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We provide data on the neurological basis of two semantic operations at the sentence level: aspectual coercion and complement coercion. These operations are characterized by being purely semantic in nature; that is, they lack morphosyntactic reflections. Yet, the operations are mandatory (i.e., they are indispensable for the semantic well formedness of a sentence). Results indicate that, whereas Broca's patients have little or no trouble understanding sentences requiring these operations (performance was above chance for all conditions), Wernicke's patients performed at normal-like levels only for sentences that did not require these operations. These findings suggest that sentence-level semantic operations rely very specifically on the integrity of the cortical area associated with Wernicke's aphasia, but not on the region corresponding to Broca's aphasia. In the context of other findings from lesion and imaging studies, this evidence allows a view of the cortical distribution of language capacity that is drawn along a linguistic line, one which distinguishes syntactic from semantic operations.  相似文献   
An event-related potentials (ERP) study was undertaken to examine the role of prefrontal and parietal association cortices on selective attention and short-term memory functions in a duration discrimination task. Subjects performed better when discriminating the first stimulus relative to the second and not the reverse. Two contingent negative variations (CNV) were obtained for each stimulus duration at prefrontal regions, as well as two P300s at parietal regions. The CNV(S1) component recorded during the first stimulus (S1) appeared to be involved in selective attention at bilateral sites, while the P300(S1) component in the left hemisphere may be implicated in retaining it. The CNV(S2) wave, displayed during the second stimulus (S2), at bilateral sites and the right-sided P300(S2) wave seem to be implicated in working memory. The results indicate that recorded activity at prefrontal and parietal association cortices is tightly linked to task parameters and behavioral performances.  相似文献   
Predators that forage on foods with temporally and spatially patchy distributions may rely on private or public sources of information to enhance their chances of foraging success. Using GPS tracking, field observations, and videography, we examined potential sites and mechanisms of information acquisition in departures for foraging trips by colonially breeding Australasian gannets (Morus serrator). Analyses of the bill-fencing ceremony between mated pairs of breeding gannets did not detect correlations between parameters of this reciprocal behavior and foraging trips, as would have been predicted if gannets used this behavior as a source of private information. Instead, 60 % of the departing birds flew directly to join water rafts of other conspecific en route to the feeding grounds. The departure of solitary birds from the water rafts was synchronized (within 60 s) with the arrival of incoming foragers and also among departing birds. Furthermore, solitary departing birds from the rafts left in the same directional quadrant (90º slices) as the prior arriving (67 %) and also prior departing forager (79 %). When associated plunge dives of conspecific were visible from the colony, providing a public source of information, gannets more often departed from the water rafts in groups. Our study thus provides evidence for the use of water rafts, but not the nest site, as locations of information transfer, and also confirms the use of local enhancement as a strategy for foraging flights by Australasian gannets.  相似文献   
Neuropsychological diagnostic tests of visual perception mostly assess high-level processes like object recognition. Object recognition, however, relies on distinct mid-level processes of perceptual organization that are only implicitly tested in classical tests. The Leuven Perceptual Organization Screening Test (L-POST) fills a gap with respect to clinically oriented tests of mid-level visual function. In 15 online subtests, a range of mid-level processes are covered, such as figure–ground segmentation, local and global processing, and shape perception. We also test the sensitivity to a wide variety of perceptual grouping cues, like common fate, collinearity, proximity, and closure. To reduce cognitive load, a matching-to-sample task is used for all subtests. Our online test can be administered in 20–45 min and is freely available at www.gestaltrevision.be/tests. The online implementation enables us to offer a separate interface for researchers and clinicians to have immediate access to the raw and summary results for each patient and to keep a record of their patient’s entire data. Also, each patient’s results can be flexibly compared with a range of age-matched norm samples. In conclusion, the L-POST is a valuable screening test for perceptual organization. The test allows clinicians to screen for deficits in visual perception and enables researchers to get a broader overview of mid-level visual processes that are preserved or disrupted in a given patient.  相似文献   
