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The attentional modulation of performance in a memory task, comparable to the one obtained in a perceptual task, is at the focus of contemporary research. We hypothesized that a biphasic effect (namely, facilitation followed by inhibition) can be obtained in visual working memory when attention is cued towards one item of the memorandum and participants must recognize a delayed probe as being identical to any item of the memorandum. In every trial, a delayed spiky/curvy probe appeared centrally, to be matched with the same-category shape maintained in visual working memory which could be either physically identical (positive trials) or only categorically similar (negative trials). To orient the participant's attention towards a selected portion of a two-item memorandum, a (tzk/wow) sound was played simultaneously with two lateral visual shapes (one spiky and one curved). Our results indicate that an exogenous attentional shift during perception of the memorandum, induced by a congruent audio–visual pairing, first facilitates and then inhibits the recognition of a cued item (but not of a non-cued item) stored in visual working memory. A coherent pattern of individual differences emerged, indicating that the amount of early facilitation in congruent-sound trials was negatively correlated with recognition sensitivity in no-sound trials (suggesting that the inverse effectiveness rule may also apply to memory) and positively correlated with later inhibition, as well as with the self-reported susceptibility to memory failures.  相似文献   
David Chai 《Dao》2014,13(3):361-377
This article investigates the concept of time as it is laid forth in the Daoist text, the Zhuangzi 莊子. Arguing that authentic time lies with cosmogony and not reality as envisioned by humanity, the Zhuangzi casts off the ontology of the present-now in favor of the existentially creative negativity of Dao 道. As the pivot of Dao, nothingness not only allows us to side-step the issue of temporal directionality, it reflects the meontological nature of Daoist cosmology in general. Framing time in terms of the motion of nothingness, this paper concludes that the authentic time of Dao reveals itself through the principle of creation qua rest. Experiencing such temporal self-grounding, the sage becomes existentially awakened such that temporal ekstases becomes unfathomable.  相似文献   
柴文华 《哲学研究》2012,(9):40-46,127,128
墨学为先秦显学,至秦汉以后几近中绝。但是,在20世纪上半叶的中国近现代思想史上,却出现了一股研究墨学的热潮,如胡适、冯友兰等人都有大量的墨学研究论著发表。如所周知,胡适是中国现代自由主义的代表,冯友兰则是第一代现代新儒家的代表。二人的文化立场可谓"大异而小同",但就他们对墨家学派的态度和看法而言,却是"大同而小异"。那么,为什么中国近现代思想  相似文献   
采用威胁信息(蛇类)和非威胁信息(龟类)为实验材料,以词汇和图片两种方式呈现,来探讨是否存在对威胁信息的记忆优势,然后添加威胁和非威胁场景以探究不同的场景启动对威胁信息记忆的影响。结果发现:(1)对威胁信息存在记忆优势,对图片信息的记忆优于词汇信息;(2)在威胁场景下,对威胁词汇和图片信息存在记忆优势,在非威胁场景下,对威胁图片信息存在记忆优势,而对威胁和非威胁词汇的记忆无差异。  相似文献   
One goal of the present study was to determine how pre-exposure to a set of contextual cues affected subsequent reinforced inhibitory avoidance task performance using those cues (latent inhibition model). In addition, immunohistochemical assessment of the phosphorylated (activated) form of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 and -2 (pERK1/2) was examined. Adult, male Long Evans rats were randomly assigned into either pre-exposure (PE) or different pre-exposure (DPE) groups. All rats received 3 days of contextual pre-exposure (same or different context as that used for reinforced training) and were trained, 24 h later, on an inhibitory avoidance task (with or without shock). Rats were euthanized 24 h after training; half with a retention test and half without. Behaviorally, the PE group showed reduced latencies to enter the dark/shock compartment during the retention test compared to the DPE group showing the latent inhibition phenomenon. Compared to the shocked and tested DPE group, the shocked and tested PE group showed fewer pERK1/2-ir neurons in the secondary motor cortex, the anterior cingulate, the pre- and infra-limbic cortices, and the central nucleus of the amygdala. These regions showed similar numbers of pERK1/2-labeled neurons when comparing the shocked and tested PE group with the nonshocked and tested PE group. This suggests the possibility that brain regions showing decreased pERK1/2 levels in association with attenuated inhibitory avoidance performance may be involved in different aspects of the memory retrieval process.  相似文献   
采用理论分析和开放式问卷调查等方法提出中学生感知到的数学教师支持的基本结构并编制问卷项目。先以302名中学生为被试,对自编初始问卷进行预测,结果显示,中学生感知到的数学教师支持问卷包括情感支持、自主支持和认知支持3个维度。再对347名中学生正式施测,进行信度和验证性因素分析,结果显示,总问卷α系数为0.92,三个维度α系数在0.75~0.89之间,验证性因素分析各项拟合指标较为理想,具有较好的结构效度。因此,编制的问卷具有较好的信效度,是测量中学生感知到的数学教师支持的有效工具。  相似文献   
Results from empirical studies on the role of religiosity and spirituality in dealing with stress are frequently at odds, and the present study investigated whether level of religiosity and spirituality is related to the way in which religious coping is used relative to other coping strategies. A sample of 616 university undergraduate students completed the Brief COPE (Carver in Int J Behav Med 4:92?C100, 1997) questionnaire and was classified into groups of participants with lower and higher levels of religiosity and spirituality, as measured by the WHOQOL-SRPB (WHOQOL-SRPB Group in Soc Sci Med 62:1486?C1497, 2006) instrument. For participants with lower levels, religious coping tended to be associated with maladaptive or avoidant coping strategies, compared to participants with higher levels, where religious coping was more closely related to problem-focused coping, which was also supported by multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. The results of the present study thus illustrate that investigating the role of religious coping requires more complex approaches than attempting to assign it to one higher order factor, such as problem- or emotion-focused coping, and that the variability of findings reported by previous studies on the function of religious coping may partly be due to variability in religiosity and spirituality across samples.  相似文献   
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