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从中国古代医者的行医事迹、著作来探寻中国的医者是否在行医过程当中勤守医者的本份,也即类似原则思维的表现。虽然中国古代并没有"医学伦理"这个名词,但从历代具有代表性之医者身上发现,其实在中国古代医者的行医事迹当中,就表现出类似的医学伦理情操。因之,医学伦理原则是俱普世价值的,也即世界上有所谓的共同道德存在。  相似文献   
结合法学理论、医疗实践和目前患者隐私权的法律保护现状,就侵权行为、民事责任的认定以及隐私权的限制等问题予以理论阐释,并提出了切实可行的保护措施,如建立健全相关法律法规、医务人员要增强法律保护意识等,以期为患者隐私权的保护提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
存在焦虑的研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
存在焦虑是焦虑本体论的一种定义,是哲学、文学和心理学领域的重要概念之一。在心理学领域,存在焦虑理论主要包括罗洛·梅的焦虑本体论,布根塔尔的存在焦虑理论及存在焦虑与心理健康关系理论等等。目前的研究方法主要是量表测量法,但尚不成熟。为数不多的实证研究主要集中在:存在焦虑与心理健康的关系,与同一性地位的关系,与焦虑、抑郁的关系等等。今后研究的重点应包括概念研究的丰富、研究对象的拓宽及研究方法的改进和完善等  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to review and evaluate the range of theories proposed to explain findings on the use of geometry in reorientation. We consider five key approaches and models associated with them and, in the course of reviewing each approach, five key issues. First, we take up modularity theory itself, as recently revised by Lee and Spelke (Cognitive Psychology, 61, 152–176, 2010a; Experimental Brain Research, 206, 179–188, 2010b). In this context, we discuss issues concerning the basic distinction between geometry and features. Second, we review the view-matching approach (Stürzl, Cheung, Cheng, & Zeil, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 34, 1–14, 2008). In this context, we highlight the possibility of cross-species differences, as well as commonalities. Third, we review an associative theory (Miller & Shettleworth, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 33, 191–212, 2007; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 34, 419–422, 2008). In this context, we focus on phenomena of cue competition. Fourth, we take up adaptive combination theory (Newcombe & Huttenlocher, 2006). In this context, we focus on discussing development and the effects of experience. Fifth, we examine various neurally based approaches, including frameworks proposed by Doeller and Burgess (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, 5909–5914, 2008; Doeller, King, & Burgess, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, 5915–5920, 2008) and by Sheynikhovich, Chavarriaga, Strösslin, Arleo, and Gerstner (Psychological Review, 116, 540–566, 2009). In this context, we examine the issue of the neural substrates of spatial navigation. We conclude that none of these approaches can account for all of the known phenomena concerning the use of geometry in reorientation and clarify what the challenges are for each approach.  相似文献   
论文对古代典籍所载"易象"一名作了新的解读。认为所谓"易象",仅是当时《周易》的另一种称谓而已,它并不神秘;"易象"与今本《象传》没有直接联系,尚无渊源,《象传》"演德","易象""尊礼尚施",至汉代仍保存有以古礼诠释《周易》的传统;古代《周易》原有《象经》,或以《卦下易经》当之,惜已不传;但在清人的《易》著中,至今仍可见其传承的轨迹。  相似文献   
As the workforce ages it becomes important to examine if there is misperception of creativity and age in work contexts. A laboratory experiment examined perceptions of the creativity of a team with both young and old workers and of a team composed entirely of young workers. Scripted videos portrayed such teams engaged in designing an outdoor advertising campaign. Altogether, 220 participants were randomly assigned to watch one of the video clips and complete a structured questionnaire. No significant differences were observed in the perceptions of the two teams' performance or of the quality of the resulting advertising proposal. In general, there was also no significant difference in the individual characteristics attributed to the four characters on the teams. However, participants aged 35 or above evaluated both teams and all four characters more favorably than participants aged 20–34.  相似文献   
童年中期身体侵害、关系侵害与儿童的情绪适应   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
采用整群抽样法选取2603名小学儿童(平均年龄9.05 ± 0.53岁)作为被试,考察童年中期同伴侵害现象的基本特点,以及同伴侵害与情绪适应(孤独感、社交焦虑和抑郁)的关系。结果发现:(1)在性别差异方面,男生的身体侵害与关系侵害水平均显著高于女生,与身体侵害相比,关系侵害的性别差异程度较小。在同伴侵害的类型特点方面,儿童遭受身体侵害的水平显著高于关系侵害。(2)身体侵害、关系侵害与儿童的各情绪适应指标显著正相关,身体侵害和关系侵害能同时预测儿童的情绪适应不良;并且与身体侵害相比,关系侵害对情绪适应的影响更大。(3)身体侵害与社交焦虑的关系表现出性别差异,即身体侵害能预测女生的社交焦虑,而对男生的社交焦虑不存在预测作用;但同伴侵害与孤独感、抑郁的关系不受性别的调节。总体而言,有同伴侵害经历的男生和女生具有相似的情绪适应问题。  相似文献   
通过对149名小学一年级学生两年的追踪研究,在控制了一般认知能力、语音意识以及所关注变量自回归效应的情况下,探讨默读流畅性在语素意识与阅读理解关系中的作用。结果发现:(1)儿童语素意识、默读流畅性及阅读理解随时间均有显著发展;(2)一年级下学期儿童的默读流畅性在一年级上学期语素意识影响二年级上学期阅读理解过程中的中介作用显著,而二年级上学期的默读流畅性在一年级下学期语素意识影响二年级下学期阅读理解过程中的中介作用不显著。结果表明,在小学低年级阶段,默读流畅性在早期语素意识与之后的阅读理解中发挥跨时间点的中介作用,且该中介效应随儿童认知技能的发展会发生一定的变化。  相似文献   
电子媒体设备日益流行的同时, 睡眠问题也日趋加重, 主客观研究均发现电子媒体使用会对睡眠产生消极影响.背后的加工机制涉及睡眠置换,唤醒,屏幕光和电磁辐射.可以通过睡眠卫生教育,限制电子媒体使用,屏蔽屏幕蓝光等方式进行干预.未来研究需要从理论机制的整合,因果关系的确定,测量方式的客观化和标准化,使用情况细化和本土化研究方面做努力.  相似文献   
共有消费是多位消费者共同参与并承担开销的一种常见的消费活动。本研究基于风险转移理论, 探究了消费情境(单独消费vs.共有消费)对不熟悉产品偏好的作用机理及边界条件。通过5个实验, 结果发现:相比于单独消费情境下的消费者, 在共有消费情境下的消费者更愿意尝试不熟悉的产品。原因在于共有消费情境会转移消费风险, 使得消费者对不熟悉产品的感知风险降低。但是该效应仅发生于产品风险较低的产品。同时, 当共有消费群体的关系较为疏远时, 该效应会消失甚至逆转。  相似文献   
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