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In the field of counseling, there has been a growing awareness of the important role the Black church plays in African American communities. Although counseling professionals have begun recognizing the influence the Black church has in the lives of African Americans, there seems to be little information on how counselors can collaborate with African American congregations to meet the mental health needs of African American clients. The authors examine how counselors can use the psychological and social strengths of the Black church. Strategies and implications for collaborating with this institution are also discussed.  相似文献   
As the world becomes more globalized, psychological and counseling issues have become more pronounced. As social justice issues become illuminated on a global scale, there is increased attention to women as identified victims of social injustices and human rights violations. This article examines the role of professional counselors working with women from an international perspective with the intention to heighten awareness and understanding of the interrelationship of global women's issues and effective counseling interventions.  相似文献   
Adolescent smokers need cessation help, but the question of how best to intervene remains unanswered. This article describes the empirically validated protocol of an established, well‐utilized adolescent telephone counseling program for smoking cessation, tailored to adolescent developmental needs and shown to increase clients' 6‐month prolonged abstinence rate significantly. Clinical issues addressed include client assessment, motivation, self‐efficacy, familial and social support, planning, coping, relapse‐sensitive call scheduling, and self‐image. Counselor training considerations are also discussed.  相似文献   
Drawing attention to the very unique and complex needs of stigmatized sexual minority youth, the authors explore the therapeutic potential of person‐centered counseling in helping lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/sexual (LGBT) adolescents who are working toward the acceptance and disclosure of their sexual identity. They suggest that person‐centered counseling embodies 6 aspects that are particularly helpful to LGBT adolescent clients and propose 3 additional methods that compensate for the limitations of the person‐centered approach in this particular helping context.  相似文献   
孙思邈中医美学思想初探   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
孙思邈的<千金方>中蕴涵着深刻而丰富的中医美学思想,他继承和发展了和谐统一的整体观,十分重视医务人员的美德修养,并将中医美容的理论与实践提高到一个新的水平,注重环境美对人体美的影响.他的许多观点至今仍具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   
当前,医学美学作为技术美学涵盖下的一个分支,在口腔修复诊疗工作中,起着从未有过的重要作用.它以哲学的研究方法,运用艺术的手段,正自觉或不自觉地影响着口腔医护人员的工作.本文以口腔诊疗活动中形式美的审美为基点,讨论了几个有关的问题.  相似文献   
陈坚 《宗教学研究》2005,46(3):91-97
谈"善"论"恶"是宗教中的永恒话题,但宗教中的"善恶"并非仅仅是伦理学意义上的善恶,而是包括宗教修持意义上的"善恶".一般而言,"善"是有助于宗教修持的,但是贝施特和智顗却分别站在犹太教和中国佛教天台宗的立场揭示了"恶"对于宗教修持的积极作用,阐明了"恶"的宗教价值,尽管他们所说的"恶"的内涵不同.其中贝施特主张"恶"中分有"善"的神性,通过"恶"可以回归上帝;智顗主张"恶"中本具"善"的"实相",通过观"恶"的"烦恼心"可以达到解脱.可以说,在"恶"的宗教价值这个问题上,贝施特和智顗进行了一次跨宗教的对话.  相似文献   
苏轼的仙气   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
千古名篇《前赤壁赋》中写道:“白露横江,水光接天。纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。浩浩乎如冯虚御风,而不知其所止;飘飘乎如遗世独立,羽化而登仙。”苏轼好道,对神仙道教充满了无限向往,希求进入神仙境界直言不讳。《留题仙都观》吟道:“真人厌世不回顾,世间生死如朝暮。学仙度世岂无人,餐霞绝粒长辛苦。安得独从逍遥君。泠然乘风驾浮云,超世无有我独行。”也表达了同样的思想感情,乐意登上神仙境界。正如《左庵词话》中的评价,“此老不特兴会高骞,直觉有仙气缥缈于毫端。”读苏轼的作品,我们确实感到仙气缥缈,如风如雾,与长歌曼韵相伴。那么…  相似文献   
This article presents the problem of gangs on the island of Puerto Rico from a historical, economical, and political perspective. Some Puerto Rican historians are convinced that the gang problem in Puerto Rico is due to the political ambiguity and human rights violations of prison inmates (F. Picò, 1998).  相似文献   
This article analyzes the traces and configuration of three syntagmatic interpretation models in the educational text produced by Israel’s state religious educational system: the modus, the hermetic and the gnostic models, which together add up to a fourth, and unique one: the messianic nationalist model of interpretation. This interpretive model has a concrete configuration which, as opposed to similar but secular educational models, uses transcendental motifs in order to pragmatically organize the explanation of ‘reality’. From this point of view the messianic nationalist model presents a case study in religious education, which integrates between modern (i.e., nationalist) and traditional (religious) motifs in a relatively flexible way, situating itself between a fundamentalist religious idiosyncrasy and a secular one. Theoretically and methodologically the article develops the textual analysis of educational texts. The specific analysis presented here assumes that an educational ideological text interprets, and is interpreted constantly by, its producers and its users as well.  相似文献   
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