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Children with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) are at increased risk for developing poor relationships with people around them, but the longitudinal links between ODD symptoms and subsequent interpersonal functioning remain unclear. In the current study, we examined the bidirectional associations between ODD symptoms and children’s relationships with parents, peers, and teachers. We included separate analyses for parent vs. teacher reports of ODD symptoms, with regard to subsequent interpersonal relationships. Participants included 256 children with ODD, recruited in China, along with their parents and teachers, assessed at three time points roughly two years apart. Parents and teachers reported child ODD symptoms at each time point, and children reported their perceptions of father– and mother–child attachment, peer relationships, and teacher–student relationships across the three time points. ODD symptoms reported either by parents or teachers predicted impairments in interpersonal functioning. Meanwhile, child interpersonal impairments with peers and teachers predicted subsequent increase in teacher-reported ODD symptoms. These findings highlight the importance of transactional models of influence—and of considering early intervention for ODD in protecting children from developing further deficits and impairments. Additionally, we discuss the perspectives of multiple informants on ODD symptoms, including their different patterns of association with subsequent interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   
采用眼动记录技术和恋人概念威胁启动范式探讨自我和恋人面孔优势效应的产生和维持过程。结果发现:与概念非威胁启动条件下相比,概念威胁启动条件下,被试搜索恋人面孔时的兴趣区个数和搜索自我面孔时的平均眼跳次数与搜索陌生人面孔时比差异变得不显著;恋人面孔与陌生人面孔在兴趣区内总注视时间上的差异变得不显著。结果表明,自我与恋人面孔存在注意的优先捕获和维持优势,恋人概念的威胁启动会减少对恋人的关注,证明了建立恋人的积极概念是恋人面孔优势效应产生和维持的重要原因。  相似文献   
略论城市文明与市民道德素质   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城市文明是市民道德素质的外在行为表现,市民道德素质是城市文明的内在核心与灵魂.市民是城市的主体力量,推进城市文明建设,必须通过广大市民去实现.文明创建为民、靠民、惠民,搞好市民道德素质建设,就抓住了整个城市文明建设的根本.城市文明创建活动对于提高市民素质具有十分重要的积极推动作用,它一方面可以使广大市民在参与中认识自我、教育自我、改造自我,提高道德素质和文明水平;另一方面,文明创建的过程又是一个调动各方、凝心聚力的共建共享过程.  相似文献   
回顾了5G远程超声诊断的技术特点和应用趋势,剖析受检者、医护人员及社会的获益与风险,认为5G 远程超声诊断模式作为远程医疗全新应用,可以成为我国医联体资源共享的重要载体,有望改善医疗资源在基层和偏远地区时空分布不均,满足公共卫生疾病筛查、院前急救和隔离病房超声检查需求,提高医疗质量、安全和可及性。此外,针对衍生出的受检者-本地端-远程端三方权责关系治理挑战,以及未来直接面向消费者的健康管理新模式,提出运用医师多点执业制度、设备备案管理等措施予以规范的建议。  相似文献   
种方 《孔子研究》2020,(2):109-117
"束帛聘贤说"是经学家对《周易》贲卦六五爻辞之"贲于丘园,束帛戋戋"的一种普遍理解,目前可见最早抱有一定束帛聘贤说倾向、并能确定时代的经学家为荀爽。在他之前,还有一部存在时代争议的《易林》,其中虽然提到束帛聘贤,但并不以之为贲卦六五爻辞的解释。明确论述了"束帛聘贤说"的学者则为王肃。但有证据表明,在荀爽之前束帛聘贤说已经产生。对比先秦及汉初典籍对束帛用法的记录,可知束帛聘贤并不符合先秦的礼制,束帛聘贤的行为直到汉初才有文献记录。因此可以说,在束帛聘贤的做法产生之后,汉代经学家们受到时代的影响,才开始用束帛聘贤说来解经,束帛聘贤的观念也因此更加深入人心。  相似文献   
有关辩证情绪的实证研究已经成为情绪研究中的一个新的热点问题,并从一个本土心理学的研究领域演变为主流心理学的研究课题。辩证情绪是指积极和消极情绪的共存。文章对辩证情绪的研究方法进行了回顾,主要包括辩证情绪研究范式的演变、辩证情绪的诱发方法、辩证情绪的测量方法以及辩证情绪的计算方法,并对不同的研究方法的优缺点及其贡献进行了比较和分析。最后,文章对辩证情绪研究方法的未来发展提出了展望。  相似文献   
The present study is a cross-sectional survey that investigates ethical practices among Chinese psychotherapists from the perspective of a large representative sample of Chinese clients (N?=?1,100). In reports from clients, we found that psychotherapists did poorly in providing informed consent and had other ethical difficulties in the therapeutic setting and with dual relationships. We conclude that Chinese culture, especially Confucianism, had significant impact on the attitudes toward the psychotherapists' ethical practices, which complicated ethical dilemmas. It is important for cross-cultural psychotherapists to become sensitive to the influences of traditional Chinese culture when counseling Chinese clients.  相似文献   
A modified proactive interference paradigm was developed to investigate encoding and memory processes in preschool-age children. The buildup and release from proactive interference in preschool-age children parallels that of adults and of mentally retarded persons, indicating that very young children and older people may use many of the same encoding dimensions.  相似文献   
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