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Children's understanding of cognition increases greatly between early childhood and adolescence. This increase provides a developmental bridge between young children's understanding of mental states to adolescents' and adults' epistemological reflection. The author presents a framework for describing developmental changes in children's understanding of cognitive activities. He distinguishes 4 aspects of children's understanding of cognition: (a) knowledge of mental states, (b) knowledge of occurrence of particular activities, (c) knowledge of organization of cognitive activities, and (d) epistemological thought. He discusses phenomenological awareness of cognitive activities and social experience as influences on children's concepts of cognition.  相似文献   

This paper continues the exploration of the clinical phenomenon of analytic contact. The author demonstrates, through case material, the essential ingredients of psychoanalysis to be not frequency or use of the couch, but rather the moment-to-moment analysis of the patient's transference state and phantasies of what it means to establish relational contact with their objects and with themselves. The nature of the treatment can be shaped, prevented, perverted, or fostered by the patient's phantasies and unconscious conflicts into something more analytic or less analytic. Interpretation needs to include the exploration of the patient's attempts to change the treatment into something that is often a replica or a repetition of archaic object relations. The typical patient in psychoanalytic treatment is struggling with rather profound pathology and as such tends to create a significant stand-off with the analyst when analytic contact is forming. Analytic contact is often threatening to these patients in very primitive and alarming ways that must be gradually understood and interpreted if the treatment is to survive and remain a primarily analytic journey rather than be transformed into a more supportive counseling or a pathological re-enactment of conflictual phantasy states.  相似文献   

This paper explores the dilemmas women face when they strive to achieve. It is about why women have trouble with their own deeply held ambitions, how patterns of interaction with important others are internalized in their childhood years that render their own strivings for power unacceptable to them, and how this early sense of prohibition against achievement is reinforced by the larger social and cultural surround. I contend that these interdictions against success are held by the female both in and out of her awareness, and are evoked in situations that trigger pathogenic memories in ever more complex ways. I explore current concepts about gender and gender formation, in particular the ideas of Adrienne Harris articulated in her book, Gender as Soft Assembly. Two clinical cases are described in order to explore and illustrate these issues, one a child and the other an adult.

Estelle Shane. Mädchen, ihre Väter und Mütter: Verbindende Muster zu Erfolgsstreben und Verboten im Leben von Frauen.

Dieser Aufsatz untersucht das Dilemma von Frauen, die nach Erfolg streben. Es geht Frauen, bei denen die Wünsche nach Erfolg in der Tiefe verborgenen sind. Die Muster von internalisierten Beziehungen mit wichtigen Bezugspersonen aus der Kindheit verhindern, dass sie das eigene Streben nach Macht akzeptieren können. Dieses Verbot von Erfolgsstreben ist verstärkt durch die sozialen und kulturellen Verhältnisse in denen sie leben. Im Hin und Her zwischen Bewusstwerdung und Verdrängung der Konflikthaftigkeit von Erfolgsstreben, können Erinnerungen an frühere pathogenene Konflikte ausgelöst werden. Gängige Konzepte der Entstehung von Geschlechtsidentität werden untersucht, speziell die Ideen von Adrienne Harris aus ihrem Buch: “Gender as soft Assembly”. Zwei klinische Fälle werden zur Illustration untersucht, der eines Kindes und der eines Erwachsenen.

Estelle Shane. Las niñas, sus padres, y sus madres: Patrones ligados a la ambición y la prohibición en las mujeres.

