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This study tests the effect of long‐term artificial development of a robot on users' feelings of social presence and social responses toward the robot. The study is a 2 (developmental capability: developmental versus fully matured) × 2 (number of participants: individual versus group) between‐subjects experiment (N= 40) in which participants interact with Sony's robot dog, AIBO, for a month. The results showed that the developmental capability factor had significant positive impacts on (a) perceptions of AIBO as a lifelike creature, (b) feelings of social presence, and (c) social responses toward AIBO. The number of participants factor, however, affected only the parasocial relationship and the buying intention variables. No interaction between the two factors was found. The results of a series of path analyses showed that feelings of social presence mediated participants' social responses toward AIBO. We discuss implications of the current study on human–robot interaction, the computers are social actors (CASA) paradigm, and the study of (tele)presence.  相似文献   
家庭女佣是西方工业化时期劳动妇女人数最多的群体,也是最缺少社会关注的群体.她们从事着无休无止的长时间劳作,却忍受着中世纪的人身束缚,没有起码的人身自由.19世纪社会改革者未尝将目光投向她们,西方各国的工厂立法也将她们排除在外.因此,家庭女佣与工厂女工一样,承担了早期工业化的苦难,却更晚才享受到社会改革所带来的福祉.  相似文献   
6月12日至20日,国家宗教局举办了2009年全国道教中青年骨干人士培训班.来自全国28个省(自治区、直辖市)的150名道长参加了培训.这是国家宗教局自培训中心成立以来首次专门为道教界举办的培训班.由于领导重视,多方支持,准备充分,培训班取得了圆满成功.  相似文献   
企业以牺牲相关群体的利益来攫取最大利润的经营方式直接造成了大规模裁员、直接排污、圈地毁林、血汗工厂、两极分化等社会问题,将原本应由企业完全或部分承担的就业、环保、劳工、三农、慈善等社会责任推给了政府和社会.即使是完善的政府法规、强大的舆论压力也只能从外界限制企业的这些行为,并不能使企业自愿、自觉地承担其社会责任.本文旨在通过将佛学缘起法则及其衍生的相关原理与具体案例相结合,尝试说明企业的发展、企业家的命运与其相关群体的利益是荣辱与共、休戚相关的.  相似文献   
春秋时期,管仲辅佐齐桓公创立了“九合诸侯,一匡天下”的丰功伟业。坚持以民为本而治国,是其重要原因之一。深入探讨之,对于落实“三个代表”思想及树立科学发展观,具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   
杨松 《伦理学研究》2013,(2):54-58,141
摩尔在《伦理学原理》中关于"善是非自然性质"这一观点的阐述并不令人信服,遭到了布劳德等人的批评。摩尔在与他人的讨论中,一方面承认自己的不足,另一方面吸收他人的合理见解,思想上产生了不小的变化。尽管摩尔并没有很好地解决自己的问题,但是就其对西方元伦理学的贡献和其"踏实求真"的学术态度而言,他仍然不失为一位伟大的思想家。  相似文献   
田单与田横是中国古代历史上的两个重要人物,他们分别生活在战国末年和秦朝末年,对中国古代历史的发展都产生了重要的影响。对两人进行比较研究,不仅有利于我们加深对两人及其所处历史时代的认识,而且更重要的是能从两人的成败得失中得到启迪。  相似文献   
宋晶 《中国道教》2007,(4):44-48
武当山道教建筑群不仅是"动用宏观设计手法的顶峰之作",①而且也是富于微观精巧构思的杰出典范,天津桥便是整个  相似文献   

In this work, we describe a method for estimating the muscle activity without drawing any assumptions regarding optimality principles in human motor control strategies; further, the method does not require any neural circuitry modeling which limits the neurophysiological terms and estimability of the method. We introduce the concept of system observability, which can reconstruct states from outputs and their derivatives based on system dynamics. Based on neuromuscular system observability, we estimate the muscle activity from joint torques and kinematics of multiple locomotive gaits, while considering the unknown neural inputs as system disturbances. Moreover, to quantify the robustness of the method, the degree of observability and parameter sensitivity are evaluated. Finally, the neurophysiological implications and generality of the method are addressed.  相似文献   
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