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This paper argues for a clearer conceptualization of media stimuli in experimental research and identifies 3 issues impeding our understanding of message processing: (a) assumptions bolstered by manipulation checks about homogeneity of response to media stimuli, (b) conflation of 2 different classes of variables—media attributes and psychological states, and (c) discrepancies between the conceptual model and operational‐level hypotheses used to test research questions. To provide a more comprehensive framework for investigating media effects in experimental research, we argue for a clearer conceptual separation between message attributes and user perceptions and apply a mediation model of information processing to overcome the limitations of conventional approaches. Subjected to 2 empirical tests involving the assessment of Web‐based media, the model finds an increase in explained variance in each instance.  相似文献   
糖尿病教育是一种治疗性的干预措施,也是一项有计划的教育课程,糖尿病教育者是糖尿病管理队伍中的一个整合部分,一名专业糖尿病教育工作者对于促进糖尿病医疗护理、实践及服务等方面都将起到很大的贡献,其中,糖尿病专科护士扮演着重要角色.要促进我国糖尿病教育的快速发展,急需一支专业化的糖尿病教育者队伍来发挥主力军的作用.  相似文献   
从理论与实践的结合上,批判了"熟知当真知"的习惯思维定势,这种定势表现在临床诊断中,为第一印象所迷惑,以强掩弱,以偏盖全,只触及事物外表,不能触及事物本质,求全责备只有克服了这些方面,才能把"真知"成了"熟知".  相似文献   
晚清广东学者的经学研究探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程潮 《现代哲学》2005,2(2):58-63
梁启超曾将清代学术的演变分为四个阶段,而将康有为和他本人归入第三期。然而广东学术的发展并不符合这一轨迹。广东学术在道光以前,宋学占主导地位;随着学海堂的创建,汉学成为广东显学,并成为晚清中国经学研究的重镇。道光以前,广东虽治经学的不乏其人,但以《四书》为主,兼及《五经》。学海堂创建后,广东学者以《十三经》为其治经范围,且颇具乾嘉遗风。学海堂创建后,在晚清广东学坛上出现了东塾学派和九江学派.两者既有共同点,也有不同点。九江学派后来又分化出康有为一系和简朝亮一系。康有为走向今文经学,简朝亮则与朱次琦的治学精神一脉相承。  相似文献   
面相是辨识和推断他人品格以及行为习性的重要因素,但其内在机理有待深化。基于一般认知视角和进化认知视角,从面相的局部特征和整体特征出发,阐述面相识人的过程及其影响效果。从一般认知视角来看,面相会通过不同的认知加工系统对识别个体特质产生影响,识别到的个体特质在判断(能力、收入、社会层级)以及决策(信任、招聘与晋升)过程中扮演重要角色。从进化认知视角来看,面相会通过不同的进化选择机制对识别个体健康、基因状况发挥作用,进而对判断(婚姻满意度、幸福感、生活满意度)和择偶决策产生重要影响。此外,面相的影响程度取决于个体所处的情境以及个体特质等因素。未来研究应该考察不同面相之间的交互作用,探索面相识人效果的边界条件,利用大数据分析提升面相研究的外部效度,关注后天修饰的面相的影响效果,开展本土情境下的面相识人研究,从而丰富面相的研究内容,构建更加系统的面相研究理论体系。  相似文献   
Socioeconomic status is related to altruistic behaviour, but the link between them remains controversial. The present study explored the link between socioeconomic status and altruistic behaviour, as well as the psychological mechanism between them. We recruited 1,052 residents from 34 provinces in China to investigate the relationship between socioeconomic status and altruistic behaviour and the mediating mechanism. Results showed that objective socioeconomic status was positively related to altruistic behaviour. Subjective socioeconomic status was positively associated with community identity and altruistic behaviour. Community identity mediated the relationship between subjective socioeconomic status and altruistic behaviour. The findings suggest that enhancing individuals' community identity or subjective status perception can effectively increase their altruistic behaviour.  相似文献   
自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders, ASD)个体的共情能力缺陷可能导致了他们的社会交往障碍, 因此有必要对ASD个体的共情能力进行干预。有研究者主张应该对ASD个体的共情缺陷进行直接干预, 由此衍生了共情“补短”法, 主要包括心理理论的干预、观点采择的干预、面部表情认知的干预等几种方法。另有一些研究者认为虽然ASD个体存在共情缺陷, 但他们同时也具备系统化能力优势, 应该通过ASD个体的优势能力来改善其共情能力, 由此衍生了共情“扬长”法, 主要包括乐高治疗、严肃游戏干预、基于系统化理论的孤岛能力辅助干预等几种方法。每种方法都存在优点和不足。最后就目前ASD个体共情干预领域存在的问题进行了反思与展望。  相似文献   
This article outlines the development of a tool to assess psychosocial needs in U.S. Air Force (USAF) units. Instrument development began with the construction of an item taxonomy, pretesting procedures (Q-sort; cognitive interviews), and a pilot web survey to document internal consistency and test-retest reliability, followed by two large-scale Web surveys to derive a viable factor structure. Because certain items (e.g., child care) were not relevant to all respondents, multiple imputations to replace missing values were necessary before factor analyses could proceed. Exploratory factor analyses of data from the first Web survey revealed an eight-factor solution; and data from the second Web survey confirmed that the eight-factor solution could be replicated on an independent sample. Developed in accordance with psychometric principles, the final assessment tool tapped a range of psychosocial factors spanning quality of work life, community life, family functioning, and personal well-being.  相似文献   
申超 《管子学刊》2013,(1):96-100
《程寤》中太姒所梦的内涵引起许多学者的关注,从而展开了很多有价值的探索。本文结合学术界的现有成果,辅以个人的认识,对此梦的含义做了进一步的论述,认为梓与太子发密切相关,代表周;松、柏、械、柞指周的贤臣。太子发在梦中的作用十分重要,此梦的象征意义乃是太子发将会率周的贤臣占领商都,推翻商朝。  相似文献   
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