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In applications of item response theory, assessment of model fit is a critical issue. Recently, limited‐information goodness‐of‐fit testing has received increased attention in the psychometrics literature. In contrast to full‐information test statistics such as Pearson’s X2 or the likelihood ratio G2, these limited‐information tests utilize lower‐order marginal tables rather than the full contingency table. A notable example is Maydeu‐Olivares and colleagues’M2 family of statistics based on univariate and bivariate margins. When the contingency table is sparse, tests based on M2 retain better Type I error rate control than the full‐information tests and can be more powerful. While in principle the M2 statistic can be extended to test hierarchical multidimensional item factor models (e.g., bifactor and testlet models), the computation is non‐trivial. To obtain M2, a researcher often has to obtain (many thousands of) marginal probabilities, derivatives, and weights. Each of these must be approximated with high‐dimensional numerical integration. We propose a dimension reduction method that can take advantage of the hierarchical factor structure so that the integrals can be approximated far more efficiently. We also propose a new test statistic that can be substantially better calibrated and more powerful than the original M2 statistic when the test is long and the items are polytomous. We use simulations to demonstrate the performance of our new methods and illustrate their effectiveness with applications to real data.  相似文献   
越来越多的实验证据表明,n-3系多元不饱和脂肪酸(n-3PUFA)与抑郁症之间存在联系,二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)和二十碳五烯酸(EPA)可能具有预防和治疗抑郁症的作用.回顾国内外关于n-3PUFA与抑郁症之间存在的负性关系的研究并介绍其主要的研究结果和现状,解释n-3PUFA引起的抗抑郁效果可能涉及的神经机制,包括神经传递、葡萄糖的新陈代谢、促炎细胞因子的分泌、5-羟色胺(5-HT)以及脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)的水平、还有神经元的凋亡等的变化.并且总结现有研究中存在的一些问题,例如使用的n-3PUFA种类和剂量问题,DHA或EPA是否对于不同种类的抑郁症均有效,单独作用还是共同作用才能引起抗抑郁效果等等,n-3PUFA对抑郁症病理机制的具体影响可能是未来的研究方向.  相似文献   
共情是个体设身处地地共享并理解他人的情绪情感的心理现象,是道德与利他行为的动机源泉。儒家文化作为中国传统文化的主体,蕴含着具有深远理论意义和生动实践意义的共情观。本文将共情的情绪与认知两种成分作为视角,对儒家经典文本中的共情观进行梳理、分析与比较,发现儒家文化中的"恻隐之心"、"一体之仁"、"忠恕之道"、"絜矩之道"等思想观点在作为人们日常生活中接物待人道德伦理观的同时,在社会交往、理解他人等方面与共情具有相同的心理机制以及心理学原理。基于此发现,未来在继续探究儒家核心观念"仁"等文本与共情的联系与区别的同时,还可以针对儒式文化中的共情观,进一步尝试实证性研究。  相似文献   
L-shaped configuration is a commonly used stimulus configuration in studying horizontal vertical illusion. Here, we report that the horizontal vertical illusion is substantially underestimated when the L-shaped configuration is used for evaluating the illusion. Experiment 1 found that, in a length perception task, the perceived length of a vertical bar was about 10% longer than that of a horizontal bar with the same physical size. Similar amount of HVI was found in a length comparison task, in which the length of a horizontal bar was compared to that of a vertical bar and the two bars were presented separately in space or in time. In contrast, when the length comparison task was conducted with the two bars being arranged in a connected L-shape, the illusion was halved in strength. Experiment 2 and 3 studied what might be the cause of this L-shape induced HVI-underestimation. Two factors were investigated: the connectedness of the two lines, and the 45° absolute orientation or the 45° inner angle information embedded in the upright isosceles L-shape. The results showed that the HVI strength was not much affected when the 45° absolute orientation and the 45° angle information was made useless for the length comparison task. In contrast, the illusion was significantly reduced in strength whenever the two lines were separated as compared to when they were connected. These results suggested that the connectedness of the two lines must underlie the underestimation of the horizontal vertical illusion in the L-shaped configurations.  相似文献   
