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探索性中介分析被定义为从变量集合中筛选潜在中介变量的方法,该方法能在缺乏理论基础的情况下帮助研究者从数据中挖掘潜在中介机制,提供模型构建上的指导。本文介绍了一种基于正则化的探索性中介分析方法XMed(exploratory mediation analysis via regularization)。相比于传统探索性中介分析方法,XMed具有检验力更高、所需样本量更小、能高效地处理高维数据等优点,在认知神经科学、临床心理学等心理学领域有较大的应用潜力。本文主要介绍XMed的原理和实现过程,并通过实例分析展示该方法的应用。  相似文献   
基督教与川康民族地区的禁毒努力(1939-1949)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川康地区是近代中国烟毒泛滥的重灾区,在该地区从事传教活动的基督教传教士,不仅致力于禁烟的宣传工作,还采取积极措施劝导边民及协助政府禁烟。传教士不仅帮助政府对边地烟毒屡禁不止的原因进行深入分析,积极参与到禁烟的具体行动中,而且还帮助政府处理与禁戒烟毒有关的善后事宜。传教士的禁烟措施改变了边地民众吸食大烟的恶习,促进了边民的身体健康,有利于边地社会的稳定和发展;改善了政府与边地的紧张关系,使边民对政府的信任度增强;密切了边民与基督教的关系,便于基督教会各种活动的开展。  相似文献   
田芊  邓士昌 《心理科学》2011,34(2):348-354
拖延行为在大学生中相当普遍。以624名大学生为被试,采用结构方程模型的方法,本研究考察了时间管理倾向、心理控制源对唤起性、回避性2类拖延行为的综合影响。结果发现对于唤起性拖延,心理控制源中的内控型有负向直接影响,而机遇控制型则有正向直接影响;对于回避性拖延,权威控制型有正向直接影响。同时,时间管理倾向负向影响唤起性拖延和回避性拖延,其中对唤起性拖延的影响是通过心理控制源中的内控型和机遇控制型的完全中介作用实现的,以内控型为中介是其主要影响路径;对回避性拖延的影响则是存在着直接影响和以心理控制源中的权威控制型为中介来间接影响两条路径,直接影响是主要影响路径。  相似文献   
In order to develop normative data of a battery of neuropsychological tests in the mainland Chinese population, we examined the performance of 15 neuropsychological tests in 465 healthy subjects (231 males and 234 females) in a population‐based cohort study. The years of education were ranged between 1 and 23 years, and ages were ranged between 16 and 75 years old. The 15 neuropsychological tests cover five domains of neurocognitive functions including attention and speed of information processing, memory and learning, verbal function, visual constructive abilities, and executive function. We also assessed the effects of gender, age, educational attainment on the performance of these neuropsychological tests. The results showed that, as expected, educational attainment and age are the two main factors affecting performance in these tests. Educational attainment has the strongest predictive effect on all tests, while the majority of tests selected in this study are also affected by age at examination to varying degrees. The presented normative data will be useful for future studies in related clinical research, and be of value in transcultural neuropsychological studies.  相似文献   
The purpose was to examine differences in verbal interactions during the group counseling process and the relationship between perceived verbal interactions and members' demographic variables. 42 participants were recruited and randomly assigned to one of four counseling groups. Based on the Hill Interaction Matrix, Quadrant 4 verbal interactions, consisting of Speculative and Confrontative verbal behaviors in Personal and Relationship levels, were perceived significantly more often at the closing stage than at the initial stage. Furthermore, the perceived verbal interactions were related to the demographic variables of sex, educational level, and group experience, but not acquaintanceship. The findings suggested that the higher ratings of perceived Speculative and Confrontative verbal behaviors and the lower ratings of Assertive and Silence verbal interactions must be interpreted cautiously from a cross-cultural perspective, especially in Asian cultures.  相似文献   
采用Levinson的旋转实验,考察了智障儿童在空间任务中参考框架的选择。结果发现:(1)在非言语的空间操作任务中,智障儿童倾向于选择以观察者为中心的相对参考框架;(2)智障儿童的空间参考框架的选择倾向主要由他们的认知能力、语言能力、自我中心倾向以及习惯空间术语的影响导致。  相似文献   
邓晓芒 《哲学研究》2012,(7):64-71,129
<正>"自由"二字,中国古已有之,但时常写作"自繇"。自由在中国人心目中历来是一剂具有诱惑力的毒药,人人都想要,却是一个贬义词。《东周列国志》中宣王斥责臣下曰:"怠弃朕命,行止自繇,如此不忠之臣,要他何用!"顾名思义,自由的意思就是"由着自己",为所欲为,不受拘束,想做什么就做什么。据说隋文帝杨坚的爱妃被皇后偷着杀掉了,杨坚一气之下骑马出走,狂奔二十多里,流连于山谷之中,叹曰:"吾贵为天子而不得自由!"后来皇后去世了,无人管着,杨坚压抑了多年的欲望迅速膨胀起来,纵情声色,两年后便一命呜呼。临死前对人说,如果皇后在,我不至于  相似文献   
蔡丹  李其维  邓赐平 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1085-1089
记忆广度包括短时记忆广度和工作记忆广度,为揭示数学学习困难学生认知缺损特点,筛选103名初中生(平均年龄12.57岁),比较数学困难学生(49名)与数学优秀学生(54名)的记忆广度差异,通过词语系列任务、阅读广度任务以及倒背数字任务,分别测查了短时记忆、言语工作记忆以及数字工作记忆。结果发现,数困组与优秀组的学生在词语系列任务中没有显著差异(t=-1.59, p>.05),在阅读广度任务中,具有显著差异(t=-2.38, p<.05),在倒背数字任务中具有极其显著的差异(t=-4.69, p<.01)。阅读广度和倒背数字之间具有显著相关(r=.24, p<.05),词语系列任务与阅读广度(r=.19, p>.05)和倒背数字任务(r=.05, p>.05)之间不存在显著相关。研究表明,在具有干扰情况的任务更能有效预测数学成绩,数学学习困难的认知缺损主要是对抗干扰的能力不足,而非简单的短时记忆广度。  相似文献   
《论六家要旨》蕴含了"问题与方法"的文献观,这种文献观具有基础性。运用之,不但可以帮助人们辨析文献征引的有效性,还有助于读者改进文献或读者自己的问题或方法,从而推进知识的积累与创新,并使文献史成为问题史、方法史、问题解决史,也就是生存结构史。  相似文献   
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