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大量从“能力”角度来探讨个体早期数学发展的研究仅专注于儿童早期的数学知识和技能, 而忽略了可能与儿童早期数学能力相关的方面。近年来, 数学认知发展研究者逐渐开始关注自发数量聚焦(Spontaneous focusing on numerosity, SFON), 即个体对环境中数量相关信息自发注意的认知倾向。SFON被视为其他数学聚焦倾向概念的基础, 但与自发数字聚焦(SAN)、自发阿拉伯数字聚焦(SFONS)和自发数量关系聚焦(SFOR)之间的联系仍需进一步明晰。作为数学表现的领域特异预测因子, 个体SFON的发展轨迹和作用机制是当前研究的重点所在。未来可从数学动机、数学焦虑等角度进一步探讨SFON的作用机制, 改良与创新SFON测量工具, 同时需深入推进家庭和学校场合的SFON干预研究。  相似文献   
消极身体意象是青少年健康成长所面临的重要问题之一。了解消极身体意象对青少年的危害以及其形成的影响因素, 对于青少年群体身心健康发展具有重要意义。消极身体意象对青少年的负面影响主要包括自我概念、情绪体验、体重控制策略、饮食失调和社会生活五个方面; 并且青少年消极身体意象形成的影响因素主要有生物因素(BMI)、社会文化因素(父母、同伴和大众媒体)和心理因素(人格因素、认知方式)。未来可从以下几个方面进一步深入研究:(1) 基于生物-心理-社会模型的视角完善青少年身体意象发展的理论模型; (2) 考察社交媒体等新兴因素的作用; (3) 阐明青少年在加工身体相关信息时的认知特点; (4) 推进中国青少年消极身体意象本土化研究。  相似文献   
Texture gradients can reveal surface orientation in a manner similar to shape from shading, and therefore provide an important cue for object recognition. In this study, we tested whether a complex 3-D object, such as a face, can be identified from texture gradients alone. The stimuli were laser-scanned faces for which the texture element was a fractal-noise pattern mapped onto the 3-D surface. An eight-alternative forced choice task was used in which participants matched a face defined by texture gradients to one of eight faces defined by shape from shading (Experiment 1) or by texture gradients (Experiment 2). On average, participants scored 24% and 18%, respectively, above chance in these experiments. Although this performance was much poorer than the performance based entirely on shape-from-shading stimuli (Experiment 3), the results suggest that texture gradient information may be used to recover surface geometry of complex objects.  相似文献   
王红  李薇 《管子学刊》2005,(3):25-28
晏婴以极忠尽谏闻名,而其劝谏的主要内容便是要齐君效法古之贤君爱民、重民,体现出中国传统文化中的民本思想.本文以《晏子春秋》为据,描述晏婴的谏诤形象和高超的进谏艺术与技巧.  相似文献   
Social identity approaches assume that social identification affects both self-conception and intergroup orientation. The authors contend that such social identification effects are accentuated when people hold a fixed view of human character and attribute immutable dispositions to social groups. To these individuals, social identities are immutable, concrete entities capable of guiding self-conception and intergroup orientation. Social identification effects are attenuated when people hold a malleable view of human character and thus do not view social identities as fixed, concrete entities. The authors tested and found support for this contention in three studies that were conducted in the context of the Hong Kong 1997 political transition, and discussed the findings in terms of their implications for self-conceptions and the meaning of social identification.  相似文献   
Variability in rhythmic movements has been interpreted as a signature of internal or peripheral noise processes. Grounded in an oscillator interpretation, this study hypothesized that period variability and drift arises from the asymmetry between target period and the limb's intrinsic dynamics. Participants synchronized to 7 target periods, swinging 1 of 3 pendulums in a continuation paradigm; 3 periods were longer, 3 shorter, and 1 identical to the preferred period. Results supported 5 predictions: Drift toward the preferred period was observed that scaled with the asymmetry. Variability was lowest for symmetry conditions and increased with the asymmetry. Variability decreased concomitant with the approach toward the preferred period. Periods exponentially approached the preferred period with positive autocorrelations up to 10 cycles.  相似文献   
It is thought that circadian rhythms may influence learning and memory processes. However, research supporting this view does not dissociate a mnemonic impairment from other performance deficits. Furthermore, published reports do not specify the type of memory system influenced by the circadian system. The present study assessed the effects of phase shifting on acquisition and expression of place navigation in the water maze, a task sensitive to hippocampal dysfunction. The results showed that phase-shifting circadian rhythms in rats impaired the expression of place information on a retention test but not initial acquisition or encoding of place information. These results suggest that disruption of circadian rhythms may impair consolidation of previously encoded hippocampal place information.  相似文献   
Checkerboards contain fundamental two-dimensional Fourier components oriented 45° from the edges of individual checks. Previous studies have shown that contingent color aftereffects following adaptation to chromatic checkerboard stimuli were associated with the fundamental components rather than the edges, In the present experiments, we measured contingent color aftereffects, using the method of constant stimuli, after subjects adapted to unfiltered checkerboards and checkerboards with the fundamental Fourier components removed. The adaptation stimuli were magenta (or green) squares and green (or magenta) diamonds; the test stimuli were vertical or oblique sine-wave gratings with different saturations, After adaptation to unfiltered checkerboards, aftereffects contingent on the fundamental components were obtained. In contrast, after adaptation to filtered stimuli, aftereffects of smaller magnitude were found to be aligned with the edges. The data support the previous findings of spatial-frequency-contingent color after-effects with checkerboard adaptation stimuli and indicate that the aftereffects can be associated with edges if the fundamental components of adaptation stimuli are removed by spatial filtering. We reexamined the possibility of color aftereffects induced by imagery of checkerboards. Contrary to the previous reports, no significant aftereffects were obtained.  相似文献   
彭坚  刘毅  路红  刘映杰  吴伟炯 《心理科学进展》2014,22(11):1757-1769
情绪领导力是指领导者基于自身情绪能力, 通过情绪传染和策略运用来有效管理组织成员的正性和负性情绪, 充分发挥不同情绪的有利效价, 营造应景的组织情绪氛围, 带领组织成员为实现组织共同目标而奋斗。目前, 情绪领导力的测量主要是借用情绪智力量表, 缺乏标准化工具。情绪领导力的研究发展经历3个阶段:以领导情绪能力为中心、以领导情绪传染为中心和以情绪领导力为中心。基于各阶段研究梳理, 建构整合模型:遗传基因、人格和情绪特质对情绪领导力起预测作用, 大脑活动(右侧额叶)与情绪领导力互为因果关系。情绪领导力通过直接和间接两条路径对个体和组织层面的领导效能产生显著影响。未来研究应加强对概念、测量、调节机制、生物基础、组织层面议题和跨文化对比等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   
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