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知识产权与人权之法哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识产权的属性是知识产权法律制度建立的基石,关于知识产权权属问题的研究,不同的学者从不同的价值角度出发得出不同的结论.知识产权究竟是私权还是人权,抑或两种属性兼备?私权与人权是非此即彼的对立冲突关系,还是内在的协调与统一关系?这一问题,不仅引发了学者们的深入研究,也引起了国际社会的探讨与关注.  相似文献   
根据攻击行为的意图可以将攻击分为主动性攻击和反应性攻击。近年来, 研究者对遗传和环境在主动性攻击和反应性攻击发展中的作用进行了探讨, 并获得了两类攻击具有不同遗传和环境基础的重要发现。既有研究主要采用定量行为遗传学研究的范式考察两类攻击的遗传基础, 未来研究应从确定与两类攻击相关的候选基因、遗传基因与环境的交互作用机制、遗传基因作用于两类攻击的神经生物机制等方面展开。  相似文献   
The present research investigated the moderating role of diversity beliefs with the aim of reconciling inconsistent findings regarding the impact of group boundary permeability on attitudes toward outgroup. In Study 1, all variables were measured with self‐report scales completed by Chinese participants. In Study 2, diversity beliefs were manipulated by randomly assigning Chinese participants to a high or low diversity belief condition. In Study 3, we replicated the moderating model with American participants. Results of all three studies indicated that diversity beliefs moderated the relationship between group boundary permeability and attitudes toward outgroup. Individuals with high diversity beliefs held more positive attitudes toward the outgroup when the group boundary was permeable (vs. impermeable). Conversely, individuals with low diversity beliefs held more negative attitudes toward the outgroup when the group boundary was permeable (vs. impermeable). These findings suggest that when the inflow of the outgroup members is inevitable, attitudes toward the outgroup may be effectively improved by increasing diversity beliefs.  相似文献   
具身理论是继计算隐喻、联结主义之后诠释人类是如何获取知识表征世界这样一个本质性问题的新视角, 指出概念系统的建构对真实身体及其身体活动的体验的依赖, 即具身性。随着认知科学的快速发展, 具身理论已从原始阶段的哲学思辨成为认知心理学、社会认知等领域解释各种现象的一种新的研究范式。文章简要回顾了具身理论的起源及发展, 选取了社会认知心理学中主要的研究对象, 即态度、社会知觉、情绪等, 总结具身理论在这些领域的研究范式及最新研究成果。最后, 文章从实证的角度指出在社会认知领域中以具身理论为框架开展实证研究时值得注意的要点, 并提出此类研究结合其他研究视角(例如, 神经科学, 跨文化心理学)的可能性。  相似文献   
Bilinguals have been shown to be less susceptible to Stroop interference in their first language than monolinguals, though the cause is currently being debated. In two experiments, we explored how cognitive control and word recognition contribute to the Stroop effect by contrasting cognitive control (via a Simon arrow task), word recognition speed (via a Chinese/English word recognition task) and Stroop susceptibility (via a verbal Stroop task) between proficient and non‐proficient Chinese–English bilinguals. Compared to non‐proficient bilinguals, proficient bilinguals showed better cognitive control at inhibiting irrelevant information, and they were slower at recognising Chinese words but quicker at recognising English words. Critically, we also showed that proficient bilinguals showed a smaller Stroop effect than non‐proficient bilinguals in Chinese but a comparable Stroop effect as non‐proficient bilinguals in English. The results cannot be accounted for by cognitive control or word recognition speed alone; instead, they are best accommodated by assuming that cognitive control and word recognition speed jointly determine the Stroop effect. Thus, we conclude that enhanced cognitive control and delayed word recognition combine to reduce Stroop effect in bilinguals as compared to monolinguals.  相似文献   
党的十九届五中全会是中国特色社会主义进入新时代的关键时期召开的一次十分重要的大会,在党和国家发展史、中华民族复兴史上具有里程碑意义。我们要准确把握、全面贯彻全会精神,坚持走中国特色伊斯兰教育发展道路。一、强调宗教院校特色教育的自身定位宗教院校的特色是在一定的办学思想指导下,在长期的办学过程中逐步积累形成的独特性、稳定性和发展性的特征。  相似文献   
