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In order to investigate the body image self-perception and the prevalence of body dissatisfaction among Chinese children and adolescents, 9100 children aged 3-15 years living in four cities completed a questionnaire assessing body image self-percepts and ideals by figural stimuli. The results indicate that (1) children's body ratings started to be significantly related to their BMIs at age 5 and correlations increased with age; (2) a wide range of current body sizes was chosen by Chinese boys and girls; (3) the ideal body sizes of boys and girls selected by boys and girls, respectively, were "boys by boys">"boys by girls">"girls by boys">"girls by girls" and (4) the satisfaction, mild dissatisfaction, and moderate dissatisfaction rates were 40.1%, 36.4% and 23.5%, respectively. Differences as a function of gender and age were identified. It was concluded that the prevalence of body dissatisfaction among children and adolescents of urban China was striking, and that the Chinese boys were not immune to body dissatisfaction. 相似文献
肢体延长与美容增高的启示 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
美容医学持续升温,“美容增高”即“肢体延长术”被越来越多的爱美男女所尝试。纵观其发展经历了许多挫折与失败,并发症多且严重,应慎重认识其实际效果。如不加选择地运用美容医学,是对医学核心价值体系的扭曲和嘲弄。只有坚持运用正确的哲学思维进行引导,肢体延长术才会健康发展。 相似文献
光阴荏苒,岁月如流。弹指间,离开母校道教学院已历时十三个春秋。而这座世界上唯一的道教最高学府亦随着时光的脚步,在广大学子们热切的期盼和无限祝福声中,迎来了自己第十五个生日。蓦然回首,往事历历在目。同众多道门学子一样,我们都曾在这片充满希望有热土上留下过自己的足迹,播种过理想的种子,对母校中国道教学院这个庄严神圣的名字,抱含着无比深厚的情愫。十五年的奋斗岁月,十五年的辉煌历程,母校为道门培育出一批又一批中流砥柱,为继承和发展道教事业增添了无穷的后继力量。作为从母校学习毕业的学子,多年来,我们无不在母校甘醇的乳汁… 相似文献
重灌输轻养成、重理论教育轻行为训练是青少年道德建设成效不高的重要原因,而养成训练则被证明是未成年公民道德素质生成的有效路径.这是由品德生成的客观规律、未成年人身心发展的特点以及体验教育、实践育人的任务决定的.要切实提高道德行为习惯养成的实际效果,德目指标应易记易循,行为准则须明确具体;活动方案设计应贴紧未成年人实际,训练活动要注重可操作性,强化情感体验环节,抓好"小处"、"小事",注意训练活动的持续性和家校(园)之间的良性互动,不断巩固养成成果.实践证明,从基本道德行为习惯养成训练入手正是促进未成年人道德建设取得实效的关键所在. 相似文献
This paper explains how regression toward the mean can contaminate diary data, making it difficult to measure the pure effects of an experimental variable over time. Using a large scale real-life database collected by AT&T, a method of measuring this mathematical artifact is advanced. It is shown to manifest very quickly as a result of a spontaneous reaction toward happenstance, with the most extreme initial values gravitating most toward the mean. Then averaging over longer and longer periods of time to define use categories is shown to dilute happenstance increasingly, and therefore progressively minimizes or eliminates regression toward the mean. Finally, regression toward the mean is very pervasive and very persistent. 相似文献
一现存经济学理论的困扰与难题 作为哲学的一个部门或分支,"经济哲学"已受到学术界愈来愈多的关注与重视.然而,何谓经济哲学?在将历史上某种思想观念纳入经济哲学的视野中加以探讨时,首先面临的是"正名"的事情.本文将经济哲学理解为对于人类经济活动以及经济思想观念所做的"哲学探讨".从这种意义上说,它应当是"经济学"所赖以成立的基础.它要追问的问题其实有两个:(1)历史上人类所从事的经济活动的本性究竟如何?(2)经济学理论的主旨与目标究竟如何?故之,经济哲学其实既可以是"经济的哲学",又可以指"经济学的哲学",这正如所谓"历史哲学"既可以是"历史的哲学"(历史的形而上学),又可以是"历史学的哲学"(历史的认识论或"史学理论")一样.对于像经济哲学这样一门部门哲学来说,对人类经济活动的哲学反思与对经济学理论的哲学反思其实是难以截然分开的.因此说,它既是对于人类经济活动的反思,同时亦是对于人类经济思想观念(经济学理论)的反思. 相似文献
自20世纪80年代,研究者开始从具身角度看待认知,以具身性为共同话题形成一个与经典离身认知不同的具身研究范式。过去学界主要从个体身体视角理解具身概念,强调具身研究范式的个体性维度。当前学界开始从社会文化视角理解具身概念,强调具身研究范式的社会性维度。这种转变体现了具身研究范式从个体性到社会性的转向。只有将具身的个体性和社会性维度整合起来,从整体构架重新思考具身概念,才能把握其完整内涵。 相似文献
The Effect of General Creative Personality and Freedom of Task Choice on Adolescents' Social Creativity 下载免费PDF全文
This study investigated the effect of general creative personality and freedom of task choice on the social creativity of adolescents. The results indicated, first, that senior high school students scored higher than junior high school students. Second, girls scored higher than boys on originality, fluency, flexibility, appropriateness, and utility with regard to creative social problem‐solving. Third, freedom of task choice and its interaction with creative personality had significant effects on the originality, appropriateness, utility, flexibility, and fluency of social creativity. Adolescents who completed the task voluntarily scored higher on these dimensions than adolescents who completed it reluctantly and, among the voluntary adolescents, those with high and medium creative personality scored higher than those with low creative personality, whereas no such difference was found among the reluctant adolescents. Adolescents were more likely to show social creativity, and their general creative personality was more likely to be brought into effect under the freedom of task choice condition. 相似文献
后马克思主义思潮的批判性探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
后马克思主义是近年引起较多注意的一种国外左派理论动向,它对马克思主义采取了超越“补充”的姿态,在理论上也表现出十分明显的含糊性:一方面,它把马克思主义的批判精神作为最重要的资源之一动员为一种反抗资本主义的激进个人政治话语;另一方面又扭曲了马克思主义的历史使命,并与自由主义意识形态产生了复杂的共谋。后马克思主义是传统西方马克思主义在20世纪70年代终结后的又一种新的历史动向,它在当代学术中的急剧生长,充分反映了当代资本主义的复杂变化,也在理论上为当今马克思主义哲学发展提供了一些基本教训。 相似文献