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6~12岁儿童脑电α波频率分布特点与信息加工速度的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以 2 2 8名 6~ 12岁儿童为研究对象 ,采用脑电波超慢涨落分析技术 (简称ET) ,重点探讨了与认知功能有关的α波 ( 8~ 13Hz)的分布特点。研究结果表明 :①α波在全脑 12个脑区的比率 ,因频率成分不同而表现出不同的分布特点 ;②α波在左右对称脑区的分布比率也因频率不同而表现出不同的左右脑优势。除左前颞叶的平均频率显著大于右前颞叶外 ,其他左右脑对称区域的平均频率的差异均不显著。α波平均频率的从高到低依次为枕叶、中央区、顶叶、左前颞叶、后颞叶、额叶、右前颞叶 ;③信息加工速度与α波的关系并不明显 ,快组和慢组被试的 6种频率 ( 8~13Hz)α波的比率均无显著性差异  相似文献   
Judging Gadamer’s theoretical stance is a complicated matter, and his ontological hermeneutics is usually regarded as a text-centered theory of understanding. Through an analysis of the phenomenological premises from which his theories take off, however, we can clearly see his reader-centric stance. On the basis of this stance some cease to seek for the original intention of the author or the original meaning of the text, which ineluctably leads to the ignorance of an understanding methodology. As far as people’s intentional understanding is concerned, however, the important as well as essential task is still that of striving for a certain kind of understanding that is relatively correct, with universally effective methodology as its necessary prerequisite. What is more, herein lies the significance of the epistemology of hermeneutics. This article aims to re-insert a sense of methodology after hermeneutics went through a period of ontological reflection, and hence clarify that it is of necessity that hermeneutics resumes its text-centric methodological stance. __________ Translated by Zhang Lin from Zhongguo shehui kexue 中国社会科学 (Social Sciences in China), 2008, (2): 42–53  相似文献   
Wang  Yuhui  Wang  Xingchao  Yang  Jing  Zeng  Pan  Lei  Li 《Sex roles》2020,82(11-12):731-742

The present study examined whether body talk on social networking sites (SNSs) was positively associated with body surveillance and body shame and whether body surveillance would mediate the relationship between body talk on SNSs and body shame. We also tested whether the links from body talk on SNSs to body surveillance and body shame would be moderated by self-compassion. Furthermore, the moderating role of gender in the mediation model was examined. The model was tested with 194 female and 119 male Chinese university students who completed questionnaires regarding body talk on SNSs, body surveillance, body shame, and self-compassion. Results indicated that body talk on SNSs was positively related to body surveillance and body shame. The relationship between body talk on SNSs and body shame was mediated by body surveillance. Furthermore, self-compassion moderated the association between body talk on SNSs and body shame. No gender difference was found in the mediation model. Findings from the current study provide new insights into the development of objectified body consciousness among women, as well as among men, and highlight the potential value of promoting self-compassion in the prevention of body image concerns.

