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When the underlying variances are unknown or/and unequal, using the conventional F test is problematic in the two‐factor hierarchical data structure. Prompted by the approximate test statistics (Welch and Alexander–Govern methods), the authors develop four new heterogeneous test statistics to test factor A and factor B nested within A for the unbalanced fixed‐effect two‐stage nested design under variance heterogeneity. The actual significance levels and statistical power of the test statistics were compared in a simulation study. The results show that the proposed procedures maintain better Type I error rate control and have greater statistical power than those obtained by the conventional F test in various conditions. Therefore, the proposed test statistics are recommended in terms of robustness and easy implementation.  相似文献   
Multigroup structural equation modelling (SEM) is a technique frequently used to evaluate measurement invariance in social and behavioural science research. Before version 9.2, SAS was incapable of handling multigroup SEM. However, this limitation is resolved in PROC TCALIS in SAS 9.2. For the purpose of illustration, this paper provides a step-by-step guide to programming the tests of measurement invariance and partial invariance using PROC TCALIS for multigroup SEM with mean structures. Fit indices and parameter estimates are validated, thus providing an alternative tool for researchers conducting both applied and simulated studies. Other new features (e.g., different types of modelling languages and estimation methods) and limitations (e.g., ordered-categorical SEM and multilevel SEM) of the TCALIS procedure are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   
探讨疟疾导致术后高热的诊治方法,回顾性研究15例疟疾导致术后高热患者的诊治经过,其中1例确诊患者给予氯喹治疗后痊愈,14例疑似患者经氯喹试验性治疗后痊愈,9例患者随访1年均无复发。因此,对曾有输血史或疟疾史的术后高热患者,排除感染或变态反应后,可给予氯喹试验性治疗,无需等待确切的病原学结论。  相似文献   
陈实功时传统医德思想的丰富和发展主要体现在四个方面:一是深化了医家必须急病人所急、不计个人得失的思想见解;二是提出了医家必须严守病人隐私、做到自重自爱的明确要求;三是阐发了医家必须忠于职守、尊重同道的基本主张;四是强调了医家必须专心本务、踏实做人的重要原则.  相似文献   
伍连德(1879年~1960年),剑桥大学第一位华人医学博士,1908年回国任天津陆军军医学堂帮办.1910年末东北爆发鼠疫,他出任"东三省防疫总医官".经过科学考察与实验对旱獭进行研究,他确定了鼠疫菌宿主动物和肺鼠疫传播方式,并创立"肺鼠疫"学说.1935年,伍连德被提名为诺贝尔生理学或医学奖候选人.  相似文献   
本文在田野调查的基础上,描述了甘肃省临潭旧城回族内部在日常宗教实践中存在的区别,展现了地方社会内不同教派在服饰、婚姻策略、宗教生活、丧葬、纪念和墓地安排等方面的差异性,并分析了这些差异性在日常实践层面维系宗教群体延续的作用。同时指出,教派作为人为性的一种社会建构,在社会实践中一旦获得承认,并具有合法延续的可能性时,其教派特征就会在日常生活的不同层面上表达出来。所有这些表达都是宗教群体集体认同的体现,也是日常实践中区分"我群"和"他群"意识的体现,其价值目标还是在于使宗教群体得以延续。  相似文献   
现代性伦理危机的三种根源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世俗化、理性化、功利主义等,无疑都是现代性的主导性要素,同时也是现代性的重要特征和表征性趋势。它们与现代性有着某种共谋和共生关系。在各种要素的合力作用下,传统道德逐渐衰微、伦理失序。而现代性伦理体系的崩塌,究其主要根源,就在于现代性道德筹划的失败、现代理性社会进步观的价值迷失和极端的技术理性对伦理的摧毁。  相似文献   
We assessed the differences in psychological distress and delinquent participation between singleton and non-singleton Chinese adolescents and the extent to which parental responsiveness (mother’s vs. father’s) might account for such differences. Using survey reports of 1,924 7th and 8th graders from three middle schools in the outskirts of Fuzhou, China, we observed small but significant differences between singleton and non-singleton adolescents. Singletons reported lower levels of psychological distress and delinquent participation than non-singleton adolescents. Furthermore, singletons received higher levels of parental responsiveness, which was inversely related to psychological distress and delinquent participation, respectively. The difference in psychological distress between singletons and non-singletons was completely mediated by both maternal and paternal responsiveness. Paternal responsiveness alone fully mediated the difference in delinquent participation between singleton and non-singleton adolescents. We discussed these results in light of both theoretical literature and empirical implications.  相似文献   
在现代社会中,公共性、开放性已成为现代图书馆的本质属性.和前现代社会相比,现代图书馆所承担的社会伦理责任也已经发生了深刻变化,它已不再是单纯地储存图书资料并仅仅面向精英阶层的场所,而是成为了面向社会公众,承担着促进国民素质提高、实践共同价值、传承人类文化、促进社会和谐等伦理责任的知识殿堂.  相似文献   
"有()"式表达意谓的存在概念,回到中国思想的历史语境来看,不是性质概念,而是关系概念,即存在某物或有某物在中国心灵中是被表象为某物被……所具有,包括(1)某物被某一事物整体所具有,进而是(2)某物作为对象,被某种事物语言的对象域(论域)所具有,以及(3)某种事物语言被特定的说话人所具有。这种关系性理解反映在语言层面,就是中文谈论何物存在的习惯表达是"有()"或"存在()",而非某些西方哲学译文中看到的表达式"()存在"或"()在",后者意谓的正是作为性质概念的x存在,前者则是关系概念y具有x的缩略表达。因此从"有()"式表达入手探讨何物存在的中国理解,不仅是面向中国思想的知识性探索,更能使相关知识成果服务于为西方哲学的汉语研究奠定语义基础的目标。  相似文献   
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