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Most of the nearly 300 indigenous American languages in North America are moribund, including Ojibwe and Dakota. Despite numerous basic studies of stimulus equivalence, only a small handful of applied studies have demonstrated that a stimulus equivalence paradigm can be an effective and efficient means of teaching several concepts including math, spelling, and a second language. This study was designed to apply a stimulus equivalence paradigm involving match-to-sample procedures to teaching numbers and words in a second, endangered, language. A pretest–posttest randomized group design was used to examine the effectiveness of a stimulus equivalence computer program for teaching unknown Ojibwe and Dakota words to pre-kindergarteners. All of the participants who received the computer training demonstrated the development of equivalence classes that included numerals, spoken English words, and written words in Ojibwe and Dakota. Results also suggested that the stimulus equivalence paradigm may be an efficient way to teach words in a second language and to aid in language revitalization efforts.  相似文献   
When people learn an environment, they appear to establish a principle orientation just as they would determine the “top” of a novel object. Evidence for reference orientations has largely come from observations of orientation dependence in pointing judgments: Participants are most accurate when asked to recall the space from a particular orientation. However, these investigations have used highly constrained encoding in both time-scale and navigational goals, leaving open the possibility that larger spaces experienced during navigational learning depend on a different organizational scheme. To test this possibility, we asked undergraduates to perform judgments of relative direction on familiar landmarks around their well-learned campus. Participants showed clear evidence for a single reference orientation, generally aligned along salient axes defined by the buildings and paths. This result argues that representing space involves the establishment of a reference orientation, a requirement that endures over repeated exposures and extensive experience.  相似文献   
The structural relations among ADHD–inattention (IN), ADHD–hyperactivity/impulsivity (H/I), and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) factors were examined in a 2-year longitudinal study with 752 children. Structural equation procedures showed that higher scores on the H/I factor in Year 1 were associated with higher scores on ODD factor in Years 2 and 3. Higher scores on the H/I factor in Year 2 were also associated with higher scores on ODD factor in Year 3. The ODD factor did not predict the H/I and IN factors in subsequent years. The IN factor did not predict the ODD and H/I factors in subsequent years and the H/I factor did not predict the IN factor. The ability of the H/I factor to predict the subsequent ODD factor occurred even after taking into account the ability of the ODD, H/I, and IN factors to predict themselves across time. These results suggest that the H/I aspect of ADHD influences the development of ODD behavior.  相似文献   
Assessment of visual-motor coordination in 6- to 11-yr.-olds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The concurrent and content validity of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test and the Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration-Third Revision were investigated through correlational analysis. 432 children, ages 6 to 11 years, were administered both tests. Across age groups participants performed better on both measures, providing support for the similarity of the measures and their sensitivity to the development of visuomotor integration. Although analysis indicated considerable overlap in the content of the two scales, the shared variance ranged from 7% to 31%, depending on the age of the child. The Rey-Osterrieth figure is composed of overlapping squares, rectangles, triangles, and various other shapes. Given this complex combination, scores on this test reflect the examinees' visual organization and motor planning skills. On the other hand, the Beery test consists of a series of shapes which progress from simple figures to more complex ones. Because the figures become more difficult to copy, the score on this test reflects the examinees' developmental level of visuomotor ability. Despite these differences in test stimuli and interpretation of performance, the present study showed considerable shared variance in the scores of the examinees who took both tests. Finally, local norms for the Rey-Osterrieth figure using the scoring approach of E. M. Taylor (1959, adapted from Osterrieth, 1944) and including standard scores are presented for children ages 6 to 11 years.  相似文献   
Maternal reminiscing and remembering has a profound influence on the development of children’s autobiographical remembering skills. The current study investigated the relationships between maternal memory specificity, maternal reminiscing and child memory specificity. Participants consisted of 40 mother–child dyads. Children’s age ranged between 3.5 and 6 years. Mothers and children participated in individual assessments of autobiographical memory specificity. Dyads participated in a joint reminiscing task about three past emotional (happy, sad, stressful) events. A positive moderate association was found between maternal autobiographical memory specificity and child autobiographical memory specificity. Maternal autobiographical memory specificity was significantly correlated with mothers’ focus on the task, involvement and reciprocity, resolution of negative feelings, and structuring of narratives in the mother–child reminiscing task. Moderate positive associations were found between maternal focus and structuring and child memory specificity. There was no evidence to suggest maternal elaborative reminiscing style was significantly positively correlated with mother or child memory specificity. Finally, there was support for an indirect pathway between maternal memory specificity and child memory specificity through quality of support and guidance provided by the mother in maternal reminiscing. Theoretical and clinical implications are considered.  相似文献   
