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本文从有关研究证据的基础上,介绍了个人化设计的理论基础和实验设计,并在此基础上讨论了个人化设计在临床研究领域中的应用价值,总结出一种适合临床病人使用的研究程序。个人化设计允许对个体的个人价值进行分析,并能同时研究不同刺激信息的作用,在个体水平上分析个体差异。通过简化了的实验程序,个人化设计为解决临床研究中的问题提供了一种新的思维方式。文中还对相关研究法的局限进行了讨论。  相似文献   
一、日本神道教的宗教动员在历次侵略战争中,日本军国主义政府以神道教为国教,发动佛教及其他宗教实施宗教动员。1.神道教的宗教动员思想神道教主张“神国日本”在世界上的绝对优越性,具有领导全世界的责任和神圣使命感。天皇是创造日本国的天照大神的直系子孙,具有神权,是日本唯一正统的统治者,国民必须对天皇绝对崇敬和绝对服从。而且臣民必须“忠于天皇”、“敬神崇祖”、“灭私奉公”,甚至要求“一旦如有缓急,当义勇奉公,以扶翼天壤无穷之皇运”,即要求一旦遇有战争等非常事态,要为天皇制国家卖命。而以天皇名义发动的战争则是“圣战”,…  相似文献   
管理胜任力特征分析:结构方程模型检验   总被引:171,自引:0,他引:171  
王重鸣  陈民科 《心理科学》2002,25(5):513-516
管理胜任力特征分析是人事选拔与评价的重要内容之一。本研究在运用基于胜任力的职位分析并总结国内外有关文献的基础上,编制了管理综合素质评价量表,并运用此量表调查了220名中高层管理者,采用因素分析和结构方程模型检验企业高级管理者胜任力特征的结构。结果表明,管理胜任力特征结构由管理素质和管理技能等两个维度构成,但在维度要素及其关键度上,职位层次间存在显著差异。本研究为管理职位的测评选拔提供了新的理论依据。  相似文献   
互联网使用与青少年自我认同的生态关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
雷雳  陈猛 《心理科学进展》2005,13(2):169-177
互联网已经渗透到人们日常生活的方方面面,给社会及个人带来了广泛而深远的影响,正处于人生的关键时期的青少年更是首当其冲。依据Bronfenbrenner的生态学模型,该文从微系统、中系统、宏系统以及处于生态系统中心的青少年自身4个方面,分别论述了互联网使用与青少年自我认同的形成与发展的密切关系,从而提供了有关互联网使用对青少年身心发展的影响方面的一些初步知识  相似文献   
论中国佛学的精神及其现实意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国佛学的精神是在佛教中国化过程中形成的,是外来佛教与儒道为主要代表的中国传统思想文化碰撞、冲突、交流、融合的产物,中国传统的儒道思想文化在中国佛学精神形成过程中发挥了重要作用。中国佛学的圆融精神、伦理精神、人文精神是中国佛学精神的主要方面。圆融精神是佛教调和其内部思想学说及其与中国传统思想文化关系的产物,对不同思想学说的调和、包容和融合态度以及圆融性的理论是其基本内涵;伦理精神融合吸收了与中国传统宗法社会相适应的儒家世俗伦理,具有宗教伦理与世俗伦理相结合的特征;人文精神融合吸收了中国传统文化关注现实社会人生的精神特质,从而使出世的宗教融入了更多的关注现实人心、人生、人间的思想内容。中国佛学的精神对于今天不同文化之间的交流融合、当代社会的道德伦理建设、佛教适应社会主义社会以更好地发挥自身的积极作用等均具有现实意义。  相似文献   
Abstract— This report examines cross-cultural differences in response style regarding the use of rating scales Subjects were high school students 944 from Sendai (Japan), 1,357 from Taipei (Taiwan), 687 from Edmonton and Calgary (Canada), and 2,174 from the Minneapolis metropolitan area and Fairfax County, Virginia Responses to fifty-seven 7-point Likert-type scales were analyzed The Japanese and Chinese students were more likely than the two North American groups to use the midpoint on the scales, the U S subjects were more likely than the other three groups to use the extreme values Within each cultural group, endorsement of individualism was positively related to the use of extreme values and negatively related to the use of the midpoint These small, albeit statistically significant, differences in response styles generally did not alter cross-cultural comparisons of item means.  相似文献   
Low‐SES couples have limited resources to manage the chronic and acute stressors with which they are disproportionately faced. Although these couples are at greater risk for negative individual and relationship outcomes, evaluations of the impact of couple relationship education (CRE) in low‐SES couples have been plagued by methodological problems, most notably challenges associated with recruitment and retention. We review the literature on challenges couples face associated with low‐SES, as well as on recruitment, retention, and CRE in low‐SES, ethnic minority populations. We illustrate some of these challenges in a case study of CRE for low‐SES couples transitioning to parenthood. In this pilot study, 21 couples were recruited from a community health clinic and randomized to either an