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The present study examined the framing effect of two modes of idolatry among a sample of 1095 secondary school students in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Two experimental conditions were set up: in the glamour frame condition, subjects were exposed to frames that enhanced perfection and mystification of idols' personal or ideological characteristics; in the achievement frame condition, subjects were exposed to frames that enhanced emulation and identification of idols' pro-social behaviours or desirable dispositional traits. The experiment selected a prominent pop music and movie star well known in Chinese societies, Andy Lau, as the target idol. Subjects showed a consistently and significantly greater desire to glorify, idealize, identify with, emulate, and attach to Andy Lau in the achievement frame condition than in the glamour frame condition. The finding suggests that an achievement frame can heighten young people's adoration of an idol by emphasizing the idol's achievement processes. This suggestion is favourable to the possibility of transforming an idol into a role model for young people to learn to pursue career success.  相似文献   
It is well known that a new face studied from one view is often difficult to identify from another. This viewpoint dependence has detrimental implications for forensic practice. To compensate for this problem, we employed synthesized face images in the training session of a standard old/new recognition task. Observers in the experimental conditions learned one or more synthesized face images along with an original photograph of the face in a different view, whereas observers in the control conditions learned only the original photograph of the face. It was found that the experimental conditions consistently produced better recognition accuracy than the control conditions. We conclude that synthesized face views can be used to facilitate person identification in forensic applications. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
柴文袖  王文娟 《心理学报》1984,17(4):95-100
实验以46名少年为对象,以400m跑为内容,在被试者不知道的情况下,把他们分为鼓励(表扬)组和挫折(批评)组。预先测得他们400m跑的平时成绩,做为实验后被试自己与自己成绩比较的出发点。具体实验之前,告诉被试者,这次测验400m跑,既看“达标”如何?也看“技评”如何? 实验是在400m跑途中,于100m,200m,300m处各设数人为“技评”鉴别者。每两个人一起跑,一个人受“表扬”,一个人挨“批评”。 结果,接受积极刺激的少年,多数唤起增力情绪,并做出积极的反应,但也有少数人出现了减力情绪,做出消极的反应。而接受消极刺激者,正与此相反。 表扬比批评具有更大的动力性质,教师在教学中宜多用表扬,对少年的表扬与批评,要注意年龄与性别特点。  相似文献   
Despite growing recognition that systemic family therapists need to be adept at personal reflection and managing the therapeutic relationship, little research has explored the effects of training beyond the development of skills. This article provides a report on a qualitative study focussed on the personal effects of family therapy training, with particular reference to the aspects of training that foster personal reflection and growth. Twenty three trainees from three training institutions were interviewed, utilizing the practices of grounded theory. Trainees reported a deepening relational awareness, which applied to both personal and professional domains and included shifts in perspectives on relationships with loved ones. Five aspects of training were identified as responsible: (1) personally challenging experiences with clients; (2) supervisors who live the paradigm; (3) the demystification of theory; (4) a safe supervisory space; and (5) the development of trusting peer relationships. Interns also described, in turn, how their personal development affected their clinical work, particularly in the development of compassion and empathy. This study serves to highlight training practices that support reflective practice in systemic family therapy.  相似文献   
不同时相日光下颜色的恒常性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言 在光源光谱成份改变的条件下,我们周围物体的颜色在眼睛看来保持相对不变,称为颜色恒常性。1807年Thomas Young首先描述了颜色恒常性现象,他指出室内不管是由蜡烛的黄光或火焰的红光来照明的,书页纸仍然看来是白色的。Young认为,外界某一表面的颜色外观,并不完全决定于网膜的红、绿、蓝三种感受器的吸收特性,而也依赖于周围其它物体射入眼睛的光通量。此后,E.Hering对颜色恒常性做了实验表演。一般认为颜色恒常性是对环境照明感受性的降低。视觉通道只传递由物体表面所反射的光谱成  相似文献   
