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吴永祥  王秉光 《心理学报》1984,17(3):98-103
本文是以大白鼠在三等分迷宫仪中学习防御性条件反应的方法,观察800拉特γ-线对大白鼠学习能力的影响。实验结果表明,大白鼠的学习能力是下降的,其表现为每天学习的正确率低,达到学会标准所需学习次数增加;反应运动时延长;主动躲避反应的出现率降低。 根据受照动物的特点,我们认为:作为判断学习和记忆能力的指标,反应运动时比正确率更好一点。  相似文献   
速示下再认汉字的某些特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
成人和小学生在速示条件下再认汉字和双字词,结果表明,成人和小学生再认不同结构类型的汉字有共同的规律:结构上属于两边对称的字较易再认,半包围型的字较难再认。成人和小学生在再认过程中抽取汉字的特征也有共同之点:对左右结构型的字往往抽取字的右下角的笔划,对半包围型的字则往往抽取字的左上角的笔划。不同再认的方式(读出和指认)对再认的成绩有明显的差别。在指认条件下由于有视觉反馈,再认成绩大为提高。本实验的结果对识字教学和机器自动识到汉字装置的设计,可能有某些参考意义。  相似文献   
张一中 《心理学报》1984,17(2):93-103
本实验采用四种不同显色特性的光源分别作为两种类型视标的照明。在同一照度上对各照明条件下的视觉敏度予以测定和计算。结果表明:增加光源显色指数对于颜色背景上黑色视标的辨认能力有所提高;而对于中灰色背景上颜色视标的辨认能力则有所下降。这种效果主要是由于在不同光源照明下,视标与背景的亮度对比变化所致。结果还表明:使用中灰背景颜色视标在辨认效果上优于颜色背景黑视标。对前一类型视标采用高压钠灯照明有助于提高视觉辨别力。这对推广应用这种显色指数较低,但光效率较高的新光源有实际意义。  相似文献   
幼儿不同情绪状态对其智力操作的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本实验结果显示:1)在16至18个月的婴儿中,愉快和痛苦情绪对其问题解决的操作有不同的影响。愉快组被试比痛苦组被试的操作效果明显优越;体现在“直接抓取”、“注视”和“顺利获得”三种操作策略中。2)愉快和痛苦两种情绪的不同强度与操作效果之间的相关是不同的。愉快组显示为一种曲线相关,即过高或过低的情绪唤醒不如适中的唤醒水平使操作效果达到最优。痛苦组显示为一种直线相关,即痛苦强度越大,操作效果越差。  相似文献   
本工作研究两例先天性无痛症患者的心理特点,主要是其情绪特点,以探讨疼痛和情绪的关系,并借以检验疼痛学说的意义。例一,女,10岁,智力略低于正常,艾森克少年儿童人格问卷表评定人格正常。与身体损伤有关的恐惧感明显缺乏,但与社会和教育影响有联系的恐惧感却甚于正常儿童。情绪急躁,易发作暴发性脾气而不能控制。在突然刺激(强光、强铃声)下的反应和正常儿童相近。例二,男,13岁,智力明显落后,人格评定正常,各种恐惧感均明显缺乏。情绪经常呈明显欣快状态。突然刺激下有口语惊吓和动作反应但无相应的面部表情和植物性神经系统的变化。两例均有无目的的多动作表现。看来疼痛和情绪有某种关系,但本结果并不能证实疼痛的情绪学说。  相似文献   
Older adults are more likely to live alone and engage in solitary activities than young adults, leading to decrement in their well-being. However, researchers have discovered beneficial implications of solitude, and some of them even have established that the negative and positive effects of solitude coexist. The study's purposes are to investigate the relationship between solitude and well-being among older adults and to further examine the inter-individual differences in this relationship. In the database of Google Scholar, the systematic review methods are used and 17 articles meet the inclusion criteria. The study concludes that older adults experience solitude both negatively and positively; the complex relationship between solitude and well-being can be better understood and explained by inter-individual differences based on intrapersonal, interpersonal, and cultural factors. This systematic review adopts a perspective that spans individual and social/cultural levels and helps grasp the link between solitude and well-being in older adults. Based on this review, the researcher can develop appropriate interventions to help older people maximize the benefits of solitude while minimizing the drawbacks to further achieve a higher quality of life.  相似文献   
People who consider themselves moral sometimes use self-serving justifications to rationalize their selfish behaviours. Previous studies have tested the role of ambiguity in justifying wrongdoings, but it remains unclear whether ambiguity also plays a role in justifying promise-breaking behaviour and whether heterogeneity exists. To investigate justification in promise-breaking, we introduced a new experimental paradigm called the card-guessing task and used hierarchical cluster analysis to classify participants based on their promise-breaking decisions in unambiguous and ambiguous conditions. Experiment 1 revealed three clusters of solutions: Cluster 1 always kept their promises (i.e., keepers); Cluster 2 only exploited the vague promises and broke their promises in the ambiguous condition (i.e., intermediates); Cluster 3 tended to take advantage of vague promises and broke their promises irrespective of ambiguity (i.e., breakers). Experiment 2 confirmed that participants in the three clusters differed in their norm-abiding preferences and social value orientations. Keepers were more altruistic and had a stronger sense of norm compliance than intermediates and breakers. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that self-serving justifications were more likely to be employed by people who are moderately sensitive to deviation from social norms, which has implications for strategic interventions and policy formulation concerning unethical behaviour.  相似文献   
People hold different perspectives about how they think the world is changing or should change. We examined five of these “worldviews” about change: Progress, Golden Age, Endless Cycle, Maintenance, and Balance. In Studies 1–4 (total N = 2733) we established reliable measures of each change worldview, and showed how these help explain when people will support or oppose social change in contexts spanning sustainability, technological innovations, and political elections. In mapping out these relationships we identify how the importance of different change worldviews varies across contexts, with Balance most critical for understanding support for sustainability, Progress/Golden Age important for understanding responses to innovations, and Golden Age uniquely important for preferring Trump/Republicans in the 2016 US election. These relationships were independent of prominent individual differences (e.g., values, political orientation for elections) or context-specific factors (e.g., self-reported innovativeness for responses to innovations). Study 5 (N = 2140) examined generalizability in 10 countries/regions spanning five continents, establishing that these worldviews exhibited metric invariance, but with country/region differences in how change worldviews were related to support for sustainability. These findings show that change worldviews can act as a general “lens” people use to help determine whether to support or oppose social change.  相似文献   
一、六岁入学問題的意义 解放以来,我国的教育事业在党的領导下发展迅速,不論在学校数量上或教学貭量上都有显著的增长和提高。学校制度也在不断地改进。1952年會在小学推行过五年一貫制的学校制度,但由于种种原因,只实行了几年,没有继續。1958年全国工农业出現了新的大跃进形势,教育事业也有了改革的迫切要求。党明确地提出了教育为无产阶級政治服务,教育与生产劳动相结合的方針。为貫彻党的教育方針,教育部門提出了改革教育的种  相似文献   
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