It is well documented that changes in the physiological states of the perceiver–actor influence the perception of action capabilities. However, because experimental procedures of most studies involved a limitless availability for stimuli visual encoding and perceptual strategies, it remains difficult to adopt a single position among the large range of alternative interpretations for impaired perception. A reaching-to-grasp paradigm under breathing restriction was adapted from Graydon et al. (Cogn Emot 26:1301–1305, 2012) to standardize the time for encoding of stimuli information and narrowed the involvement of perceptual strategies. In the present study, we propose a highly controlled environment where the discrete information is presented during 300 ms, congruently with neurophysiological studies focused on visuomotor transformation. An underestimation of the perception of action capabilities is found under breath restriction, suggesting that 300 ms for stimuli encoding is sufficient to induce altered visuomotor brain transformations when limiting the involvement of perceptual strategies. This result suggests that such behavior could refer to an impaired brain potentiation of the perceptual occurrence, providing strong hypotheses on the brain dynamics of sensorimotor integration that underlie impaired perception of action capabilities in stressful situations.  相似文献   
Science and Engineering Ethics - Over the past few years, there has been a proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) strategies, released by governments around the world, that seek to maximise...  相似文献   
In this study the associations between mothers' and fathers' differential parenting and children's oppositional and emotional problems were examined. A curvilinear relationship between differential parenting and children's outcomes was hypothesized, as well as the combined effect of mothers' and fathers' parenting. Data came from a community sample of 599 two-parent families with multiple children per family and were analyzed using a cross-classified multilevel model. Results showed that both family average parenting and differential parenting explained unique variance in children's outcomes. The curvilinear hypothesis was supported for oppositional behavior but not for emotional problems. The effects of mother and father positivity were found to be additive for both family average parenting and differential parenting, but for negativity there was evidence for multiplicative effects.  相似文献   
It has been assumed (Lederman et al. 1990, Perception & Psychophysics) that a visual imagery process is involved in the haptic identification of raised-line drawings of common objects. The finding of significant correlations between visual imagery ability and performance on picture-naming tasks was taken as experimental evidence in support of this assumption. However, visual imagery measures came from self-report procedures, which can be unreliable. The present study therefore used an objective measure of visuospatial imagery abilities in sighted participants and compared three groups of high, medium and low visuospatial imagers on their accuracy and response times in identifying raised-line drawings by touch. Results revealed between-group differences on accuracy, with high visuospatial imagers outperforming low visuospatial imagers, but not on response times. These findings lend support to the view that visuospatial imagery plays a role in the identification of raised-line drawings by sighted adults.  相似文献   
There are currently multiple explanations for mathematical learning disabilities (MLD). The present study focused on those assuming that MLD are due to a basic numerical deficit affecting the ability to represent and to manipulate number magnitude ( Butterworth, 1999 , 2005 ; A. J. Wilson & Dehaene, 2007 ) and/or to access that number magnitude representation from numerical symbols ( Rousselle & No?l, 2007 ). The present study provides an original contribution to this issue by testing MLD children (carefully selected on the basis of preserved abilities in other domains) on numerical estimation tasks with contrasting symbolic (Arabic numerals) and nonsymbolic (collection of dots) numbers used as input or output. MLD children performed consistently less accurately than control children on all the estimation tasks. However, MLD children were even weaker when the task involved the mapping between symbolic and nonsymbolic numbers than when the task required a mapping between two nonsymbolic numerical formats. Moreover, in the estimation of nonsymbolic numerosities, MLD children relied more than control children on perceptual cues such as the cumulative area of the dots. Finally, the task requiring a mapping from a nonsymbolic format to a symbolic format was the best predictor of MLD. In order to explain these present results, as well as those reported in the literature, we propose that the impoverished number magnitude representation of MLD children may arise from an initial mapping deficit between number symbols and that magnitude representation.  相似文献   
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