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字词认知早期的N170成分是第一个对语言材料敏感的成分.最近对字词认知N170成分的研究主要集中在探讨其敏感性、偏侧化以及此成分的发展变化.大量研究认为字词N170成分的敏感性与正字法加工有关,但也有一些研究认为其受语音、语义调制.对于此成分的偏侧化研究结果较一致认为是左侧化.最近的发展研究对N170成分进行探讨,取得了一些成果.在剖析现有研究基础上,本文认为应对字词认知N170成分的偏侧化、功能分离等问题进行深入研究.  相似文献   
采用比较视觉搜索任务和眼动追踪技术,通过增加组成图片的图形数量和改变不同图形的特征属性,考察比较视觉搜索任务是否遵循工作记忆最小化原则以及图形特征加工的优先性问题。结果表明图形数量的增加不影响平均每次注视的图形数量,被试平均每次注视1.65个图形,即比较视觉搜索任务仍遵循工作记忆最小化原则。不同图形中颜色和形状都不同的注视时间最短,颜色不同和形状不同在注视时间上差异不显著,表明比较视觉搜索任务中特征维度数量比特征性质在引导注意上具有优先性。事先不规定搜索路径的情况下,被试主要采用系统搜索策略完成比较搜索任务。  相似文献   
L-shaped configuration is a commonly used stimulus configuration in studying horizontal vertical illusion. Here, we report that the horizontal vertical illusion is substantially underestimated when the L-shaped configuration is used for evaluating the illusion. Experiment 1 found that, in a length perception task, the perceived length of a vertical bar was about 10% longer than that of a horizontal bar with the same physical size. Similar amount of HVI was found in a length comparison task, in which the length of a horizontal bar was compared to that of a vertical bar and the two bars were presented separately in space or in time. In contrast, when the length comparison task was conducted with the two bars being arranged in a connected L-shape, the illusion was halved in strength. Experiment 2 and 3 studied what might be the cause of this L-shape induced HVI-underestimation. Two factors were investigated: the connectedness of the two lines, and the 45° absolute orientation or the 45° inner angle information embedded in the upright isosceles L-shape. The results showed that the HVI strength was not much affected when the 45° absolute orientation and the 45° angle information was made useless for the length comparison task. In contrast, the illusion was significantly reduced in strength whenever the two lines were separated as compared to when they were connected. These results suggested that the connectedness of the two lines must underlie the underestimation of the horizontal vertical illusion in the L-shaped configurations.  相似文献   
文本阅读中, 读者往往对事件的后续发展进行预期推理。预期推理有两种倾向, 要么是倾向于根据客观现实条件进行的现实预期, 要么是倾向于根据主观的个人意愿进行的意愿预期。3个实验通过自定步调阅读范式探讨了文本阅读中读者产生的现实预期和意愿预期的保持。结果发现, 现实预期和意愿预期在长时记忆中的保持情况差异明显, 现实预期不能在长时记忆中保持, 而意愿预期则能保持; 但意愿预期也不能单独存在, 会受到现实条件的制约, 在受到现实否定后即时消退, 不再影响读者的进一步阅读。  相似文献   
The current study investigated attentional control through active inhibition of the identity of the distractor. Adapting a Stroop paradigm, the distractor word was presented in advance and made to disappear, followed by the presentation of a Stroop stimulus. Participants were instructed to inhibit the distractor in order to reduce its interference. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that the distractor precue facilitated Stroop color naming by reducing Stroop interference. Experiment 3 demonstrated beneficial effects of the distractor precue when congruent trials were introduced. Experiment 4 showed that the distractor precue benefit was observed when the cue and target were in different forms. Experiment 5 indicated that if the item used as the cue became the target, naming it took longer in order to overcome the inhibitory effect. Experiment 6 demonstrated that the benefit of the distractor precue was not observed when the cue was uninformative. Finally, Experiment 7 demonstrated that active inhibition required working-memory resources to operate. This study suggests that the best explanation for the distractor precue benefit is the active inhibition account.  相似文献   
Past research has demonstrated differential recognition of emotion on faces of different races. This paper reports the first study to explore differential emotion attribution to neutral faces of different races. Chinese and Caucasian adults viewed a series of Chinese and Caucasian neutral faces and judged their outward facial expression: neutral, positive, or negative. The results showed that both Chinese and Caucasian viewers perceived more Chinese faces than Caucasian faces as neutral. Nevertheless, Chinese viewers attributed positive emotion to Caucasian faces more than to Chinese faces, whereas Caucasian viewers attributed negative emotion to Caucasian faces more than to Chinese faces. Moreover, Chinese viewers attributed negative and neutral emotion to the faces of both races without significant difference in frequency, whereas Caucasian viewers mostly attributed neutral emotion to the faces. These differences between Chinese and Caucasian viewers may be due to differential visual experience, culture, racial stereotype, or expectation of the experiment. We also used eye tracking among the Chinese participants to explore the relationship between face-processing strategy and emotion attribution to neutral faces. The results showed that the interaction between emotion attribution and face race was significant on face-processing strategy, such as fixation proportion on eyes and saccade amplitude. Additionally, pupil size during processing Caucasian faces was larger than during processing Chinese faces.  相似文献   
公共卫生人才调查及培养的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对江苏省部分市、区、县级疾病预防控制中心和卫生监督所的公共卫生队伍现状、人才需求进行了调查分析,为我国公共卫生教育提供了科学的依据。认为江苏省公共卫生系统现有人员素质有待进一步提高,医学高等院校应该加强公共卫生人才的培养。  相似文献   
乙肝病毒感染在我国已超过了10%,达1.4亿人左右,面对如此庞大的感染人群,如何合理而适当地处理乙肝病毒携带病例已不仅仅是医学问题,而且是重要的社会问题.随着心理学的快速发展,乙肝病毒携带者的心理问题已经受到了人们的普遍重视.目前众多学者认为乙肝病毒携带者心理问题严重,以焦虑、抑郁、强迫等为主,但是相关的支持治疗明显不足,有待于深入研究.  相似文献   
Despite the prevalence of the spacing effect in the psychological literature, the impact of lesson timing has not yet been fully explored in real classrooms. The current study examined whether spacing could improve long‐term retention of both factual and critical thinking curriculum‐based teaching materials for children. Students 9 to 12 years old were taught to judge the credibility of websites in either three consecutive days of lessons or one lesson per week. Thirty‐five days after the final lesson, students were tested on factual knowledge and applied their knowledge to evaluating a new website. Students in the spaced condition remembered more facts from the lessons and were better able to explain their website ratings than students in the massed group.  相似文献   
康螢儀  周文芝 《心理学报》2012,44(1):138-141
Ye和Stam (2012)的评论中将Hong, Chao, Yang和Rosner (2010)标签成逻辑经验主义派, 他们认为这个派别常常“限制”了理论的应用和其本身的价值。为了向读者们提供一个对理论建立过程的更完整的理解, 同时也为了从这些迥异的观点中汲取更多知识, 在这篇文章中, 我们比较 Hong等人(2010)与Ye和Stam (2012)所建议的两种不同方法论之间的差异, 并将其放入更广阔的历史背景下进行论述。我们的主张是:每一种方法论都是有它自己的适用范围和局限性。对研究者来说, 保持在对待不同论点上开明和宽容的态度, 并避免本质化不同方法论间的差异也是十分重要的。  相似文献   
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