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We investigated whether moral violations involving harm selectively elicit anger, whereas purity violations selectively elicit disgust, as predicted by the Moral Foundations Theory (MFT). We analysed participants’ spontaneous facial expressions as they listened to scenarios depicting moral violations of harm and purity. As predicted by MFT, anger reactions were elicited more frequently by harmful than by impure actions. However, violations of purity elicited more smiling reactions and expressions of anger than of disgust. This effect was found both in a classic set of scenarios and in a new set in which the different kinds of violations were matched on weirdness. Overall, these findings are at odds with predictions derived from MFT and provide support for “monist” accounts that posit harm at the basis of all moral violations. However, we found that smiles were differentially linked to purity violations, which leaves open the possibility of distinct moral modules.  相似文献   
This study investigates the relationship between cyber-bullying (CB), cyber-victimization (CV), parenting styles, children’s Internet use and skills, on-line disinhibition, and five perceived specific Internet parenting practices in a sample of 220 Greek elementary students. Bully-victims scored higher in on-line disinhibition, while children of democratic parents in safe Internet use, Internet skills, and parenting communication about Internet use. CB and CV correlated negatively with Internet content parenting practices and autonomy, and positively with on-line disinhibition. CB negatively correlated with behavioral control. Psychological autonomy, warm involvement and on-line disinhibition significantly predicted CB, while psychological autonomy, CV. Prevention and intervention recommendations are provided.  相似文献   
A model of the Stroop phenomenon is proposed which postulates that the classic effect is an additive function of three parameters, that is, dimension selection (decision making about which dimension to respond to), dimension identification (encoding and identification of the relevant dimension), and interference control (filtering out of interference from non-relevant dimensions). The study used stimuli addressed to three symbol systems (verbal, numerical, and figural), two types of stimulus composition (compatible vs. incompatible), and two types of dimension selection (decision needed about the to-be-identified dimension vs. no decision needed). Participants were 9, 11, 13, and 15 years old and they were tested twice. The model was found to hold under all stimulus and presentation conditions. Moreover, it was found that the three parameters are differentially related to age. The implications of the model for general theories of cognition and cognitive development are discussed.  相似文献   
We address the role of the incidental emotion of disgust in the Ultimatum Game. Participants had to choose whether or not to accept a ? offer from a ?0 pot made by another participant; 120 were in a room where a disgusting smell was released and 120 were in a room with no particular smell. Acceptance rates were higher in the room with the disgusting smell. The effect was mainly carried by the male participants who also reported more disgust with the disgusting smell and judged the offer as less unfair than females. We propose a spontaneous discounting explanation. Acceptance rates were higher in the room with the disgusting smell because participants misattributed the disgust induced by the offer to the ambient disgusting smell.  相似文献   
The five-factor inventory (FFI) is a commonly used personality test based on the NEO-personality inventory revised. It has been translated into several languages and validated in a number of countries. Using a sample of 1204 individuals, the present study evaluates the psychometric properties and factor structure of the Greek FFI and provides normative information for its use with Greek populations. Convergent validity is also assessed by studying the relationship between the five scales of the FFI and the Brief Symptom Inventory. Results show that although the factor scales had acceptable internal consistency, they were highly intercorrelated. Exploratory factor analyses failed to reproduce the appropriate factor structure, yielding instead numerous fragments of the five dimensions. Confirmatory factor analyses also failed to lend support to the five factor model of personality as measured by this instrument. Based on these results, the use of the instrument is recommended only with serious caution in this cultural context. Further research ought to decipher whether the failures to reproduce the five factor model using the FFI in this and other cultures represents a challenge to the universality of the theory, or merely a shortcoming of the specific instrument.  相似文献   
我们人类当前的生活方式不是可持续的。提升可持续性的途径之一是发展更绿色的科学技术, 另一种补充性途径是改变人们的态度、习惯和行为。在本文中, 我们讨论了6种心理技术, 其宗旨是推动或助推(nudge)人们做出更环保的选择和行为。这些心理技术涵盖范围非常广泛, 有些可以远程使用, 如在通知公告中建构沟通信息, 有些则涉及对人们的决策情境做出的改变。因此, 本综述关乎到各行业从业人员, 如市场营销人员、政策制定者、消费者代表等。对于每项心理技术, 我们讨论了其认知和(或)情绪的理论性基础。此外, 我们探讨了目前文献中存在的空白, 并提出了可填补这些空白的未来研究方向。  相似文献   
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences -  相似文献   
The present study examined the relationships between shyness, a number of personal and interpersonal variables (i.e. social skills, self-esteem, attachment style, advanced Theory of Mind skills and peer relations) in a sample of 243 Greek pre-adolescents. Participants completed self-reports of the variables. Results indicated that females scored higher than males in all social skills, as well as on shyness. Males, on the other hand, reported more peer relations. Securely attached children reported more peer relationships and achieved higher scores in theory of mind tasks, than those insecurely attached, whereas the latter had higher scores in shyness. Children who reported few peer relations were more likely to obtain higher scores in shyness. Shyness was predicted by gender (girl), poor peer relations and insecure attachment. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for practice.  相似文献   
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