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乌格是当代为数不多的、公开为知识论怀疑主义辩护的著名哲学家.乌格为怀疑主义辩护的理路是:以"水平的"和"弯曲的"为例,来说明绝对术语与相对术语的不同,并把"确定性"当作绝对术语,来证明怀疑主义的正确性.乌格借绝对不可错论来为怀疑主义论证的这种方式,是怀疑主义论证的一般模式.研究鸟格的怀疑主义论证,有助于我们正确揭示怀疑主义产生的根源.  相似文献   
规则多边图形的离散度与图形信号认知绩效的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用实验方法研究规则多边图形的离散度与图形信号认知绩效的关系。实验的自变量是图形的离散度参数,因变量是单位时间图形信号的视觉通道信息传递量。实验的刺激材料是25个离散度为0.3~0.7的规则多边图形。刺激材料的呈现与被试的反应记录都由计算机控制。结果表明:离散度适中(0.5左右)及偏小的图形信号认知绩效较高,离散度从0.5增大到0.6,认知绩效迅速下降,离散度继续增大,认知绩效仍有下降,但趋势平缓。  相似文献   
用实验方法研究了图形离散度与图形信号传信绩效的关系。实验的自变量为图形的离散度参数,取值范围为0.3-0.7,应变量为通道容量,实验的刺激信号为25个矩形组合图形。结果表明,矩形组合图形的离散度与传信绩效的关系为一种非线性函数关系,离散度适中(0.5左右)的图形信号传信绩效较高。增大增减小图形的离散度均不利于信息的有效传递。  相似文献   
本研究采用自然实验法,探索采用构造玩具、进行启发儿童想象力的教学对发展幼儿创造力的作用。被试为50名均龄4岁8个月的寄宿幼儿园儿童,教学中纳入的变量为四种方法:(1)模仿-改进法;(2)改变模仿对象法;(3)模仿生活原型法;(4)改造生活原型法。控制班只采用模仿法进行教学。经过七个月的实验教学后,实验班儿童的一般智力和创造力都明显超过了控制班。测验资料证明,幼儿的一般智力占创造力之间,有0.4左右的正相关。  相似文献   
发展性阅读障碍的核心缺陷一直是研究者关注的焦点。近年来,国内外大量研究发现视觉加工缺陷可能是导致阅读障碍的一个重要原因,其中视觉拥挤效应与阅读障碍密切相关。本文将回顾视觉拥挤效应的概念及其理论基础、拼音文字和汉语阅读障碍者视觉拥挤效应的相关研究,提出汉语阅读障碍视觉拥挤效应研究的未来发展方向,以便更好地了解汉语阅读障碍与视觉拥挤效应之间的关系。  相似文献   
2004年年底,在中央经济工作会议上,胡锦涛同志指出:“科学发展观是指导我们抓住机遇、加快发展的世界观和方法论。”从本体论上讲,科学发展观首先是从人、社会和自然界的客观存在和相互联系中来谈发展问题的。以人为本,体现了人在社会和自然界中的至高无上的崇高主体地位,使地球上这一最高花朵显示出更加鲜艳的色彩。人的发展离不开人类社会,更  相似文献   
Considerable evidence indicates that the noradrenergic system of the basolateral amygdala (BLA) participates in the consolidation of various types of emotionally arousing memories. We previously reported that administration of an anesthetic-dose of sevoflurane immediately after continuous multiple-trail inhibition avoidance (CMIA) training impaired memory consolidation. This experiment investigated whether posttraining noradrenergic activation of the BLA is sufficient to reverse the memory impairing effect of sevoflurane. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats received bilateral injections of norepinephrine (NE 0.3, 1.0, or 3.0 μg/0.5 μl) or normal saline (NS 0.5 μl) immediately after training in a CMIA paradigm. Subsequently, the rats were exposed to sevoflurane (2% inspired) or air for 2h. Norepinephrine produced a dose-dependent enhancement of memory consolidation on a 24-h retention test. The highest dose of NE tested (3.0 μg/0.5 μl) blocked sevoflurane-induced impairment of memory consolidation and reversed the inhibitory effect of sevoflurane on activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein (Arc) expression in the hippocampus 2h after training. These findings provide evidence that the mechanism mediating the memory-impairing effect of sevoflurane involves a network interaction between the BLA noradrenergic system and modulation of Arc protein expression in the hippocampus.  相似文献   
What influences how people implicitly associate “past” and “future” with “front” and “back?” Whereas previous research has shown that cultural attitudes toward time play a role in modulating space‐time mappings in people's mental models (de la Fuente, Santiago, Román, Dumitrache & Casasanto, 2014), we investigated real life experiences as potential additional influences on these implicit associations. Participants within the same single culture, who are engaged in different intermediate‐term educational experiences (Study 1), long‐term living experiences (Study 2), and short‐term visiting experiences (Study 3), showed their distinct differences in temporal focus, thereby influencing their implicit spatializations of time. Results across samples suggest that personal attitudes toward time related to real life experiences may influence people's space‐time mappings. The findings we report on shed further light on the high flexibility of human conceptualization system. While culture may exert an important influence on temporal focus, a person's conceptualization of time may be attributed to a culmination of factors.  相似文献   
实验采用EyeLink II 眼动仪,以30名大学生为被试,采用2(预测性:高、低)×3(空格:正常无空格、词间空格、非词空格)被试内设计,考察了预测性和空格对中文阅读影响,探讨了模块化理论和相互作用理论的争论。结果发现:词的预测性和空格两因素的主效应显著,但二者之间无交互作用,符合模块化理论的预期。  相似文献   
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