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徐芬  董奇  杨洁  王卫星 《心理学报》2005,37(2):218-223
运用短期纵向与横向研究探讨了汉语儿童英语语音意识的发展过程与特点。研究结果表明,刚入学儿童在英语语音意识各项任务上的正确率间有显著差异,表现为押韵意识与末位音位任务上的正确率高于首音意识任务,后者又高于音位计数任务;尽管从一年级到五年级,儿童在语音意识任务上的正确率在不断提高,但这种趋势一直保持着。  相似文献   
王妍  董妍  朱琳 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1426-1431
儿童情绪胜任力是指儿童拥有情绪知识,对自身和他人的情绪进行识别和理解,并调节和表达自身情绪的一种综合能力,它在提高儿童的认知能力、促进其身心健康发展、提高社会交往能力以及减少儿童危险行为等方面都有重要作用。研究者开展了以儿童情绪和行为问题改善、压力应对能力提高及情绪识别和管理能力提升为目标的干预项目。未来可进一步探究学校、老师、同伴及儿童自身的人格特点等对其情绪胜任力发展的影响及作用机制,并可从增加个性化干预及提升干预长期效果等视角进一步完善干预措施。  相似文献   
Antisocial individuals have problems recognizing negative emotions (e.g. Marsh & Blair in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 32:454–465, 2009); however, due to issues with sampling and different methods used, previous findings have been varied. Sixty-three male young offenders and 37 age-, IQ- and socio-economic status-matched male controls completed a facial emotion recognition task, which measures recognition of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise and neutral expressions across 4 emotional intensities. Conduct disorder (YSR), and psychopathic and callous/unemotional traits (YPI) were measured, and offenders’ offense data were taken from the Youth Offending Service’s case files. Relative to controls, offenders were significantly worse at identifying sadness, low intensity disgust and high intensity fear. A significant interaction for anger was also observed, with offenders showing reduced low- but increased high-intensity anger recognition in comparison with controls. Within the young offenders levels of conduct disorder and psychopathic traits explained variation in sadness and disgust recognition, whereas offense severity explained variation in anger recognition. These results suggest that antisocial youths show specific problems in recognizing negative emotions and support the use of targeted emotion recognition interventions for problematic behavior.  相似文献   
说谎,作为人性的一方面,已经成为心理学、生物进化学、实验经济学等多学科的关注点。说谎会受到多种文化的谴责,说谎行为也是人们所不支持的。但是国外的研究发现,在普通人群中,不诚实行为也是普遍存在的,而且这种不诚实行为并没有影响被试诚实的自我概念。因此了解这种不诚实行为的发生、发展过程,对人们认识和识别不诚实行为,提高人际互动质量至关重要。本文从不诚实行为的发生、发展过程出发,重点介绍了不诚实行为的研究范式、认知神经机制和影响因素。并针对已有研究的不足:(1)实验结果的解释水平低;(2)变量操纵不严谨;(3)研究方法局限; 提出了可能的解决方案。  相似文献   
印度的婆罗门教、佛教与中国的儒家、道家   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度的婆罗门教和中国的儒家学说都有着维护社会秩序、延续既有文明、创造符号体系的建构功能 ;与此相对立 ,印度的佛家和中国的道家学说则以反向解构的姿态分别对婆罗门教和儒家学说在民族文化的建构过程中所导致的异化现象进行了深刻的批判。这种建构与解构的关系体现了追求文明与反抗异化、积极进取与消极无为、崇尚秩序与回归自然之间的辩证关系。作为这种逻辑关系的历史性发展 ,印度宗教文化从婆罗门教到佛教再到印度教的发展过程 ,与中国世俗文化中儒家和道家之间的彼此更迭 ,都形成着“否定之否定”式的阶段性变革。  相似文献   
Neuronal and nonneuronal plasticity are both affected by environmental and experiential factors. Remodeling of existing neurons induced by such factors has been observed throughout the brain, and includes alterations in dendritic field dimensions, synaptogenesis, and synaptic morphology. The brain loci affected by these plastic neuronal changes are dependent on the type of experience and learning. Increased neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus is a well-documented response to environmental complexity ("enrichment") and learning. Exposure to challenging experiences and learning opportunities also alters existing glial cells (i.e., astrocytes and oligodendrocytes), and up-regulates gliogenesis, in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. Such glial plasticity often parallels