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Using the Deese/Roediger‐McDermott (DRM) false memory method, Smith and Hunt ( 1998 ) first reported the modality effect on false memory and showed that false recall from DRM lists was lower following visual study than following auditory study, which led to numerous studies on the mechanism of modality effect on false memory and provided many competing explanations. In the present experiment, the authors tested the modality effect in false recognition by using a blocked presentation condition and a random presentation condition. The present experiment found a modality effect different from the results of the previous research; namely, false recognition was shown to be greater following visual study than following auditory study, especially in the blocked presentation condition rather than in the random presentation condition. The authors argued that this reversed modality effect may be due to different encoding and processing characteristics between Chinese characters and English words. Compared with English words, visual graphemes of critical lures in Chinese lists are likely to be activated and encoded in participants' minds, thus it is more difficult for participants to discriminate later inner graphemes from those items presented in visual modality. Hence visual presentation could lead to more false recognition than auditory presentation in Chinese lists. The results in the present experiment demonstrated that semantic activation occurring during the encoding and retrieve phases played an important role in modality effect in false recognition, and our findings might be explained by the activation‐monitoring account.  相似文献   
In Yizhuan’s interpretation of The Book of Changes, the book’s fundamental concepts, xiang 象 (images) and ci 辞 (words), play different roles. Concepts, including yin and yang, firmness and gentleness, sancai 三才 (three fundamentals), and the wuxing 五行 (five active elements), are used to interpret The Book of Changes through the interpretation of images, while the core Confucian values, such as benevolence and righteousness, are used to interpret The Book of Changes because of their connection with words of gua and yao. In order to expand the meaning of the words of gua and yao, Yizhuan sometimes connects words with images; in other occasions, however, it simply takes these words as independent guides. The Confucian scholars who wrote Yizhuan, therefore, not only revered the classic, but also used it to send their own message. Out of reverence, they “shu 述 (recited)”; in using it, they “zuo 作 (created)”. The combination of recitation and creation made the words of gua and yao very flexible in the process of interpretation, while the interpretation changed the meaning of the classic to a great extent.  相似文献   
NLP心理疗法——一种简单快速的心理咨询与治疗方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
NLP心理疗法是从完形疗法发展而来的一种,目前正被越来越多地应用于心理咨询与心理治疗的临床工作。本文主要介绍了NLP心理疗法的主要思想、基本原理和常用治疗技巧,以及把NLP疗法与精神分析进行了简要比较。  相似文献   
诗性智慧是生活境域中非主体化、非对象化的此在智慧,解释学是迄今诗性智慧在哲学中的最好阐发,它消解了思与诗之间长期紧张的二元对立,为至今仍困扰于科学主义与人本主义范式分裂的心理咨询提供了可资超越的借鉴。理解在时间的境域中氤氲着诗性智慧的光焰生生不息。  相似文献   
诗性智慧是生活境域中非主体化、非对象化的此在智慧,解释学是迄今诗性智慧在哲学中的最好阐发,它消解了思与诗之间长期紧张的二元对立,为至今仍困扰于科学主义与人本主义范式分裂的心理咨询提供了可资超越的借鉴.理解在时间的境域中氤氲着诗性智慧的光焰生生不息.  相似文献   
毛丽娅 《中国道教》2006,1(4):19-22
世界是人、社会、自然的复合生态系统,各要素之间相互联系,相互作用,维持着整个世界的和谐。成书于我国东汉中期的《太平经》,又称《太平清领书》,是道教早期的重要经典。我国传统思想中的“天人合一”的基本命题和这个命题所表现的“体用一源”的思维模式,熔铸了一种独特的宇宙人生理论。汤一介先生称之为“普遍和谐观念”①。这种“普遍和谐观念”在《太平经》中至少包括四个层次,即自然界的和谐、人与自然、人与人、人自我身心的和谐,本质上体现为一种整体和谐观念。一、自然界的和谐《太平经》继承并发展了老子《道德经》“道生一,一生…  相似文献   
毛翔  毛珺 《中国道教》2006,(6):32-33
东汉魏伯阳所著的《周易参同契》,隐含了中华民族数千年对生命智慧的探索,至今仍是金丹养生学及生命科学中的高级学问。它以金丹为喻,诠释了正气的本质,弥补了《内经》之不足,指明了“揆度奇恒,道在于一”的所在,帮助人类开启了延续生命的大门,对破解延年益寿这一课题有关键性的贡献。要知晓《周易参同契》,首先  相似文献   
This research investigates how consumer evaluations of brand extensions are affected by two distinct types of brand reputation: a reputation for social responsibility built through commitments to societal obligations, versus a reputation for ability developed by delivering quality offerings. Through six studies, we establish that while the two reputation types equivalently influence high fit brand extensions, a reputation for social responsibility (vs. ability) leads to more favorable responses toward low fit brand extensions by inducing a desire to support and help the company that has acted to benefit consumers. Furthermore, the facilitative effect of social responsibility on low fit brand extension evaluations is more prominent among consumers who value close relationships and caring for one another's well‐being (i.e., those with high communal orientation), and tends to dissipate when social responsibility initiatives are tainted with self‐serving motives (i.e., when these initiatives are aligned with the brand's core offering).  相似文献   
This paper begins with an explanation of the four Chinese characters that represent the project of the Garden of the Heart and Soul. This project was founded to help the psychological development of orphans, as well as to provide psychological relief for the victims of ecological disasters such as earthquakes through the use of Jungian psychology, sandplay therapy, and the psychology of the Heart. Eleven years after its founding, there are 83 work‐stations on mainland China. The authors discuss how the Chinese characters influenced the way they set up their project and the values that guide them. In addition to helping the individuation of the people they work with, their work provides a container for the collective psyche and a connection with the cultural archetypal roots.  相似文献   
目前稳定性冠心病通行的治疗策略是药物治疗的同时常规作冠脉造影,如果病变严重,则尽可能地作介入治疗。但最近COURAGE试验结果的公布,证实介入治疗仅可以缓解症状,但不能改善预后。因此,我们要对PCI在稳定性冠心病中的作用和定位重新进行思考。  相似文献   
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