Este trabajo explora los dilemas que las mujeres enfrentan cuando luchan por lograr. Trata del porque las mujeres tienen problemas con sus ambiciones más profundamente sostenidas, cómo los patrones de interacción con otros son internalizadas en sus años de infancia, y dan cuenta de sus propias luchas por el poder, inaceptables para ellas, y cómo esta sensación temprana de prohibición en contra del logro es reforzado por el ambiente social y cultural que les rodea. Estas prohibiciones en contra del éxito son sostenidas por las mujeres tanto con o sin conciencia y son evocadas en situaciones que apuntalan recuerdos patogénicos en formas más complejas. Exploro conceptos actuales sobre la formación del género, en particular las ideas de Adrienne Harris articuladas en su libro, Gender and soft Assembly. Dos casos clínicos son descritos para explorar e ilustrar estos aspectos, uno se trata de una niña y otro de una mujer adulta.  相似文献   
One's personal and professional dimensions complement each other in the practice of social work. In plying their trade, social workers construct a personal narrative that gives a sense of meaning to their commitment to clients who face suffering and distress. The study is based on in-depth interviews of twenty-five experienced female social workers. Two themes were identified: The first theme focuses on the construction of an existential vulnerability in the family-of-origin, which drives the choice of a helping profession. The interviewees perceived these difficulties as contributing to their sensitivity toward the suffering and turmoil of others, connecting them with clients, and giving them a sense of purpose, commitment, and meaning in their work. The second theme relates to the special meaning assigned to social values, such as giving and committing to others, in the family-of-origin and the profound effect of this socialization process on professional choices and practice. The discussion of the findings is from an existential perspective and has implications for the professional development of social workers and other helping professionals.  相似文献   
The case is made for a spectrum of methods in Western psychology transcending the normal dichotomy between the categories of quantitative versus qualitative methodology. Although the quantitative–qualitative continuum may be a sufficient representation of methods in the discussion of methodology within the reductionistic sciences, it fails to account for the phenomenology of the science-making process, itself, as a problem of consciousness within the developing human sciences, and also has little relevance for the way non-Western cultures view the problem of the relation of method to theory. A case in point is the problem of method as discussed in Zen Psychology. The act of freeing attention from its attachment to objective thought through the cultivation of wu, or no-thing-ness, is considered in Zen meditation and then applied to an analysis of the method of the koan, or nonrational riddle, which is designed to shock consciousness into a state of release through immediate intuitive insight. The conclusion is that possibly through such means psychologists in the West could free themselves from the overly rigid and narcissistic focus on methods of reductionistic empiricism as the only alleged standard for defining reality.  相似文献   
Histrionic thinking and behavior derive more from emotion than from reason, creating a condition that causes problems for both those who display this emotional style and those they interact with. When histrionic people “manage” others in the workplace, a destructive dynamic often supervenes as employee and manager pursue the goals of work, frequently at cross purposes. In a naturalistic study, three incidents from my experience with histrionic managers are described and the underlying phenomenon of the histrionic manager is identified. This phenomenon is postulated to be universal, which is to say that managers with a histrionic style will be found wherever work is done.  相似文献   
An ethnographic portrait of the ‘Western Wall’ (kotel) in Jerusalem, is presented. The kotel is viewed as a pilgrimage site, a ‘place of memory’, and a location linked to a story. Most discussions of the kotel stress its history and archaeology, while this study utilizes ethnography to understand the meanings of the site to a range of social categories. The challenge faced by ethnography is that the social context of the kotel is constituted by Jewish groups all over the world and by cultural distillates stemming from millennia of history. By providing both an overview of kotel activities, and a more detailed examination of several kotel occasions, the paper points to the potential contribution of ethnography to understanding national‐religious shrines.  相似文献   
This study investigated the significance of omitting arms/hands and legs/feet on the Draw-A-Person Test (DAP) in 128 hospitalized schizophrenic and 104 normally functioning adult males. The DAP was administered according to Machover's instructions, and the data were analyzed by chi-square tests. It was found that schizophrenics demonstrated significantly more omissions of arms/hands and legs/feet than the normals. These findings were interpreted to indicate body image disturbance in schizophrenia and were related to Schilder's and Federn's theories of the disorder emphasizing an impairment of ego boundaries.  相似文献   
We investigated Rorschach responses associated with narcissism and hysteria in a group of antisocial personality disordered offenders. The Rorschach protocols of 42 subjects who met the criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev. [DSM-III-R]; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) for antisocial personality disorder were analyzed using Exner's (1986) criteria for pairs, reflections, and personal responses, and Gacono's (1988) criteria for the impressionistic response. Severe, or primary psychopaths (n = 21), scoring ≥30 on the Hare (1980) Psychopathy Checklist (PCL), were compared to moderate, or secondary pscyhopaths (n = 21), scoring <30 on the PCL. The mean number of pair and impressionistic responses did not significantly differ for the two antisocial groups. The highly psychopathic group, however, did exhibit a significantly greater mean number of reflection and personal responses. We discuss pair and reflection responses and their relationship to narcissism in psychopathic disturbance. We recommend interpreting the personal response within the context of the psychopathic character and view personal responses as expressions of narcissism and omnipotence in highly psychopathic subjects. We also hypothesize that the impressionistic responses are indicative of primitive dissociative processes and hysteria in psychopathic subjects, and that their presence provides construct validity for the work of Guze (1976) and others who suggested an underlying histrionic dimension to psychopathy.  相似文献   
Jonathan Weisberg claims that certain probability assessments constructed by Jeffrey conditioning resist subsequent revision by a certain type of after-the-fact defeater of the reasons supporting those assessments, and that such conditioning is thus “inherently anti-holistic.” His analysis founders, however, in applying Jeffrey conditioning to a partition for which an essential rigidity condition clearly fails. Applied to an appropriate partition, Jeffrey conditioning is amenable to revision by the sort of after-the-fact defeaters considered by Weisberg in precisely the way that he demands.  相似文献   
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