neuronal remodeling in both time and place, and this enhanced morphological synergism may be important for optimizing the functional interaction between glial cells and neurons. Aberrant structural plasticity of nonneuronal elements is a contributing factor, as is aberrant neuron plasticity, to neurological and developmental disorders such as epilepsy, autism, and mental retardation (i.e., fragile X syndrome). Some of these nonneuronal pathologies include abnormal cerebral and cerebellar white matter and myelin-related proteins in autism; abnormal myelin basic protein in fragile X syndrome (FXS); and abnormal astrocytes in autism, FXS, and epilepsy. A number of recent studies demonstrate the possibility of using environmental and experiential intervention to reduce or ameliorate some of the neuronal and nonneuronal abnormalities, as well as behavioral deficits, present in these neurological and developmental disorders.  相似文献   
In a comparison of interview procedures that aimed to assist retrieval strategies in children's event recall, 72 children aged 4-6 years were questioned about a witnessed event. Context reinstatement and brief narrative elaboration (an abbreviated version of K. J. Saywitz and L. Snyder's [1996] procedure) produced similar levels of correct recall, and both elicited more correct recall than did a control condition, with no increase in errors. Combining these procedures did not further improve performance. The superiority of narrative elaboration over the control group was evident in free recall and did not depend on explicit prompting with cue cards. These findings suggest that incorporating brief narrative elaboration training in investigative interviews with children may, like context reinstatement, be a valuable mnemonic aid.  相似文献   
Clients' causal explanations for recalled important or helpful events between those of early and of late sessions of counseling interview have been examined. We predicted that (a) for clients' recalled important or helpful events, there will be more internal attribution in late than in early sessions and (b) clients' evaluation of counseling sessions would be positively related to their internal attribution of the recalled important or helpful events. Data were generated from 84 sessions of therapy, with 12 counselor-client dyads conducting seven sessions of therapeutic interviews each. Immediately after each interview, clients were requested to recall and explain the most important or helpful events that happened during the session. Clients' causal explanations of the events were analyzed by two trained judges. Results showed no statistically significant differences in frequencies of internal attribution. Similarly, internal attribution did not covary with clients' evaluation of counseling sessions. The implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   
本论文所欲讨论者,将主要集中于哲学史上个人之性情、个性对该哲学本文所表达之观念的影响,以及我们对此所应持的诠释态度。对于中国传统哲学而言,经典本文之理解与人物个性之品评当得其有机之结合,方能再现“理性史之纹路”与“理念诗之魅力”,如是,我们也便有相当的理由质疑那种一开始就用某种预设了的、严格的因果对应的方式来图解思想家之思想的努力,同时,我们也可以在相当程度上避免因“过度诠释”所导致的诠释者对本文及其所赖于产生的周围世界的轻忽和放逐。  相似文献   
学校群体构成是影响儿童学业成就的重要环境变量,并对流动儿童具有不同于本地儿童的特殊效应。本研究数据来自"中国儿童青少年心理发育特征调查"项目建立的数据库,被试是我国发达地区32个区县141所学校的4960名2-6年级儿童,流动儿童所占比例为14.5%。结果发现:(1)无论流动儿童还是本地儿童,学校社会经济地位越高,儿童的数学学业成就越好;学校流动儿童比例对儿童的数学学业成就没有影响;(2)学校社会经济地位越高,短期流动儿童相对于本地儿童的数学学业劣势越大;(3)学校流动儿童比例越高,长期流动儿童相对于本地儿童的数学学业劣势越小。  相似文献   
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