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Children voluntarily adopt a frequency and movement pattern for walking. The force-driven harmonic oscillator (FDHO) model was used in this study for accurate prediction of the preferred walking frequency of nondisabled children and children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Four potential optimality criteria with which the preferred walking pattern was forced to comply were examined: minimization of physiological costs, maximization of mechanical energy conservation, minimization of asymmetry in lower limb movements and minimization of variability of interlimb and intralimb coordination. Age and gender-matched nondisabled children (n = 6) and children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy (n = 6) were tested under six frequency conditions of walking at a constant speed on a treadmill. For the nondisabled children, the results indicated that their preferred walking frequency could be accurately predicted by the FDHO model. They freely adopted a walking pattern that minimized physiological costs, asymmetry, and variability of inter- and intralimb coordination. For the children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy, the prediction of preferred overground walking frequency required that the FDHO model be modified to account for muscle mass and leg length discrepancies between limbs and increased stiffness. Most of the children achieved the same optimality goals as the nondisabled when walking at the preferred frequency. However, the children were found to use different mechanisms to attain these goals: for example, a steeper increase observed in physiological cost at higher frequencies; a lowered center of gravity of the body, which allowed for angular symmetry; and greater variability of between-joint coordination in the nonaffected limb and less variability in the affected limb.  相似文献   
有关短时记忆的发展问题,如果说在种系发展上已经完成了大量的研究工作,并且做了充分令人信服的、关于在进化中短时记忆不断改善的结论的话,那么,在个体发展上,人的早期短对记忆的发展问题的研究,还是个空白。有关记忆的实验心理学研究,是从儿童生后的第三、四年开始的。以往有关个体发育的早期阶段记忆的发展材料,主要来自《母亲日记》一类的资料,在这类资料中,有关记忆的记述,带有偶然性。在这个时期,记忆的某些形式,其中包括短时记忆,一般地说,还没有研究。  相似文献   
我们这篇文章专门用来论讨在直接再现和延缓再现中,记忆和思维相互关系这个当前必须解决的问题А·А·斯米尔诺夫早就证实过,积极的思维活动是提高不随意识记效率的基础。积极思维活动的内容越复杂,就越容易识记。  相似文献   
学校改革——这是历史发展的必然规律的体现。教育是为了使人适应生活而培养人的,而生活又在不断地发展,它对人的要求也在不断地变化,因此,教育也应当不断地变化。这一改革将根据本世纪末、下世纪初发达的社会主义社会对学校教育的要求来进行。  相似文献   
The development of a 42-item measure of a number of personality features derived from the theory of psychological reversals is reported. These personality features are (a) the extent to which a person is serious-minded, (b) the extent to which a person plans ahead and organizes himself in the pursuit of goals, and (c) the extent to which a person seeks to avoid arousal. These features together are seen to constitute a personality trait which is described as telic dominance. Data concerning the test-retest reliability, criterion-related and construct validity of the Telic Dominance Scale are presented, together with the scale and scoring key.  相似文献   
六十年代中期,资本主义国家里出现了一场意识形态的运动,七十年代正式形成,此后不断扩大。这场运动基本上是以对马克思的经济学的主要著作《资本论》、《政治经济学批判大纲》的理解为基础,同时又是对马克思的著作,特别是对马克思的早期著作所作的人道主义-存在主义的解释的反映。  相似文献   
Ⅰ人、神、人生的四个目的我所谓的印度伦理学,是指在哲学、宗教和文化的整个印度传统中所阐明的伦理观点;这个传统代表着《吠陀》、《奥义书》、《薄伽梵歌》,并包括耆那教和佛教在内的古典印度哲学流派。本文打算既从实践上又从理论上来考察印度伦理学的、可称之为“精神功利主义”的基本价值;同时,还将当代印度伦理思想作为传统印度伦理学的  相似文献   
The present experiment examined a model and a supplementary explanation of feedback acceptance. The model consisted of inventory responding under a yea-saying response set and the explanation stated that feedback is accepted because it is accurate and persuasive. "Neurotic" and stable undergraduates (n = 120) took several personality inventories and then rated the accuracies of personality "interpretations." As predicted, the model mirrored every detail of feedback acceptance; also, the accuracy of interpretations related most simply to their acceptance and the undergraduates changed their self-perceptions in the direction of the interpretations. Contrary to predictions, individual differences in persuasibility did influence feedback acceptance.  相似文献   
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