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菩萨是梵文音译“菩提萨”的简称,其菩提汉译为觉悟,萨汉译为众生,或有情(一切有感情之物),全译为觉有情、觉悟的众生之意。根据修行的层次,菩萨可分为胁侍菩萨和供养菩萨。胁侍菩萨是修行层次最高的菩萨,其修行觉悟仅次于佛或等同于佛。每尊佛都有两位或几位胁侍菩萨。在石窟壁画中经常画的“八大菩萨”,即是释迦牟尼佛左右的胁侍菩萨——文殊菩萨、普贤菩  相似文献   
In the design of common-item equating, two groups of examinees are administered separate test forms, and each test form contains a common subset of items. We consider test equating under this situation as an incomplete data problem—that is, examinees have observed scores on one test form and missing scores on the other. Through the use of statistical data-imputation techniques, the missing scores can be replaced by reasonable estimates, and consequently the forms may be directly equated as if both forms were administered to both groups. In this paper we discuss different data-imputation techniques that are useful for equipercentile equating; we also use empirical data to evaluate the accuracy of these techniques as compared with chained equipercentile equating.A paper presented at the European Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Barcelona, Spain, July, 1993.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to derive the maximal point‐biserial correlation under non‐normality. Several widely used non‐normal distributions are considered, namely the uniform distribution, t‐distribution, exponential distribution, and a mixture of two normal distributions. Results show that the maximal point‐biserial correlation, depending on the non‐normal continuous variable underlying the binary manifest variable, may not be a function of p (the probability that the dichotomous variable takes the value 1), can be symmetric or non‐symmetric around = .5, and may still lie in the range from ?1.0 to 1.0. Therefore researchers should exercise caution when they interpret their sample point‐biserial correlation coefficients based on popular beliefs that the maximal point‐biserial correlation is always smaller than 1, and that the size of the correlation is always further restricted as p deviates from .5.  相似文献   
以Anderson为核心的研究者通过数十年研究发现, 暴力电子游戏是攻击行为产生的前因变量, 并且提出可以用一般攻击模型(General Aggression Model, GAM)来解释这一结论。然而, Ferguson等人的研究表明, 暴力电子游戏不是攻击行为产生的前因变量, 而是攻击行为产生的催化剂, 并提出催化剂模型(Catalyst Model, CM)来解释该结论。由于社会心理研究中, 实验研究难以严格控制, 导致研究结果大径相庭, 暴力电子游戏影响攻击行为的争论还在不断扩大。未来要加强对暴力电子游戏和攻击行为的测量, 同时还需整合一般攻击模型和催化剂模型指导实证研究, 最后从认知偏差以及社会认知神经科学视角寻求暴力电子游戏对攻击行为影响的新证据。  相似文献   
伊朗的古代钱币作为伊朗历史文化的重要载体一直为国际学术界所关注,同时它也是收藏界的宠儿,但是国内对此知之甚少,本文就上海博物馆最近出版的馆藏丝绸之路古代国家钱币和其他伊朗钱币图录以及介绍为依据,阐述伊朗钱币上的宗教内容及其背后深层的内涵。  相似文献   
本研究旨在探究心理素质及其分维度在学生感知的学校氛围与主客观学业成绩之间的中介作用。采用整群抽样的方法选取被试,样本一抽取北京、陕西等七个省市10所中学7~12年级共1274名学生,样本二抽取重庆、湖南等四个省市7所中学7~12年级共2190名学生。结果表明:(1)学生感知的学校氛围与主观学业成绩存在显著正相关,与客观成绩的正相关呈边缘显著,与心理素质存在显著正相关;(2)心理素质在感知的学校氛围与主客观学业成绩之间中介作用显著;(3)心理素质的不同维度在学生感知的学校氛围与学业成绩关系之间中介作用存在差异,其中认知品质在学生感知的学校氛围与学业成绩之间存在稳定的正向中介作用。研究结果启示教育者在实施素质教育的过程中,应注意营造积极的学校氛围,以此提高学生心理素质,尤其是认知品质的发展,从而提高学生的学业成绩。  相似文献   
Children's eye movements were recorded to examine the role of word spacing and positional character frequency on the process of Chinese lexical acquisition during reading. Three types of two-character novel pseudowords were constructed: words containing characters in positions in which they frequently occurred (congruent), words containing characters in positions they do not frequently occur in (incongruent) and words containing characters that do not have a strong position bias (balanced). There were two phases within the experiment, a learning phase and a test phase. There were also two learning groups: half the children read sentences in a word-spaced format and the other half read the sentences in an unspaced format during the learning phase. All the participants read normal, unspaced text at test. A benefit of word spacing was observed in the learning phase, but not at test. Also, facilitatory effects of positional character congruency were found both in the learning and test phase; however, this benefit was greatly reduced at test. Furthermore, we did not find any interaction between word spacing and positional character frequencies, indicating that these two types of cues affect lexical acquisition independently. With respect to theoretical accounts of lexical acquisition, we argue that word spacing might facilitate the very earliest stages of word learning by clearly demarking word boundary locations. In contrast, we argue that characters' positional frequencies might affect relatively later stages of word learning.  相似文献   
Cheng and Holyoak (1985) proposed that realistic reasoning in deontic contexts is based on pragmatic schemas such as those for assessing compliance with or violation of permission and obligation rules, and that the evocation of these schemas can facilitate performance in Wason's (1966) selection task. The inferential rules in such schemas are intermediate in generality between the content-independent rules proposed by logicians and specific cases stored in memory. In one test of their theory, Cheng and Holyoak demonstrated that facilitation could be obtained even for an abstract permission rule that is devoid of concrete thematic content. Jackson and Griggs (1990) argued on the basis of several experiments that such facilitation is not due to evocation of a permission schema, but, rather, results from a combination of presentation factors: the presence of explicit negatives in the statement of cases and the presence of a violation-checking context. Their conclusion calls into question both the generality of content effects in reasoning and the explanation of these effects. We note that Jackson and Griggs did not test whether the same combination of presentation factors would produce facilitation for an arbitrary rule that does not involve deontic concepts, as their proposal would predict. The present study tested this prediction. Moreover, we extended Jackson and Griggs' comparisons between performance with an abstract permission rule versus an arbitrary rule, introducing clarifications in the statement of each. No facilitation was observed for an arbitrary rule even when explicit negatives and a violation-checking context were used, whereas strong facilitation was found for the abstract permission rule under the same conditions. Performance on the arbitrary rule was not improved even when the instructions indicated that the rule was conditional rather than biconditional. In contrast, a small but reliable degree of facilitation was obtained for the abstract permission rule, with violation-checking content even in the absence of explicit negatives. The theory of pragmatic reasoning schemas can account for both the present findings and those reported by Jackson and Griggs.  相似文献   
概念转变是认知发展与教育领域的热点话题之一,但关于小学生对于热概念的转变研究仍处于萌芽阶段。本研究抽取了某小学一、三、六年级学生共104名,采用三种任务情境考察了他们在热概念方面的认识水平。研究发现:一年级学生主要将热看作是一种物质,用物质模型理解热作为一个过程概念具有的速度属性。三年级学生热的物质概念和过程概念的认识并存,能够正确认识过程概念的速度和方向两个重要属性。六年级学生对于热作为一个过程概念所应具有属性的认知较为稳固,但未发生进一步的转变,他们还不能将热作为一个自发过程概念来理解。此研究结果部分  相似文献   
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