Starting in early childhood, children are socialized to be honest. However, they are also expected to avoid telling the truth in sensitive situations if doing so could be seen as inappropriate or impolite. Across two studies (total N = 358), the reasoning of 3- to 5-year-old children in such a scenario was investigated by manipulating whether the information in question would be helpful to the recipient. The studies used a reverse rouge paradigm, in which a confederate with a highly salient red mark on her nose asked children whether she looked okay prior to having her picture taken. In Study 1, children tended to tell the truth only if they were able to observe that the mark was temporary and the confederate did not know it was there. In Study 2, children tended to tell the truth only if they were able to observe that the mark could be concealed with makeup. These findings show that for children as young as age 3, decisions about whether to tell the truth are influenced by the likelihood that the information would be helpful to the recipient.  相似文献   
2006年1月6日《大河报》题为《真奇怪——身份证人像采集系统在舞钢一农民身上“失灵”》的报道引发了众多媒体和世人关注。一个正常人的影像怎么可能在照片中显示不出来?难道真的见鬼了?究竟是特异功能还是灵异照片,或者根本就是一场假把戏?为此,《北京科技报》记者亲自赶往“照相”事发地河南进行调查。然而,调查过程中,“隐身人”被无一例外地拍入到记者的相机里。同时,当记者重新与最早报道此事的《大河报》记者接触后,确定灵异照片现象纯属骗局,“河南隐身人”根本不存在。的确,事实胜于雄辩,所有稀奇古怪,看似非常惊人的事情,如果经过…  相似文献   
艾攀  戴艳 《心理科学进展》2022,30(1):168-178
道德损伤是指个体实施、未能阻止、目睹或听闻违背自身深层的道德信念和期望的行为,对心理、生理、精神、行为和社会的持久影响。道德损伤作为一个跨学科概念,自2009年Litz从心理学角度对其重新做出界定以来,在心理学、伦理学、精神病学、社会学等领域引起了广泛关注。目前研究者已经编制出多个多维度量表来对道德损伤的事件或症状进行测量,运用认知行为疗法、认知加工疗法和针对道德损伤研发的适当暴露疗法等措施来进行干预。未来的研究可以继续深入探究道德损伤的发生发展机制,确立道德损伤的诊断标准,推广道德损伤的适用范围,丰富道德损伤的内涵,从而拓展道德损伤研究的广度和深度。  相似文献   
潘玉芹  王东林  林文娟 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1041-1047
“抑郁症细胞因子假说”的提出为抑郁障碍的病因学研究提供了一个新的方向,为了探讨脂多糖(lipopolyaccharide,LPS)诱导的免疫激活与抑郁性行为产生之间的关系,本研究采用50只SD大鼠随机分为五组LPS400,LPS200,LPS50,LPS10,LPS0,分别于实验期第0天和第3天注入LPS400ug/kg,,200ug/kg,50ug/kg,10ug/kg和生理盐水。以糖精水偏爱,旷场行为和高架十字迷宫评定大鼠LPS注射后2小时,24小时,48小时的行为变化。结果显示一次LPS注射后2小时,LPS50,LPS200,LPS400组动物与生理盐水组动物相比较,其糖精水偏爱分数(p<0.01),旷场中的水平活动距离(p<0.01)和直立行为(p<0.01)以及高架十字迷宫中的闭合臂进入次数(p<0.01)和开放臂进入次数显著下降(p<0.01);重复注射后2小时LPS注射组动物的闭合臂进入次数显著降低(p<0.01);但LPS10组与生理盐水组动物在行为上没有差异,50ug/kg,200ug/kg和400ug/kg剂量的各组之间没有差异。LPS注射后24小时和48小时以及重复注射后大鼠的行为没有发现显著变化。提示LPS诱导的免疫激活对抑郁行为产生有一定的作用。免疫激活的细胞因子能够导致动物出现明显的抑郁性行为,但是这种行为缺乏长时程效应,因此LPS诱导的抑郁障碍的动物模型应用是非常有限的。免疫激活的前炎性细胞因子可能是导致抑郁障碍产生的其中一个原因而不是唯一原因。  相似文献   
我国现行宪法因其对公民权利的广泛设定和对国家政治制度最合理的规定,而成为一部具有高度道德合理性的宪法.但是由于我国宪法当前只具有立法上的指导作用,存在非适用性和非程序性,因而致使其道德性缺失.为了实现和完善我国宪法的道德性,就必须克服宪法的非适用性和非程序性,建立和完善我国的违宪审查制度,并允许将宪法适用于司法判断,使宪法进入司法程序.  相似文献   
听写困难是指儿童能够认读不能听写的现象。前期研究表明,在快速加工条件下,听写困难儿童存在整体字形加工缺陷。本研究使用学习-回忆方法,考察在充分加工条件下,听写困难儿童的整体字形加工特点。实验结果表明,在充分加工条件下,听写困难儿童不仅能够加工并形成双部件合体字的整体字形表征;而且,也能够在同字形组织水平上,形成多部件合体字的整体字形表征。因此,在充分加工条件下,听写困难儿童的整体字形加工能力正常。  相似文献   
基于客体的注意对客体工作记忆的复述作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客体工作记忆对选择性注意具有自动导向作用.本研究采用自然图片为材料考察了基于客体的选择性注意对客体工作记忆积极保持信息表征的复述作用.根据实验中阻止基于注意的复述的方式不同,本研究共进行了两个实验:实验一通过不呈现记忆匹配项来阻止基于注意的复述,实验二通过突显将注意转移至非记忆匹配项来阻止基于注意的复述.实验结果表明,基于客体的选择性注意对客体工作记忆积极保持物体表征起着重要的复述作用.  相似文献   
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