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针对神经症的行为疗法与森田疗法进行了多方面的比较,认为两种疗法在临床实践中都是以行为为核心的;但二者所侧重的行为并不相同,在治疗目标上也不相同,行为疗法与森田疗法在神经症治疗中存在优势互补的可能性与必要性.  相似文献   
继发性感染是导致急性重症胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis,SAP)高病死率最重要的因素.继发感染的微生物多为革兰阴性菌.选用抗菌药物需兼顾病原菌敏感性及抗菌药物穿透血胰屏障能力,合理选择用药方式;对于CT证实有胰腺坏死的急性重症胰腺炎,可预防性使用抗生素;氟康唑可作为经验性抗真菌治疗的首选药物.  相似文献   
脓毒症(sepsis)是一种严重威胁患者生命的外科危重症,也是诱发脓毒性休克(septicshock)、多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)的重要原因.基于对脓毒症的病理生理的认识正不断深入,脓毒症的防治水平业已取得重要的进展.深入认识脓毒症,研究新的防治策略,实施正确的治疗,将有助于提高脓毒症的临床治疗水平.  相似文献   
作为清代乾嘉之际扬州学派代表人物,作为著名易学家,焦循不仅以精研《周易》著称,而且以易学的理论,对传统堪舆学进行了认真的考辨和分析,语多精谛。特别是对明清两代广泛流行的堪舆之学,从学理上作了深入的批判,这在清代乾嘉之际的学术界,可谓空谷足音,对我们今天研究焦循的易学思想,其中不乏积极的学术启发意义。  相似文献   
客体运动方向的视觉工作记忆容量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记忆动态场景中多客体的特征和时空信息是人类重要的认知活动。目前有关视觉工作记忆的研究虽然广泛探讨了对视觉信息的存储容量及机制,然而所采用的刺激材料均呈现于静态场景中,且不包含运动信息。而有关多客体追踪的研究只关注动态场景中多客体信息的实时更新,而不涉及一段时间内对客体信息的保持。本研究结合视觉工作记忆领域的变化觉察范式和多客体追踪范式,以独立运动的客体为刺激材料,探讨多个客体的运动方向信息在工作记忆中的存储容量问题。结果表明,在工作记忆中能够存储大约3个客体的运动方向信息。  相似文献   
This study investigated correlates of domain‐general and domain‐specific components of creativity. 158 college students completed a questionnaire that assessed their motivational and personality traits (i.e., intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, creative personality, and originality in word association) as well as intellectual abilities (SAT verbal and quantitative scores). Under two different instruction conditions (standard instruction or explicit “be creative” instruction), students also took a battery of multi‐item, product‐based tests of creativity in three domains (artistic, verbal, and mathematical creativity). Factor analyses showed evidence of domain‐generality of creativity. Furthermore, results from structural equation models showed that motivational and personality traits and intellectual abilities were associated with the domain‐general component of creativity. Only one variable (SAT quantitative score) was found to be associated with the domain‐specific component of mathematical creativity under the explicit “be creative” instruction condition. These results affirm the domain‐generality of creativity and challenge researchers to identify correlates of domain‐specific components of creativity.  相似文献   
Categorical accessibility is a cognitive factor that limits the extent of creative conceptual expansion. In the present study, we sought to establish the categorical accessibility norms in five conceptual domains among American and Hong Kong Chinese university students. In addition, we predicted that the tendency to access normatively inaccessible exemplars in a conceptual domain is positively related to the motivation to maximize the likelihood of attaining positive outcomes (promotion focus) and negatively related to the need for cognitive closure. We obtained the predicted relationships among both American and Hong Kong Chinese university students. These findings were discussed in terms of their implications for promoting creativity across cultures.  相似文献   
We conducted a retrospective study between 1997 and 2000 with 200 participants in the Children in the Community Study at their mean age of 29 (range: 27–31 years). Participants completed detailed narrative interviews about their transition to adulthood and described monthly levels of partner conflict that had occurred between ages 17 and 27. Data from these interviews were used to investigate the developmental trajectory and predictors of conflict in romantic relationships. Multilevel growth models showed that partner conflict increased between ages 19 and 25 and then declined slightly. Parental divorce, low parental socioeconomic status, being an only child, being divorced, being married, cohabiting, and having biological offspring were associated with elevated partner conflict. Different patterns of association between these variables and partner conflict were observed in men and women.  相似文献   
遵守规则是理性决策的必要条件。本研究考察了222名大学生和157名老年人进行选择活动时所遵循的规则的稳定性。研究发现,大学生的选择与老年人相比,具有显著的“不规则”倾向,然而此倾向在老年人中并不存在。在面对假设的超市折扣卡时,大学生的“非规则”选择显示出他们在一定程度上缺乏理性,而老年人的“精明”决策进一步证明其与日常生活相关联的复杂认知能力如判断和推理等在老龄期依然处于较高的水平。  相似文献   
为了分析原发性和继发性早期复发性自然流产(RSA)病因特点,对在本中心就诊的原发性和继发性早期RSA患者进行内分泌、遗传、感染、自身免疫、子宫解剖、男方精液等方面的检查。结果显示,原发性和继发性早期RSA患者病因特点有所不同,可以有针对性地选择病因检查。  相似文献   
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