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瑟南古《人的原始本质沉思录》是 19世纪转折时期的重要作品之一[1] 。瑟南古在这本书里描绘了一幅符合他那个时代的科学思想的世界图画。那是一幅机械力学的必然性占统治地位的图画 ,善恶之分在其中不再时兴。上帝根本不存在 ,世界也不是上帝创造的。瑟南古没有表示任何遗憾 :大自然中一切浑然无别 ,因为一切皆是必然 :一切皆美 ,因为一切皆有定。个人若是孤立的 ,就微不足道 :他的原因 ,他的目的皆在其身外。一切绝对单一地、不可战胜地存在着 ,除其自身之外不存在其他原因、其他目的 ,除了其本性的规律之外不存在其他规律 ,除了他的永恒…  相似文献   
The Undoing Effect of Positive Emotions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Positive emotions are hypothesized to undo the cardiovascular aftereffects of negative emotions. Study 1 tests this undoing effect. Participants (n = 170) experiencing anxiety-induced cardiovascular reactivity viewed a film that elicited (a) contentment, (b) amusement, (c) neutrality, or (d) sadness. Contentment-eliciting and amusing films produced faster cardiovascular recovery than neutral or sad films did. Participants in Study 2 (n = 185) viewed these same films following a neutral state. Results disconfirm the alternative explanation that the undoing effect reflects a simple replacement process. Findings are contextualized by Fredrickson's broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions (B. L. Fredrickson, 1998).  相似文献   
自闭症谱系障碍(autism disorder, ASD)的核心症状之一是持续性的社会功能障碍。近年来大量的研究表明触觉输入可以通过调控催产素系统影响社会功能。同时,近年来提出的催产素的社会显著性理论认为,催产素可以通过增强对应脑区的激活程度从而提高社会信息的显著性。在此理论框架下,当社会互动发生时,触觉输入会增强催产素的合成与分泌,同时催产素也会提高触觉信息的显著性,从而进一步促进社会互动的进行。基于催产素的社会显著性理论,ASD患者的触觉敏感性异常以及催产素系统异常可能破坏触觉与催产素系统之间的相互调控机制,这可能是其社会功能缺陷的原因之一。探究触觉、催产素系统和社会功能三者的关系有助于我们了解社会功能障碍的发病机制,为未来的预防和干预手段提供新的思路。  相似文献   
本文的着眼点落于新冠肺炎大流行的社会政治强烈反应,并使用黑格尔哲学的架构来分析它。首先,本文分析一部分人反对国家强制实行的控制大流行措施而进行的有原则抗议。基于黑格尔关于现代民主国家所依赖的国家与成员之间的双重承认的分析,文章认为,这些有原则的抗议者拒绝承认国家是公共自由的现实性,这就突显了现代国家固有的脆弱性。这些人的立场背景是他们感觉自己未得到国家的承认。作为对于这一问题的解决办法,文中建议国家必须开发出整合这些民众的新方法,不仅通过其法律和制度架构,还要表现在经济和社会文化上。其次,本文借助黑格尔的论点——一个欧洲国家纽带可以成功地和平解决世界这一部分地区的冲突——分析新冠肺炎大流行对国家间关系的影响。文章认为,新冠肺炎大流行和其他许多危机(气候变化、福利分配不平等,等等)的全球影响造就了一种共同基础,它为将欧洲解决国家间危机的办法扩展到世界其他地区提供了理由。  相似文献   
Evidence suggests that anxiety is associated with a shift of visual attention toward threatening stimuli in the environment, such as facial expressions (Mogg & Bradley, 1999). More recent evidence, however, indicates that anxiety may be better characterized by a failure to rapidly disengage the visual attention system away from threat-related facial expressions (Fox, Russo, Bowles, & Dutton, 2001). The present study further investigates this delayed disengagement hypothesis. Results show that high trait-anxious individuals, in contrast to low trait-anxious individuals, take longer to classify peripheral target letters when fearful facial expressions were presented at fixation relative to sad, happy, or neutral expressions. These findings demonstrate a specific tendency to dwell on fear-relevant stimuli, as opposed to negative information in general. These findings are considered from an evolutionary perspective and the possible role of delayed disengagement from threat in the maintenance of anxiety states is also discussed.  相似文献   