Movement activity of a normal baboon and of a baboon with induced Parkinsonism by unilateral administration of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) was recorded by the Walter Reed Activity Monitor (or actigraph). Mean activity in the lesioned baboon was 41% less than that of the nonlesioned baboon measured over a 14-day period. In addition, the daily maximum activity value was significantly less in the MPTP-treated baboon. Moreover, resting and sleeping periods were 30% greater in the lesioned animal. The akinesia and resting and sleeping periods were displayed by the lesioned baboon throughout the day, whereas the control baboon showed them only at night. The data representing summarized movement activity are in accordance with observations of bradykinesia, hypokinesia, and akinesia of the MPTP-treated baboon. The actigraph was well tolerated by the animal because its small size and weight made it largely unobtrusive. We suggest that the actigraph is an appropriate device for measuring motor activity in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   
This study examines the characteristics of ideal best friends endorsed by Chinese adolescents. A comprehensive measure of person perception was used in order to assess those dimensions of personality where gender, similarity, and complementarity might be related to the rating of ideal best friends. Results indicated that ideal female best friends were rated higher on the communal dimension of Helpfulness; ideal male best friends were rated higher on the agentic dimensions of Extroversion, Assertiveness, and Application. Similarity effects were found for Openness to Experience, Extroversion, and Emotional Stability; complementarity effects for Assertiveness. These results were explained in terms of Chinese gender stereotypes and the requirements for harmonious dyadic interaction.  相似文献   
The Rokeach Value Survey was used to measure the value orientations of a large sample of 927 Chinese university students in Hong Kong. Based on their ranking of 18 terminal and 18 instrumental values, it was found that the students tended to put greater emphases on personal and competency oriented values. Specifically, the four most important terminal values were true friendship, happiness, self-respect, and wisdom; and the four least important terminal values were social recognition, a comfortable life, salvation, and pleasure. The four most important instrumental values included responsible, courageous, intellectual, and capable; and the four least important instrumental values included imaginative, polite, obedient, and clean. Male students tended to be more concerned with personal, accomplishment, and competency related values; whereas female students were more attracted to family, moral, and more intrinsic kinds of values. This study also provided evidence on the validity of the Rokeach Value Survey measure. It was shown that the values in the Rokeach measure correlated significantly with similar values in Scott's Personal Values Scale, another value measure with multi-item rating scales. L'Echelle des valeurs de Rokeach a été utilisée pour déterminer les orientations de valeur d'un vaste échantillon de 927 étudiants universitaires chinois de Hong Kong. En se basant sur leur mise en rangs de 18 valeurs terminales et de 18 valeurs instrumentales, il a été observé que les étudiants avaient tendance à mettre plus d'emphase sur les valeurs personnelles et les valeurs d'orientation vers la compétence. Plus particulièrement, les quatre valeurs terminales les plus importantes étaient la véritable amitié, le bonheur, le respect de soi, et la sagesse; les quatre valeurs terminales les moins importantes étaient la reconnaissance sociale, une vie confortable, le salut et le plaisir. Les quatre valeurs instrumentales les plus importantes étaient définies par les termes responsable, courageux, intellectuel et capable; les quatre valeurs instrumentales les moins importantes étaient définies par les termes imaginatif, poli, obéissant et propre. Les étudiants mâles avaient tendance à être davantage concernés par les valeurs reliées à la personne, à l'accomplissement et à la compétence; par ailleurs, les étudiantes étaient davantage attirées par la famille, la moralité et par des valeurs de nature plus intrinsèque. Cette étude a également constitué une épreuve expérimentalle de la validité des mesures provenant de l'Echelle des valeurs de Rokeach. Il a été démontré que les valeurs mesurées par l'Echelle de Rokeach étaient significativement corretees avec les valeurs semblables de l'Echelle des valeurs personnelles de Scott, une autre façon de mesurer des valeurs en utilisant des modalités d'évaluation comprenant plusieurs items.  相似文献   
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