采用事件相关电位技术和三类刺激的经典oddball范式,以内隐的方式探讨内倾特质个体的自我参照加工程度效应及其神经机制。实验发现,在P2的波幅上,在电极前部、前中部和中部位置高自我相关的刺激比其它刺激诱发了更大的P2波幅。在P2的潜伏期上,在电极前部、中部、和中后部位置高自我相关的刺激比其它刺激诱发了更短的潜伏期。在N2的波幅上,高自我相关名字比其它刺激在左脑所诱发了更大的P2的波幅;对比内倾型被试,中间型被试的高自我相关名字比其它刺激诱发了更大的N2的波幅。在N2的潜伏期上,高自我相关的刺激在全脑都比其它刺激诱发了更短的N2潜伏期,且中后部电极位置的潜伏期最短;两类人格被试的高自我相关名字比其它刺激诱发了更短的N2潜伏期,但中间型人格被试的潜伏期最短。在P3平均波幅上,高自我相关的刺激在全脑都比其它刺激诱发了更大的P3波幅,其中中部脑区效应最大。研究结果表明内倾特质个体的自我参照加工具有程度效应,但对比中间型个体,内倾特质个体的自我参照加工的程度效应更弱。  相似文献   
该研究探索项目表述方法对量表因子结构的影响,在多特质-多方法(MTMM)矩阵框架下对关联特质-相关模型(The correlated trait-correlated method,CTCM)和关联特质-相关独特性模型(The correlated trait-correlated uniqueness,CTCU)等8个相关方法效应模型进行比较.结果发现,导致中文Rosenberg自尊量表两因子结构的主要是由项目表述的方法效应引起的.因此,在编制量表过程中应考虑方法效应对因子结构的影响.  相似文献   
Cognitive theories of emotion assert that emotional reactions to events depend on the manner in which events are interpreted and appraised. From this perspective, the same outcome can produce different emotions. For example, a score of 85% on a test can evoke positive feelings if it is considered a success or negative feelings if it is considered a failure. Among the various appraisal dimensions that have been identified, causal attributions are thought to play a particularly influential role in shaping emotional reactions to various events. For example, success can evoke pride if it is attributed to high ability, gratitude if it is attributed to help from others, relief if it is attributed to a stroke of good fortune, or guilt if it is attained fraudulently or at the expense of others. These cognitive-affective linkages are thought to be universal. In this paper, we report two studies that tested the cross-cultural generality of some of these assumptions. In Study 1, participants from the People's Republic of China were led to succeed or fail on an (alleged) test of their intelligence and creativity. Consistent with previous findings with Western samples, attributions to ability predicted participants' emotional reactions to their test performance, with high ability attributions linked to greater pride following success. In Study 2, we extended these findings with American and Chinese participants, using a different experimental manipulation of success and failure, and a measure of attributions to effort. For both cultural groups, attributions to ability (but not attributions to effort) predicted greater emotional reactions to success. We conclude that attribution-emotion linkages have cross-cultural validity, and that pride is maximized when success is attributed to high ability.  相似文献   
态度测量主要应用两种模型:累进型与展开型。目前国内的相关研究主要针对累进型模型。文章在回顾累进型模型的基础上,介绍了当前国际研究最为前沿的一种新的态度测量模型———二值概率展开模型,并详细阐述了该模型的一般数学表达式。  相似文献   
邢采  张希  牛建林 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1679-1689
男女比例协调本是自然进化的规律。可在我国, 人口性别比例失调的现象日趋严重, 深入理解这一现象对社会产生何种影响已经成为一件刻不容缓的工作。进化心理学和社会人口学这两个领域近年来分别开展了一系列与此问题相关的研究, 从性选择、择偶、婚姻、亲本投资、暴力行为和经济行为六个方面全面研究人口性别比例对人类行为的影响。  相似文献   
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