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In an evaluation project at the Goteborg University, we have looked at the relationship between individual and collective production of knowledge within the Health sciences in order to facilitate a common ground for a Academy of Health Sciences. We found obstacles for developing an environment which could stimulate multilateral co-operation and creativity. Some of these obstacles have their root in the different cultural backgrounds indicated in the analysis and makes it difficult to find common aims and strategies. The Model used makes the organizations’ activities visible and encouraging transdisciplinary contacts and improve organizational, structural and ideological decision making emanating from overall policies of the boards concerned.  相似文献   
A causal model for career choice was outlined, encompassing psychological cost-benefit-profit as a central intervening construct. The model was applied to the career choice (education vs work) after high school graduation and tested on longitudinal data from 173 students. The main problem concerned the relationship among the components in the causal career choice model, using multiple correlation and path analysis as tools. The results showed clear sex differences. For boys, the model was a rather powerful predictor of career choice (R = 0.70), and Psychological profit with regard to continued education had a clear direct effect as well as an indirect effect on career choice. For girls, the predictive validity was low (R = 0.35) and Psychological profit affected career choice only indirectly via Educational aspiration.  相似文献   
Three-hundred and twenty-seven Australian and 192 Swedish psychology students were compared with respect to four aspects of socio-politico attitudes: (a) differences in average levels for items and dimensions, (b) differences in degrees of consensus for specific issues (items), (c) differences in the structures of socio-politico attitudes and (d) differences in the profiles of attitudes across relevant items and dimensions. Analyses of variance showed that, in general, Swedes were significantly less conservative than Australians. The largest difference between the two samples were found for the dimension of punitiveness where Swedes were found to be much less punitive than Australians. The results also disclosed that there was greater ideological consensus and consistency among Swedes than among Australians. In line with earlier cross-cultural research, the results also disclosed a relatively high level of ideological profile and structural similarity among the two western nations.  相似文献   
生活中,个体会时时关注自己的行为结果并及时做出调整以适应环境的变化。但在应激下个体能否有效地监控行为并做出适应性调整依然未知。本研究招募了52名男性大学生被试,将其随机分入应激组与控制组,采用特里尔社会应激测试(Trier Social Stress Test, TSST)诱发个体的应激反应,并结合错误意识任务(Error Awareness Task,EAT)探索个体急性应激下的错误监控与错误后调整过程。应激指标的结果显示应激组个体在应激任务后唾液皮质醇、心率、应激感知自我报告和负性情绪均显著高于控制组,表明急性应激的诱发是成功的。行为结果显示应激组的错误意识正确率显著低于控制组,错误意识反应时显著短于控制组;进一步地,应激组个体在意识到错误之后的试次上正确率显著低于未意识到错误之后的试次,并且应激组个体在意识到错误之后的试次上正确率低于控制组。结果表明急性应激降低了个体对错误反应的监控水平,即便在辨别出错误反应的情况下,个体的行为监控与调节也更差。本研究说明急性应激会损伤行为监控系统,导致个体的行为适应性下降。  相似文献   
大学生的成就动机和成功恐惧研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
运用成就动机问卷和投射测验研究了大学生的成就动机和成功恐惧。结果表明 ,大学生的成功恐惧有四种 ,分别与人际、家庭、学业和事业有关。由投射测验引起的成功恐惧有明显的性别差异和专业差异。成就动机、追求成功的动机与成功恐惧负相关显著 ,避免失败的动机与成功恐惧正相关显著。  相似文献   
陈晶  索涛  袁文萍  冯廷勇 《心理学报》2011,43(2):152-163
大脑不断地对环境事件产生预期并将这些预期与实际结果进行比较, 通过对反馈刺激的结果评价以优化后续行为。采用抽奖式赌博任务范式, 操纵得奖的确定性程度, 利用事件相关电位技术(ERP), 研究青少年结果预期与评价的认知和神经电生理过程, 以成人作为对照组进行比较分析。研究结果表明:(1)在反映自动、快速结果评价的FRN上, 无论在高确定性还是在低确定性条件下, 青少年与成人均未表现出显著性差异; (2)组别与确定性程度在P300波幅上表现交互作用显著, 简单效应分析表明, 在高确定性条件下, 青少年组输、赢的P300波幅表现出差异; 而成人组输、赢的P300波幅无显著性差异。青少年对反馈刺激自动的快速结果评价能力已接近成人水平, 而对反馈刺激功能意义评价的控制加工能力还未发展成熟。  相似文献   
钦佩感是对优秀他人或榜样的一种高度喜欢和尊敬, 是看到他人的优秀行为或品质时所产生的一种积极情绪, 其典型成分是欣赏和鼓舞。他人的优秀能力、美德、积极态度、自我提升动机、相似的价值观等因素影响钦佩感的产生。美德钦佩感会导致后叶催产素分泌, 和能力钦佩感分别激发不同但又相互重叠的脑区。钦佩感具有激励作用, 提高自我效能感和结果期望并影响其职业意向, 激发个体的亲社会动机与行为。拓展钦佩感的概念与成分、辨析与崇拜的相似与不同、开展钦佩感的应用研究以及跨文化或本土化研究等是该领域未来重要的研究方向。  相似文献   
小学儿童谦虚行为的发展研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
谦虚行为是一种中国特有的亲社会行为,在有关儿童道德判断的跨文化研究领域具有比较特殊的意义.本研究通过实验室实验对311名7、9、11岁小学儿童的谦虚行为进行了有益的探索.结果发现,儿童的谦虚行为不仅与年龄因素有关,而且还会受到社会情境因素的影响.  相似文献   
环境因素与成人认知关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在考察环境因素与认知发展的关系.采用问卷和心理测量的方法对121名21~80岁成人被试的基本认知能力和环境影响变量进行测量.结果发现,在基本认知能力上存在显著的年龄差异;在环境测量的环境维度因素方面仅出现年龄差异,而环境测量的休闲维度因素方面却存在显著的年龄和性别双重差异;多项环境因素与基本认知能力存在显著相关.结论老年人基本认知能力低于年轻被试,且环境因素对认知发展有一定影响.  相似文献   
吴瑕  王浚哲  王赟  陈瀛  杨海波 《心理科学进展》2022,30(10):2219-2227
注意捕获是指注意定向的过程中刺激不自觉地捕获注意的现象。在复杂的视觉搜索任务中,类别注意控制定势(cACS)能够帮助我们将注意引导到与目标定义类别匹配的刺激上,并对其进行优先加工。探讨cACS在注意捕获中的加工机制,不仅能够扩展注意捕获领域的理论研究,还能对实际生活提供指导。通过文献梳理,从cACS的作用阶段、cACS的加工强度及cACS作用时的激活脑区三个方面总结了注意捕获中的cACS的加工机制。未来研究可以就抑制分心物的ACS、不同类型的cACS加工差异和人工类别ACS加工过程等进行探讨。  相似文献   
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