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During these last decades, the notion of primary intersubjectivity has gained acceptance among developmentalists and clinicians. But a new challenge is put out to our models by recent findings on the triangular competence of the very young infant, or her capacity to simultaneously communicate with two partners at a time. This discovery raises the question of a collective form of intersubjectivity. Findings on the triangular competence of the 3- to 4-month-old interactions with father and mother in different contexts of the Lausanne trilogue play situation are reviewed and illustrated, with a view to examine whether it is based on a dyadic or triangular program and whether conditions for a threesome form of primary intersubjectivity are fulfilled. The discussion focuses on the revisions of the theory of intersubjectivity, of developmental theory, and of clinical practice these findings call for, pointing toward a three -person psychology too.  相似文献   
Data were analyzed from 641 children and their families in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development to test the hypotheses that in the early school years, mothers' and fathers' sensitive support for autonomy in observed parent-child interactions would each make unique predictions to children's reading and math achievement at Grade 3 (controlling for demographic variables), children's reading and math abilities at 54 months, and children's level of effortful control at 54 months and that these associations would be mediated by the level of and changes over time in children's observed self-reliance in the classroom from Grades 1 through 3. The authors found that mothers' and fathers' support for autonomy were significantly and uniquely associated with children's Grade 3 reading and math achievement with the above controls, but only for boys. For boys, the effect of mothers' support for child autonomy was mediated by higher self-reliance at Grade 1 and of fathers' support for child autonomy by greater increases in self-reliance from Grades 1 through 3.  相似文献   
论医疗鉴定制度的完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医疗鉴定是医疗纠纷处理的核心,当医患双方认可医疗鉴定的公正性、医疗鉴定程序的透明化时,我国的医疗鉴定制度才真正趋于完善。通过医疗事故技术鉴定和医疗损害司法鉴定的对比,提出医疗鉴定机构的设置、鉴定人员的选取、确保鉴定结论的公正等一系列制度。  相似文献   
达尔文在《物种起源》中区分了自然选择学说包括的两种不同的原理:适应原理和性状分歧原理。他对类比方法的应用也有两种:一是类比论证,二是发现的启发法。关于适应原理的类比只起到了启发法的作用,达尔文对这种类比的理解是假说一演绎主义的;关于性状分歧原理的类比是一种归纳推理,达尔文对这种类比的理解是归纳主义的。  相似文献   
1952年中央卫生部在北京医学院(现北京大学医学部)创办了一个5年制的“中学西”培训班,以期提升中医的科学素养,培养中医现代化人才。通过追述“中学西”班的开办始末及该班学员在中医现代化中的作用,探讨了“中学西”的教育模式在中医现代化教育中的作用与意义,希望对于中西医结合途径以及中医教育模式的探索提供可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   
我国现阶段的卫生财政政策及其理念分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统地描述和总结了我国现行的卫生财政政策,分析了其理念,指出了其不足之处。政府应当担负起社会合作的责任,建立起卫生财政转移支付制度,在不同行政区域之间,在城市与农村之间,公平地分配公共卫生服务物品和基本医疗服务物品。以药品差价收入补偿医疗机构的卫生财政政策理念是有害的。  相似文献   
探讨原创性科学研究的作用及特点,从遗传学发展史中选取某些典型事例进行分析,遗传学的百年历史记载着一批遗传学大师们的原创性科学研究的光辉业绩,他们的研究工作具有共同的特点,但在某一方面又有独到之处.原创性科学研究是学科形成和发展的原动力.原创性科学研究主要包含四个特点:卓越的科研思想、巧妙的实验设计、恰当的材料选择、精辟的结果分析.  相似文献   
诱导分化是一种治疗白血病的新方法,它通过促使分化不完全的肿瘤细胞分化成熟,使恶性转为良性.临床应用全反式维甲酸(ATRA)和三氧化二砷(As2O3)诱导急性早幼粒细胞性白血病取得了较高的完全缓解率,毒副作用也较低.诱导分化治疗策略突破了将杀灭肿瘤细胞作为治疗肿瘤的惟一方法的思维局限,谋求在与白血病细胞的和谐中获得人类的健康,是生态自然观应用于医疗实践的成功范例.  相似文献   
中医针灸学的现代研究遇到了一定的困难,解决这些困难有研究思路方面的问题,有研究方法方面的问题,亦有对中医针灸学术本质方面的认识问题,等等.但总起来讲,这些问题都与认识主体的认识能力和认识水平有关.认识能力和认识水平主要是由知识结构所决定的,而知识结构可以说是课程体系的翻版,不同的课程体系决定着不同的知识结构和不同的教育目标.中医针灸学课程体系所存在的问题已严重制约了专业自身的发展,对其课程体系的改革已成为中医针灸学走向现代化的基础环节.  相似文献   
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