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目前舞蹈与音乐两种训练对脑灰质结构影响的差异尚不明确。本研究利用基于体素的形态学分析方法(voxel-based morphometry, VBM), 比较现代舞训练被试、弦乐训练被试与对照组被试的脑结构磁共振数据。结果表明现代舞训练组在涉及感觉运动控制的皮层、皮层下结构及小脑多个区域出现灰质体积的显著增加与减少; 弦乐训练组则在与音乐训练直接相关的听-动-读皮层出现灰质体积的显著增加。这一发现提示现代舞训练可能系统性地影响广泛脑区的灰质结构, 弦乐训练可能局部地改变了具体功能脑区的灰质结构, 两种训练对脑灰质结构的影响模式存在差异。  相似文献   
As a multi‐ethnic country that is comprised of diverse cultural systems, there has been little research on the subcultural differences in emotional preferences in China. Also, little attention has been paid to examine how explicit and implicit attitudes towards emotions influence emotional preferences interactively. In this study, we manipulated explicit attitudes towards emotions among Han (N = 62) and Mongolian Chinese individuals (N = 70). We assessed participants' implicit attitudes towards emotions to explore their contributions to emotional preferences. (a) Han Chinese had lower preferences for pleasant emotions than Mongolian Chinese after inducing contra‐hedonic attitudes towards emotions, and (b) after priming contra‐hedonic attitudes towards emotions, the more Han Chinese participants evaluated pleasant emotions as negative implicitly, the less they preferred to engage in pleasant emotional activities. These findings contribute to the growing literature of subcultural differences and demonstrate that explicit and implicit attitudes towards emotions interactively influence individuals' emotional preferences between different subculture groups.  相似文献   
This study explored cultural influences on English language teachers’ judgments of English metaphors created by Taiwanese learners of English. Based on a mixed‐methods approach, it delved into the rating severity and implicit evaluation criteria of two cultural groups of teachers: Taiwanese and Americans. Ten Taiwanese teachers and 10 American teachers evaluated 120 novel metaphoric expressions using the Consensual Assessment Technique (Amabile, 1996). Creativity in context: Update to the social psychology of creativity. They further filled out a creativity evaluation survey, which was designed to bring to light what qualities within the metaphors influenced their judgments of metaphoric creativity. With the teachers’ ratings being analyzed by means of many‐facet Rasch measurement, this study first indicated that the American teachers were more severe raters than the Taiwanese teachers, but no significant difference was found between them. Analysis of the evaluation survey further demonstrated that both cultural groups shared largely similar evaluation criteria; yet, two contrasts emerged between them. Specifically, the American teachers seemed to favor metaphors that expressed the creator's thoughts; by contrast, the Taiwanese teachers preferred metaphors that relied on readers’ imagination to work out the meanings. These findings shed light on implications for teaching creativity in English L2 classrooms and assessing learners’ creative language artifacts in an English L2 context.  相似文献   
This study examined the structure of the Chinese Person–Environment Fit Scale for Creativity (PEFSC) and its classification role. This scale evaluates creativity from the personal dimension, environmental dimension, and their fit. A total of 298 native Chinese employees (aged 17–50 years) from 59 organizations participated in this study. They completed the PEFSC, Creative Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed the acceptable goodness of fit of the two-factor correlated model of PEFSC. Positive and significant correlations were observed among person–environment fit creativity, creative self-efficacy, and perceived organizational support. Regression analysis indicated that creative self-efficacy and perceived organizational support exhibited differences in the personal and environmental dimensions. Analysis of variance and post-hoc tests showed that creative self-efficacy and perceived organizational support were higher in the group of individuals with high person–environment fit than in the misfit and low-fit groups. This study indicated that PEFSC can be used to measure person–environment fit for creativity effectively and classify highly creative individuals in the Chinese workplace context.  相似文献   
论北宋诗僧道潜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简略描述了北宋诗僧道潜与苏轼的交游,指出在长达二十余年的交往中,他们诗文往还,倡和酬答,彼此扶将,甘苦与共,演绎了我国文化史上儒释交流的一段佳话.道潜的诗歌创作以清绝平雅为其主要特色,与储光羲的诗歌有相似之处.同时道潜的许多诗歌表明了对陶渊明的景仰和心仪,他也喜欢作绮语艳词,体现出与文人士夫情趣的趋同性.  相似文献   
选贤任能是齐国的传统,齐威王深知选拔治国用兵的贤士,是巩固政权、富国强兵的关键。本文论述了齐威王发扬齐国举贤尚功、选贤任能的传统,继续发展稷下学宫,招徕四方贤士,听谏言,革吏治,任贤士,亲自选拔任用了邹忌、孙膑、淳于髡等杰出人才,使齐国保持了强盛并威震列国。  相似文献   
大乘菩萨道思想是佛教发展史上的一个里程碑,一般学界咸认为大乘菩萨道是在西元前后才建构起来,但有种种迹象显示,远在原始佛教时期就可见大乘菩萨道之端倪。本文欲从形成佛教的外在条件与内部因素来分析:大乘菩萨道思想在原始佛教就已有萌芽的征兆。  相似文献   
为探讨主观社会经济地位对心理幸福感的影响,以及创造力的中介作用和安全感的调节作用,采用问卷法调查了556名18~60岁城市成年人的主观社会经济地位、安全感、创造力和心理幸福感。结果发现:(1)主观社会经济地位正向预测心理幸福感;(2)性格优势之创造力是主观社会经济地位与心理幸福感的中介变量;(3)安全感调节了中介过程的前半路径。只有当个体的安全感较高时,主观社会经济地位对创造力才存在显著的正向预测作用。结果表明,提升社会经济地位的同时,还需要提升个体的安全感,这样才能更好地促进创造力的发展,并进一步增加个体的心理幸福感。  相似文献   
当面临归类不确定的情景时,人们的特征推理是基于类别进行,还是基于特征联结进行,一直是类别研究中的重要内容。本研究采用预测特征竞争范式对这一问题进行了探究。共两个实验:实验1采用预测特征竞争范式探讨推理前预先归类时,人们的推理方式是基于类别还是基于特征联结。实验2采用预测特征竞争范式探讨推理前不预先归类时,人们的推理是基于类别还是基于特征联结。实验结果表明,推理前预先归类时,被试倾向于基于类别进行推理。推理前不预先归类时,被试倾向于根据特征联结进行推理。  相似文献   
作为一种促进员工社会化和职业发展的工具, 导师制已在各类企业中得到了广泛应用。然而, 近些年员工工作需求以及组织工作方式的变化分别对导师指导行为的作用结果和指导内容产生了冲击。一方面, 传统导师指导行为作用的研究大多限于员工职业结果; 另一方面, 传统导师制的研究仍停留在一对一的指导, 忽略了针对徒弟群体的指导。为此, 将在现实观察和理论回顾的基础上, 首先提出多水平导师指导行为的概念, 包括为徒弟群提供“一致性”指导的“群体水平指导行为”与为单个徒弟提供“差异化”指导的“个体水平指导行为”; 然后, 检验自我效能与群体认同在多水平导师指导行为对徒弟个体和徒弟群体的工作绩效与非职业结果影响的中介机制, 以及不同水平导师指导行为对徒弟(群)结果的跨层交互效应。以期填补过去导师制在作用结果(仅仅关注职业结果)和指导内容(忽略群体水平)研究上的不足, 并为企业有效实施导师制提供启示与帮助。  相似文献   
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