Although heavy alcohol consumption is associated with diabetes-related complications, little is known about patterns of alcohol use among people with diabetes. Moreover, heavy drinking is more common among individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder (BD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) than in the general population, and these disorders are often comorbid with diabetes. The present study tested the hypothesis that mental disorders moderate the association between diabetes status and alcohol consumption. A total of 14,302 adult participants aged 40-79 were included from the cross-sectional 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey-Mental Health (1,698 with diabetes). Data were analyzed using hierarchical linear regression models. MDD and BD, but not GAD, significantly moderated the association between diabetes status and alcohol quantity, such that the presence of diabetes was strongly and negatively associated with alcohol quantity if individuals had MDD or BD. There was no interaction between diabetes status and any of the mental disorders and alcohol frequency. This study suggests that among individuals with diabetes, those with comorbid MDD or BD drink less than those without MDD or BD. Further investigation of this association is needed and could help inform future alcohol-related interventions among individuals with diabetes.  相似文献   
This study with 20 adults explored adding career biographies and career narrative writing to the career interest assessment report process. Participants reported that biographies and narratives helped them identify themes to consider how their career plans fit their personal lifestyle, meaning making, and values. This study offers 1 way to incorporate narratives and story to explore the self and self‐in‐context to activate meaning‐making processes in career interest assessment reports. Until career interest assessment reports include career biographies and a process for writing career narratives, only career counselors can offer this type of service to clients.  相似文献   
The three-space theory of problem solving predicts that the quality of a learner's model and the goal specificity of a task interact on knowledge acquisition. In Experiment 1 participants used a computer simulation of a lever system to learn about torques. They either had to test hypotheses (nonspecific goal), or to produce given values for variables (specific goal). In the good- but not in the poor-model condition they saw torque depicted as an area. Results revealed the predicted interaction. A nonspecific goal only resulted in better learning when a good model of torques was provided. In Experiment 2 participants learned to manipulate the inputs of a system to control its outputs. A nonspecific goal to explore the system helped performance when compared to a specific goal to reach certain values when participants were given a good model, but not when given a poor model that suggested the wrong hypothesis space. Our findings support the three-space theory. They emphasize the importance of understanding for problem solving and stress the need to study underlying processes.  相似文献   
This longitudinal study evaluated the relationship between family functioning and family racial socialization processes in a clinical sample of African American youth referred for drug abuse treatment. Participants were 77 African American adolescents and their parents. Results showed that participants assigned to structural ecosystems therapy experienced a greater increase in family racial socialization processes during treatment than participants assigned to the treatment as usual in community settings condition. Participants in structural ecosystems therapy also demonstrated a greater increase in family functioning than participants in community settings condition, and this improvement in family functioning mediated the relationship between treatment condition and family racial socialization processes. Research and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
In the wake of two recent developments in stem cell research, it is a fitting time to reassess the claim that stem cells will radically transform the concept and function of medicine. The first is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision in January 2009 to approve Geron Corporation’s Phase I clinical trial using human embryonic stem cells for patients with spinal cord injuries. The second is the National Institutes of Health’s decision to permit federal funding of research using donated IVF human embryos in their July 2009 Guidelines on Human Stem Cell Research. We are now poised to see whether stem cell research can deliver on what it promises. However, what exactly does it promise and how? Moreover, who is doing the promising? Turning to the use of metaphor can help us to answer these questions and enable us to develop a better appreciation of the unique features of promised stem cell therapies. Indeed, metaphors have exerted profound influence in medicine, and it is fitting that we seek new metaphors for new therapies where appropriate. In this case, other metaphors such as magic bullets or the Holy Grail cannot capture what is unique about stem cells. Accordingly, I propose a new metaphor: the stem cell superhero. Stem cell superheroes are characterized by the following traits: they are seemingly capable of fighting the evil of virtually all disease (unlike “magic bullets”) and they seem to be our only hope of doing so, although to summon them we must make difficult moral choices. In the course of assessing the merits of three recent yet covert references to the superhero metaphor, I conclude that this powerful new paradigm employs a problematic logic (i.e., we cannot know that something is “our only hope”), but that the aspiration as such is a good one.  相似文献   
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