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We demonstrated unconscious learning of task-irrelevant perceptual regularities in a Serial Reaction Time (SRT) task in both visual and auditory domains. Participants were required to respond to different letters (‘F’ or ‘J’, experiment 1) or syllables (‘can’ or ‘you’, experiment 2) which occurred in random order. Unbeknownst to participants, the color (red, green, blue or yellow) of the two letters or the tone (1–4) of the syllables varied according to certain rules. Reaction times indicated that people indeed learnt both the color and tonal regularities indicating that task-irrelevant sequence structure can be learned perceptually. In a subsequent prediction test of knowledge of the color or tonal cues using subjective measures, we showed that people could acquire task irrelevant knowledge unconsciously.  相似文献   
Previous research has established that people can implicitly learn chunks, which (in terms of formal language theory) do not require a memory buffer to process. The present study explores the implicit learning of nonlocal dependencies generated by higher than finite-state grammars, specifically, Chinese tonal retrogrades (i.e. centre embeddings generated from a context-free grammar) and inversions (i.e. cross-serial dependencies generated from a mildly context-sensitive grammar), which do require buffers (for example, last in-first out and first in-first out, respectively). People were asked to listen to and memorize artificial poetry instantiating one of the two grammars; after this training phase, people were informed of the existence of rules and asked to classify new poems, while providing attributions of the basis of their judgments. People acquired unconscious structural knowledge of both tonal retrogrades and inversions. Moreover, inversions were implicitly learnt more easily than retrogrades constraining the nature of the memory buffer in computational models of implicit learning.  相似文献   


本文试图从说一切有部的观点出发,论述九定或等至与涅槃解脱的关系。"九定/等至"就是四禅和前三无色定,再加未至定和中间定。佛教认为,修行者只要依靠这九定中任何一定,断除三界烦恼,就可以获得解脱,而依靠最高的非想非非想定并无能力断除烦恼,从而获得解脱的机会,因为在此定境中没有无漏道。另外,修行者只要获得九个等至的任何一个,如果没有断除烦恼,就会投生到与此定相应的天界中去,投生天界还是获得解脱,主要看修行者修定时是否能够断除三界烦恼。  相似文献   
当前关于亲社会违规行为的研究主要集中于个体层面,但实践和理论都表明我们有探究团队亲社会违规氛围的必要性。为此,本研究聚焦于团队亲社会违规氛围这一概念,以和谐管理理论为基础,分别引入团队和谐作为中介变量和团队互依性作为调节变量,探讨团队亲社会违规氛围对团队绩效的影响机制和作用边界。本文以74个团队和334名团队成员为研究对象,通过对三阶段所获取的数据进行分析,结果显示:(1)团队互依性对团队亲社会违规氛围与团队和谐的关系具有调节作用:当团队互依性高时,团队亲社会违规氛围对团队和谐的负向影响更强;(2)团队和谐对团队绩效具有显著的正向影响;(3)团队互依性调节了团队亲社会违规氛围通过团队和谐对团队绩效的间接效应:当团队互依性水平较高时,团队亲社会违规氛围通过团队和谐对团队绩效的负向效应会被增强。本研究证实了团队亲社会违规氛围对团队绩效的作用机制与边界条件,拓宽了亲社会违规行为和团队和谐的相关研究。  相似文献   
儿童的认知控制和情绪调节可能影响他们面对挑战任务时的坚持性水平,而后者与其学校适应能力密切相关。本研究采用实验法和问卷法对91名6岁幼儿进行研究,主要探讨学前班儿童的坚持性与执行功能和负性情绪之间的关系,试图从认知控制和情绪调节角度,为提高幼儿的任务坚持性提供有效的干预策略。结果表明:(1)幼儿执行功能发展得越完备,其坚持性水平越高;(2)幼儿表露的负性情绪越少,其坚持性水平越高;(3)幼儿执行功能与坚持性的关系受到负性情绪的调节,对于负性情绪水平较低的幼儿,执行功能可以预测坚持性发展水平。  相似文献   
涂冬波  蔡艳  戴海琦  丁树良 《心理学报》2012,44(11):1547-1553
当前国内外开发的认知诊断模型基本上只能处理单策略的测验情景,并假设所有被试均采用同一种加工策略/解题策略,从而忽视了加工策略的多样性及差异性.本研究根据de la Torre和Douglas (2008)采用多个Q矩阵来表征多个加工策略的思想,并结合使用丁树良等(2009)修正的Q矩阵理论及孙佳楠,张淑梅、辛涛和包珏(2011)的广义距离判别法,开发了一种新的多策略认知诊断方法——MSCD方法.Monte Carlo模拟研究结果表明:在单策略测验情景下,传统的单策略认知诊断方法与采用MSCD方法的诊断正确率均比较理想,且差异不大;但在多策略测验情景时,传统的单策略认知诊断方法诊断正确率较低,而MSCD方法的诊断正确率却仍较理想;当加工策略增至5种时,MSCD方法仍有较高的边际判准率、模式判准率以及加工策略判准率.研究表明MSCD方法基本合理、可行.这为实现对加工策略的诊断提供了方法学支持,有利于拓展认知诊断在实际中的应用.  相似文献   
In the present study, we analyzed mice with a targeted deletion of β-catenin in DA neurons (DA-βcat KO mice) to address the functional significance of this molecule in the shaping of synaptic responses associated with motor learning and following exposure to drugs of abuse. Relative to controls, DA-βcat KO mice showed significant deficits in their ability to form long-term memories and displayed reduced expression of methamphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization after subsequent challenge doses with this drug, suggesting that motor learning and drug-induced learning plasticity are altered in these mice. Morphological analyses showed no changes in the number or distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase-labeled neurons in the ventral midbrain. While electrochemical measurements in the striatum determined no changes in acute DA release and uptake, a small but significant decrease in DA release was detected in mutant animals after prolonged repetitive stimulation, suggesting a possible deficit in the DA neurotransmitter vesicle reserve pool. However, electron microscopy analyses did not reveal significant differences in the content of synaptic vesicles per terminal, and striatal DA levels were unchanged in DA-βcat KO animals. In contrast, striatal mRNA levels for several markers known to regulate synaptic plasticity and DA neurotransmission were altered in DA-βcat KO mice. This study demonstrates that ablation of β-catenin in DA neurons leads to alterations of motor and reward-associated memories and to adaptations of the DA neurotransmitter system and suggests that β-catenin signaling in DA neurons is required to facilitate the synaptic remodeling underlying the consolidation of long-term memories.  相似文献   
社会支持对慢性病患者身心健康的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
慢性疾病已经成为威胁现代人健康的头号问题.社会支持作为影响人们身心健康的重要因素,在减轻疾病压力、帮助人们应对压力以及减少心理不适、增进身体健康等方面发挥着重要的作用.从社会网络理论的视角,考察社会支持对慢性病患者身心健康的影响,提出相应的社会支持对策.  相似文献   
将82例稳定期COPD患者随机分为两组,治疗组接受为期半年的健康教育,对照组不接受健康教育.观察半年前后两组的吸烟比例、呼吸困难评分、吸入治疗比例及正确率和半年内急性发作次数;并比较半年前后的生活质量评分、疗效评估和肺功能指标.发现:半年的健康教育可增加稳定期COPD患者的戒烟率,减少反复急性发作,从而提高生活质量.缺乏经济效益及未受到足够的重视和宣传,制约了健康教育的普及,因此发展社区卫生医疗服务势在必行.  相似文献   
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