experimental treatment condition (EXP;= 11) or a treatment‐as‐usual control condition (TAU;= 10). This study sought to mitigate documented challenges with recruitment and retention: We leveraged community partnerships, attempted to build and maintain strong relationships with study participants, provided incentives for assessments as well as intervention meetings, and attempted to reduce potential barriers to enrollment and retention. Nonetheless, we had low rates of recruitment and retention. We integrate these findings and experiences with our review of previous work in this area. We make recommendations for future CRE research and practice that have potential implications for public policy in this area.  相似文献   
Muslim religious coping may include distress mobilisation effects that explain why adaptive and maladaptive forms of religious coping correlate positively rather than nonsignificantly, as they usually do in the West. In this study, 147 Iranian university students responded to Islamic Positive Religious Coping (IPRC) and Punishing Allah Reappraisal (PAR) Scales along with Religious Orientation, Perceived Stress, and mental health measures. IPRC and PAR correlated positively, and procedures accounting for their covariance were essential in disambiguating their implications. IPRC predicted stronger Intrinsic and Extrinsic Personal Religious Orientations, but PAR displayed no relationship with religious motivations. PAR pointed toward broadly negative mental health influences with IPRC displaying limited ties with adjustment. PAR partially mediated some Perceived Stress relationships with poorer mental health. These data offered some support for a Muslim Distress Mobilization Hypothesis, but also uncovered issues that require further clarification.  相似文献   
This study explored a bidirectional impact on the recognition accuracy of various facial expressions deriving from both the observer and sender in a sample of Chinese participants. A facial manipulation task was used to examine the ability of an observer's facial feedback to modulate the recognition of various facial expressions. Furthermore, the effect of a sender's facial expression with an open or closed mouth on recognition accuracy was investigated. The results showed that only recognition accuracy of a sad facial expression was influenced simultaneously by bidirectional sources from a sender and observer. Moreover, the impact of the unidirectional cue of a sender's facial feature (i.e., mouth openness) on happy and neutral faces was found to influence the recognition accuracy of these faces, but not the observer's bodily state. These findings indicate that the bidirectional impact derived from an observer and sender on facial expression recognition accuracy differs for emotional and neutral expressions.  相似文献   
不同年龄广告名人效应的心理加工机制研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
陈宁 《心理科学》2003,26(1):37-40
本研究从自动化加工和控制性加工这个视角研究了名人效应的心理加工机制。实验运用加工分离程序,探讨了不同年龄阶段的受众对名人广告的信息加工模式。结果发现:(1)名人效应是一个普遍存在的现象,与用一般消费者做代言人相比,青少年、成年人(大学生)以及老年人对名人广告均明显存在更多的自动化加工,且加工水平没有年龄差异。但是,老年人的控制性加工明显低于其他两组;(2)在非注意条件下,代言人的专业化程度明显地影响了大学生组的控制性加工,但与各组被试的自动化加工都关系不大。这些研究发现为广告策略的制定带来了一些新的启示。  相似文献   
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