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In four experiments, subjects made lexical (word-nonword) decisions to target letter strings after studying paired associates. In this lexical decision test, word targets previously studied as response terms in the paired associates were preceded at a 150-ms and/or 950-ms stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) by one of various subsets of the following six types of primes: a neutral (XXX or ready) prime, a semantically unrelated word prime episodically related to the target through its having been previously studied in the same pair, a semantically related word prime previously studied in a pair with some other unrelated word, a semantically unrelated word prime previously studied in a pair with some other unrelated word, a nonstudied semantically related word prime, and a nonstudied semantically unrelated word prime. At the 950-ms SOA, facilitation of lexical decisions produced by the episodically related primes was greater in test lists in which there were no 150-ms SOA trials intermixed, no previously studied semantically related primes, and no studied nonword targets. At the 150-ms SOA, facilitation from episodic priming was greater in test lists in which there were no semantically related primes and all studied word targets and no studied nonword targets. Facilitation effects from semantically related primes were small in magnitude and occurred inconsistently. Discussion focused on the implications these results have for the episodic-semantic memory distinction and the automaticity of episodic and semantic priming effects.  相似文献   
In the present study, the role of individual response patterns in the treatment of social phobic patients was investigated. Seventy-four patients were diagnosed as social phobics. On the basis of extreme scores on a behavioral test (the Simulated Social Interaction Test) and on a cognitive measure (the Rational Behavior Inventory), the response patterns of 39 patients were analyzed, and the patients themselves were classified as either 'behavioral reactors' or 'cognitive reactors'. Half of the patients with each response pattern received a behavioral focused treatment, i.e. social skills training (SST), while the other half received a cognitive oriented treatment, i.e. rational emotive therapy (RET). Patients received group therapy in eight weekly sessions. Within-group differences showed a considerable improvement in all treatment groups. Between-group differences failed to lend support to the hypothesis that treatment that fits a response pattern (i.e. SST for behavioral reactors and RET for cognitive reactors) will result in a greater improvement than one that does not.  相似文献   
The exponent of the power function for loudness was tracked over the course of 60 trials with one stimulus range and compared to the exponent over the course of 60 subsequent trials with a different stimulus range. Three stimulus sets were used: (1) weak, a short range of relatively soft tones (45-55 dBA); (2) strong, a short range of relatively loud tones (64-74 dBA); and (3) complete, a longer range of soft to loud tones (40-90 dBA). All pairs of stimulus sets were tested, together with three control conditions in which no shift in range occurred. Ten subjects were run in each of the nine groups. For preshift trials, the mean exponent was lowest for the strong stimulus series, highest for the weak series, and at an intermediate value for the complete series. These differences were all significant. Following a shift in stimulus range, the weak series still yielded the highest exponent, but the exponents were not reliably different for the complete and strong series. Postshift exponents also depended significantly on the preshift range experienced by the subjects. These effects were not confined to the period immediately following the shift in range, but persisted for up to 60 trials.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that electrodermal nonresponsiveness to orienting stimuli delineates a core group of "Kraepelinian" type schizophrenics was tested by following up social functioning outcome over a 2-year period in 37 schizophrenics. Good social functioning outcome required both some self-supporting ability in the job market and a minimal social life. The prior assessments included monitoring of electrodermal responses to a series of moderately intense tones, ratings of reported and observed symptoms during an interview, and ratings of premorbid adjustment on the basis of an interview with a close relative. Electrodermal nonresponding, poor premorbid adjustment, and negative symptomatology predicted poor social functioning during the second follow-up year, but the relationship to nonresponding pertained exclusively to a group of 15 first-episode patients. Discriminant analysis showed that electrodermal nonresponding and symptoms were the only independent predictors of outcome.  相似文献   
The efficacy of lithium treatment in preventing relapse in phasal psychoses was tested by the re-examination of 99 patients at a Dresden clinic whose treatment had on average exceeded ten years. Results and progress were compared with those of patients starting treatment since the introduction of the lithium treatment in the year 1979. Phase or subphase frequency and duration, conditions of treatment, suicide attempts, unfitness for work, and registration as a disabled person were among the aspects considered.  相似文献   
3 groups of patients, who suffered on SSPE (without treatment, with isoprinosine therapy, combined treatment with propionibacterium granulosum and isoprinosine) are compared. The results show a favourable effect of the combined treatment in a part of the patients. They are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
A case of death results in the formation of a social group, the group consisting of the bereaved, which remains in existence for a brief spell only, but which calls for careful attention. 124 widowed persons were questioned about their reaction to their loss, and changes in their habits after bereavement. Factors of influence are indicated, important among them dependence on the deceased, the age of the bereaved person, and physical and mental health.  相似文献   
J K?rner 《Psyche》1989,43(5):385-396
The technical relevance of the concept of a therapeutic ego split is rigorously examined. In the author's view, the distinction between a neurotic transference and a non-neurotic working alliance serves the therapist as a defense against anxiety rather than as a clarification of his intricate involvement with the patient.  相似文献   
It is reported that a patient suffering from generalized idiopathic epilepsy accidentally showed continuous epileptic activity as spike-wave pattern during an electroencephalographic lead without observing any clinical changes to whom. This state having been ended by a grand mal, the patient could give unspecific subjective complaints for the period of the "bioelectrical petit mal state", but he was fully able to remember. It is referred to that the phenomenon of the clinical inconspicuous appearance and the missing amnesia are special features.  相似文献   
The Rorschach test was used as an experiment of perception to analyze (external and internal) stimulus-response and individual response specificity of electrodermal orienting response OR (skin conductance response SCR) to presentations of unstructured material. On a sample of 84 subjects (medical students and colleagues of the medical department) the partial effects of "card" (external stimulus), "affective content of the signification" (internal stimulus), and "subject" on the (range-corrected) electrodermal OR were analyzed. The variance-analytic model was highly significant. The highly significant card effect with a physiological variance component of about 9% was interpreted as a "novelty" component of the electrodermal OR. The examined response characteristic also had a significant effect on the electrodermal OR with a physiological variance component of about 1%. Yet the determining variable was not the affective content of the signification, but rather the complexity of the (affective) signification. This result was discussed in terms of information processing and conflict theory. The important interindividual OR variance of nearly 40% supported the concept of the individual specificity of physiological response.  相似文献   
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