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This paper describes observations and experiences gathered whilst conducting group therapy with trainees in analytical psychology in Poland. The challenges and conflicts around language and translation reflect challenges common to analysis everywhere: accuracy of interpretation, agreements on permission to interpret and the acceptability of interpretation. The way in which archetypal patterns developed and matured suggests this approach to work with trainees may have wider application.  相似文献   
En 2004, la ONU conmemoró el Año Internacional de la Familia. Es nuestro interés tratar aquí un aspecto de la educación con frecuencia inescuchado (la educación estética) en un ámbito educativo primordial como es la familia, y a menudo también pasado por alto o dado por supuesto, centrándonos especialmente en la experiencia del cine como colaboradora de la educación estética. Resaltamos la relevancia del estilo familiar de vida, los hábitos elementales de higiene, vestimenta y alimentación, el uso de juguetes, la decoración y, especialmente, el trato en las relaciones humanas: gestos, usos del habla en las conversaciones, etc. Todo ello colabora a poner en juego el cultivo de los sentidos externos: tacto, olfato, gusto, oído y vista, así como los internos: imaginación, memoria, experiencia de la vida. Y constituye una excelente preparación para la educación afectiva, moral, intelectual y social de los niños y las niñas. Una concreción pedagógica de la educación estética en la familia la constituye el cine. Éste requiere especialmente el acompañamiento de padres y educadores durante los primeros años para extraer la virtualidad educativa que el cine encierra. La estructura del texto responderá, por tanto, a tres apartados:
  1. La educación estética en el desarrollo de la personalidad humana.
  2. La familia como ámbito educativo en la esfera de lo estético.
  3. Una concreción de la educación estética: el cine.
Recent research on perceptual grouping is described with particular emphasis on identifying the level(s) at which grouping factors operate. Contrary to the classical view of grouping as an early, two-dimensional, image-based process, recent experimental results show that it is strongly influenced by phenomena related to perceptual constancy, such as binocular depth perception, lightness constancy, amodal completion, and illusory contours. These findings imply that at least some grouping processes operate at the level of phenomenal perception rather than at the level of the retinal image. Preliminary evidence is reported showing that grouping can affect perceptual constancy, suggesting that grouping processes must also operate at an early, preconstancy level. If so, grouping may be a ubiquitous, ongoing aspect of visual organization that occurs for each level of representation rather than as a single stage that can be definitively localized relative to other perceptual processes.  相似文献   
Use of the mathematical principle of inversion in young children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An important issue in the development of mathematical cognition is the extent to which children use and understand fundamental mathematical concepts. We examined whether young children successfully use the principle of inversion and, if so, whether they do so based on qualitative identity, length, or quantity. Twenty-four preschool children and 24 children in Grade 1 were presented with three-term inversion problems (e.g., 3+2-2) and standard problems of similar magnitude (e.g., 2+4-3). Problems were presented in three conditions to determine whether children used inversion at all and, if so, whether their decisions were based on quantitative or nonquantitative features of the problems. Both preschool and Grade 1 children showed evidence of using inversion in a fully quantitative manner, indicating that this principle is available in some form prior to extensive formal instruction in arithmetic.  相似文献   
Incremental planning in sequence production   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
People produce long sequences such as speech and music with incremental planning: mental preparation of a subset of sequence events. The authors model in music performance the sequence events that can be retrieved and prepared during production. Events are encoded in terms of their serial order and timing relative to other events in a planning increment, a contextually determined distribution of event activations. Planning is facilitated by events' metrical similarity and serial/temporal proximity and by developmental changes in short-term memory. The model's predictions of larger planning increments as production rate decreases and as producers' age-experience increases are confirmed in serial-ordering errors produced by adults and children. Incremental planning is considered as a general retrieval constraint in serially ordered behaviors.  相似文献   
The coincidence effect--a phenomenon known in similarity research--suggests that people assign extra weight to features that 2 items have in common. The role of this effect in 2 kinds of environmental judgments about food products is investigated. Task 1 ("How environmentally friendly is a particular food product compared with a reference?") provided some evidence for the coincidence hypothesis. However, Task 2 ("How much more or less environmentally harmful is a food product compared with a standard?") showed anticoincidence. People's subjective evaluations were examined in regard to how they matched or deviated from objective measures of harmful environmental consequences related to food products. Coincidence and anticoincidence help to explain when and why subjective and objective evaluations may diverge.  相似文献   
Borderline personality disorder places a significant burden on healthcare providers and other agencies. This study evaluated the cost-effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy plus treatment as usual compared to treatment as usual alone for patients with borderline personality disorder. The economic analysis was conducted alongside a multi-center, randomized controlled trial. The costs of primary and secondary healthcare utilization, alongside the wider economic costs, were estimated from medical records and patient self-report. The primary outcome measure used was the quality-adjusted life year (QALY), assessed using EuroQol. On average, total costs per patient in the cognitive behavior therapy group were lower than patients receiving usual care alone (-689 pounds sterling), although this group also reported a lower quality of life (-0.11 QALYs). These differences were small and did not approach conventional levels of statistical significance. The use of cognitive therapy for borderline personality disorder does not appear to demonstrate any significant cost-effective advantage based on the results of this study.  相似文献   
Validation of the cognitive structure of the test of signs by structural equation modeling. The present work is aimed to carry out a validation study of the cognitive operations required for the correct solution of items of a math test which includes basic arithmetic operations between integer numbers. The validation of the hypothesized cognitive structure is made by means of structural equation modeling and triangulation methods. Results show strong and positive cognitive subordination relationships between some items but the structural equation model fit only provides a partial support for the proposed structure. However, the triangulation procedure provides further evidence of validity.  相似文献   
In the last 20 years the services sector has experienced a highly significant growth, being currently one of the most important economic sectors in our country. Inside the touristic sector, a strong competence has being experienced among the lodging and restoration establishments. In a scenario characterized by competitiveness, the bet for quality represents a difficult competitive advantage to surpass (García-Buedes, 2001). The objective of this study is to carry out an approach to the evaluation of the perceived quality of the restaurants. As a result of bibliographic revision, and also a first approach of a qualitative nature, we started from a scale of 31 items that included 5 dimensions: access, personal, service, product and installations. The results obtained applying the questionnaire to more than 2400 clients of 180 establishments of Santiago de Compostela and region, by means of structured interviews, confirmed that not all these dimensions had the same importance as predictors of customer satisfaction. Specifically, the product emerges as the most important dimension. Likewise, the elimination of the dimension service and a more exhaustive selection of the items, based on psychometric criteria, has permitted to define a brief scale, consisting of only 15 items, which makes it very attractive as a management tool. The final scale proposed to evaluate the perceived quality in the restaurant sector includes four fundamental and non-independent dimensions. These are, ordered by importance: product, personal, installations and access.  相似文献   
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