The authors tested measurement equivalence of the German Job Satisfaction Survey (GJSS) using structural equation modeling methodology. Employees from 18 countries and areas provided data on 5 job satisfaction facets. The effects of language and culture on measurement equivalence were examined. A cultural distance hypothesis, based on S. H. Schwartz's (1999) theory, was tested with 4 cultural groups: West Europe, English speaking, Latin America, and Far East. Findings indicated the robustness of the GJSS in terms of measurement equivalence across countries. The survey maintained high transportability across countries speaking the same language and countries sharing similar cultural backgrounds. Consistent with Schwartz's model, a cultural distance effect on scale transportability among scales used in maximally dissimilar cultures was detected. Scales used in the West Europe group showed greater equivalence to scales used in the English-speaking and Latin America groups than scales used in the Far East group.  相似文献   
Memory is better when learning events are spaced, as compared with massed (i.e., the spacing effect). Recent theories posit that retrieval of an item’s earlier presentation contributes to the spacing effect, which suggests that individual differences in the ability to retrieve an earlier event may influence the benefit of spaced repetition. The present study examined (1) the difficulty of task demands between repetitions, which should modulate the ability to retrieve the earlier information, and (2) individual differences in working memory in a spaced repetition paradigm. Across two experiments, participants studied a word set twice, each separated by an interval where duration was held constant, and the difficulty of the intervening task was manipulated. After a short retention interval following the second presentation, participants recalled the word set. Those who scored high on working memory measures benefited more from repeated study than did those who scored lower on working memory measures, regardless of task difficulty. Critically, a crossover interaction was observed between working memory and intervening task difficulty: Individuals with low working memory scores benefited more when task difficulty was easy than when it was difficult, but individuals with high working memory scores produced the opposite effect. These results suggest that individual differences in working memory should be considered in optimizing the benefits of repetition learning.  相似文献   
A profusion of recent research on consumer responses to individualized messages points to an enduring interest in the psychology of web-based customization. Across disciplines, the consensus is that highly individualized messages will generate more favorable outcomes than less individualized ones because they match message recipients' need for unique self-identity. We challenge this popular notion by arguing that highly individualized messages will not be as effective in collectivistic cultures that discourage unique self-identity. We test this proposition in a 2 × 3 experiment by randomly assigning participants (N = 120) representing either an individualistic or collectivistic culture (American, Chinese, respectively) to one of two levels of a customized message (highly individualized vs. less highly individualized) or a noncustomized, generic message (control condition). The experimental findings suggest a significant mediated moderation effect: Culture moderates the relationship between message type and attitude such that American participants report a more favorable attitude toward highly individualized messages and Chinese participants report a more favorable attitude toward less highly individualized messages, and this moderation is mediated by a psychological sense of community. Besides theoretical implications, we also highlight an original methodological procedure for manipulating customized messages in online environments.  相似文献   
该研究通过个体对社会规范的积极性认同态度与行动意向的关联程度,建立自我调控过程中社会文化性差异的假设模型。对日本大学生(305人)、中国大学生(384人)、中国大学生父(或母,329人)进行社会规范认同态度及行动意向问卷调查,利用AMOS软件进行了多组比较的结构方程模型的协方差结构分析,结果显示:1)在血缘关系性社会规范方面,日本大学生、中国大学生、中国大学生父母三群体积极性认同态度对行动意向影响无显著差异;2)在社会职责性社会规范方面,日本大学生、中国大学生、中国大学生父母三组间的积极性认同态度与行动意向关联差异显著。日本大学生对于社会职责性社会规范进行更有效的自我调控;3)除两国间文化差异以外,中国大学生与其父母间对于(最初预想以外的第三因素)自我付出性社会规范的自我调控过程也呈现显著差异。  相似文献   
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