virtual (via chat) while completing a collective decision-making task. The information distribution among team members constituted a hidden profile. The results supported all our hypotheses, except for the one relating to virtuality.  相似文献   
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease with the cardinal symptoms bradykinesia, rigidity and tremor. In 1817, James Parkinson already described in his "Essay on the Shaking Palsy" in addition to the motor symptoms also autonomic, cognitive and behavioral disturbances (Parkinson, An essay on the shaking palsy. Sherwood, Nealy and Jones, London, 1817). Their impact on quality of life has been underestimated until more recent times. Dopamine dysregulation syndrome is an iatrogenic disturbance, characterized by an addictive pattern of dopamine replacement therapy use. Despite good control of motor symptoms, patients often increase doses of dopamine replacement therapy in excess of those normally required. Consequently these behavioral disorders may also result in social and professional problems.  相似文献   

When immersive virtual reality users employ digital self-representations, i.e., avatars, they may be subject to the Proteus effect. This effect describes changes in attitudes and behaviors in accordance with identity cues derived from the employed avatar’s appearance, which can persist after leaving virtual reality. Individual reactions to the experience can affect the strength of observed Proteus effects. Especially the experienced illusions of body ownership of avatars and of being in the virtual environment (spatial presence) have been discussed in this context. This study investigated a Proteus effect of avatar age on post-embodiment walking speed, with special focus on how body ownership and spatial presence moderated this effect. Participants who had previously embodied older avatars took significantly longer to walk a set distance than either young avatar or control group participants. This was only apparent during the first half of the walking phase, which may indicate fast decay rates of the effect after embodiment ended. The reported body ownership could not be shown to impact the strength of the Proteus effect. Participants reporting more pronounced spatial presence were subject to stronger Proteus effects, with only the two-thirds of the sample with higher spatial presence showing evidence of the effect.  相似文献   
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