“如果全部历史都不过是人类不断排除困难的命运史,那么,他们现在所遵循的道路是什么呢?”就有关人类的定义而言,所谓人们并不仅仅像在生与死之间奔波那样过自己的生活、而是当他们在这个世界上生存的时候还要寻求意义这样一种观点,几乎是一种平淡无奇的种差(differentia)。在寻求意义的过程中,人们所承担的任务与某个童话人物的任务是非常相似的:“走到哪里我并不知道,得到什么我并不知道。”人们在并不知道走向哪里的情况下不断前行,在由各种无法预见的可能性组成的语义领域中不断排除困难、艰难度日。构成有关走这条路还是走另一条路的韵…  相似文献   
新西兰人(常自称"Kiwis")包括土著毛利人和从欧洲、太平洋诸岛、亚洲及世界其他地方来的移民.就自然环境的优美绝伦、广大民众的安居乐业而言,这块长云掩映的土地正如古代中国诗人所向往的世外桃源.  相似文献   
“彬彬有礼的野蛮行径”这个概念,是在我们对于具体表现在2 0世纪80年代以来公共权力或者企业所推进的常规改革(学校改革、公共服务改革、企业管理改革)运动中的“现代化”话语和工具进行批判性分析之后提出的。这些现代化的话语和工具,我们觉得构成了社会学分析的一个“盲点”。“彬彬有礼的野蛮行径”这个观念,通过其表述本身强调了现象的突出的荒谬性。它描述了虽然丧失人道,却不会退回到在独裁和极权制度下可能施行的那种原始侵害和暴力的一个过程。这个丧失人性的过程,在民主社会中开展,不会导致社会和个人的明显的破坏。然而,它冲击着…  相似文献   
"玛尼"石刻,是广泛流布于藏族民间文化中的一种群众喜闻乐见的宗教石刻艺术,也是藏族民间美术众多形式中具有独特表现手段和最有代表性的雕刻艺术形式之一.藏族"玛尼"石刻泛指雕刻在石块上的佛语、造像和图符,是极具本土地域风格特色和民族民间风采神韵的藏族石刻文化的特殊形式.它有着古老而悠久的发展历史,在藏传佛教美术和民间民俗美术中具有十分重要的教化功能、审美意义和神圣而独特的宗教文化地位.  相似文献   
Negative self-images play an important role in maintaining social anxiety disorder. We propose that these images represent the working self in a Self-Memory System that regulates retrieval of self-relevant information in particular situations. Self-esteem, one aspect of the working self, comprises explicit (conscious) and implicit (automatic) components. Implicit self-esteem reflects an automatic evaluative bias towards the self that is normally positive, but is reduced in socially anxious individuals. Forty-four high and 44 low socially anxious participants generated either a positive or a negative self-image and then completed measures of implicit and explicit self-esteem. Participants who held a negative self-image in mind reported lower implicit and explicit positive self-esteem, and higher explicit negative self-esteem than participants holding a positive image in mind, irrespective of social anxiety group. We then tested whether positive self-images protected high and low socially anxious individuals equally well against the threat to explicit self-esteem posed by social exclusion in a virtual ball toss game (Cyberball). We failed to find a predicted interaction between social anxiety and image condition. Instead, all participants holding positive self-images reported higher levels of explicit self-esteem after Cyberball than those holding negative self-images. Deliberate retrieval of positive self-images appears to facilitate access to a healthy positive implicit bias, as well as improving explicit self-esteem, whereas deliberate retrieval of negative self-images does the opposite. This is consistent with the idea that negative self-images may have a causal, as well as a maintaining, role in social anxiety disorder.  相似文献   
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