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1979年6月俄罗斯联邦社会主义共和国高等和中等专业教育部的唯物辩证法问题委员会在列宁格勒举行了第9次扩大会议。在这次会议上,对“辩证法与系统方法”这一论题进行了讨论。六十来名科学家参加了这次会议。 (?)乌耶莫夫在“系统方法是辩证法具体化的现代形式”的报告中强调指出,哲学不应当把它的一般方法论直接运用于部门科学的事实和具体问  相似文献   
The present experiment examined a model and a supplementary explanation of feedback acceptance. The model consisted of inventory responding under a yea-saying response set and the explanation stated that feedback is accepted because it is accurate and persuasive. "Neurotic" and stable undergraduates (n = 120) took several personality inventories and then rated the accuracies of personality "interpretations." As predicted, the model mirrored every detail of feedback acceptance; also, the accuracy of interpretations related most simply to their acceptance and the undergraduates changed their self-perceptions in the direction of the interpretations. Contrary to predictions, individual differences in persuasibility did influence feedback acceptance.  相似文献   
Response strength in multiple periodic and aperiodic schedules   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Responding in multiple periodic and aperiodic schedules of equal mean reinforcement rate was examined during extinction, satiation, and in the presence of various free-food schedules. In Experiments I and II, pigeons were trained on multiple variable-interval–fixed-interval schedules. Decreases in the rate of responding due to extinction, satiation, or food schedules were approximately equal regardless of the temporal pattern of reinforcer presentation. In Experiment III, pigeons responded on a two-component multiple schedule in which each component was a two-member homogeneous response chain terminating in a fixed-interval schedule during one component and in a variable-interval schedule during the other. The length of both terminal links was varied over a series of conditions. Initial-link responding in the fixed-interval component was reduced more by increasing terminal-link length than was initial-link responding in the variable-interval component. However, no differences in resistance to satiation and extinction were obtained across the fixed and variable components. If the relative decrease in responding produced by satiation and extinction is used as an index of the “value” of the conditions maintaining responding, then these data suggest that fixed and variable schedules of equal mean length are equally valued. This conclusion, however, is not consistent with findings of preference for variable over fixed schedules obtained in studies using concurrent-chain procedures.  相似文献   
研究马克思早期著作中的唯物辩证法形成过程,这绝不是出于单纯的历史兴趣。对这些早期著作及其中包含的辩证法思想所做的某种阐释,和对唯物辩证法理论本身所做的某些解释之间,存在着紧密的相互联系。众所周知,当代的马克思主义者对马克思早期著作的成熟程度有不同的评价,因此对马克思主义哲学发展中早期和成熟期之间、以及黑格尔的唯心主义辩证法和马克思的唯物辩证法之间的继承问题的解答,也就各有不同。近年来,这些问题引起了国外马克思主义者尤其是法国和意大利的马克思主义者的特别关注。在这些国家开展的关于马克思主义辩证法问题的讨论中,特别明显的趋势是通过辩证  相似文献   
康德把自由和强制的对立放到了自由的理念本身之中:自由只能位于(强制性的)法律之下。他企图用个人和普遍性的统一扬弃这一对立。在社会行为范畴内,这一统一显现为联合起来的个人,自动全面的自我限制,只有这样,社会定在才可能是自由个人的世界,才可能是“市民社会”。黑格尔认为,作为市民社会基础的“普遍性”根本就不能完成它的使命:将个人的自由扬弃在普遍的自由之中,黑格尔据此出发,对康德的法学理论提出了批评:“依照这种见解,其成为实体性的基础和首要的东西的,不是自在自为地存在的、合乎理性的意志,而是单个人在他独特任性中的意志,也不是作为真实精神的精神,而是作为特殊个人的精神。这一原  相似文献   
1.关于哲学的“性质、方法和概念”,在最近一百五十年的哲学史上有过许多争论。元哲学讨论占去了哲学思考和反哲学思考的一大部分时间。这有时就被解释为“哲学的终结”(海德格尔语)或一种“神经病”(赖尔语)。除了这些评价之外,这些讨论对于阐明作为活动的哲学的性质,是富有成果的和必要的。这种元哲学反思的一个重要方面,是说明什么是哲学问题这样一个问题。哲学家们的众所周知的不一致,也扩及到这个问题上来。但不管他们采取什么理论立  相似文献   
本世纪六十年代资产阶级科学哲学演变的特点是同在此以前占统治地位的实证主义坚决分道扬镳。“在现代自然科学和社会科学的哲学中,主要倾向是反实证主义”——西方现代逻辑学-方法论的刊物上常常这样说。对这一现象进行历史和哲学的  相似文献   
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