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Magnusson A  Partonen T 《CNS spectrums》2005,10(8):625-34; quiz 1-14
The operational criteria for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) have undergone several changes since first proposed in 1984. SAD is currently included as a specifier of either bipolar or recurrent major depressive disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. The International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Edition has provisional diagnostic criteria for SAD. The most characteristic quality of SAD is that the symptoms usually present during winter and remit in the spring. Furthermore, the symptoms tend to remit when the patients are exposed to daylight or bright light therapy. The cognitive and emotional symptoms are as in other types of depression but the vegetative symptoms are the reverse of classic depressive vegetative symptoms, namely increased sleep and increased appetite. SAD is a common condition, but the exact prevalence rates vary between different studies and countries and is consistently found to be more common in women and in youth. SAD probably possibly occurs in children although not as commonly as in young adults. Some studies have found that certain ethnic groups who live at high northern latitudes may have adapted to the long arctic winter.  相似文献   
人本主义健康人格和儒家理想人格的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
人格心理学的研究不仅应注重对心理现象的理解,更应该致力于人类心理问题的解决和人类心理生活质量的提高。对健康人格(或理想人格)的追求,是东西方思想家为之不懈的努力。人本主义健康人格和儒家理想人格是东西方两种理想的人格模式,虽然东西方文化传统所赋予的内容不同,但都是一种人生发展的目标。本文对两者进行了比较研究,认为两者既有差异之处,又有相似之处,同时两者对塑造现代人格有很大启示。  相似文献   
本文选取35名多动症儿童为被试,采用《康纳多动症评分量表》对经医学确诊的多动症儿童进行可疑程度分析。采用姚树桥、龚耀先编制的《儿童适应行为评定量表》对被试的社会适应行为进行评量。结果表明:多动症儿童在不同程度上存在适应行为问题,特别是在社会责任方面的水平较低,从年龄发展来看多动症儿童在小学三、四年级时适应水平最低。据此提出教育训练的重点和教育建议。  相似文献   
Eight Chinese counselors were interviewed about their use of directives in counseling. They typically believed that directives can be beneficial in counseling Chinese clients. They used directives to extend the influence of counseling beyond sessions, meet client needs and expectations, and fit their own personality and orientation. In terms of conditions that need to be met for directives to be helpful, they identified client factors such as readiness, communication styles, past experience, and insight; the counselor factor of ability to communicate directives; and the therapeutic relationship. They emphasized the importance of clients acquiring a new perspective as a result of directives. Cultural factors in using directives are discussed.  相似文献   
意识的神经相关物尚有争议, 且个体能否无意识自动检测视觉环境变化尚不清楚。本研究采用非注意视盲范式操控视觉意识, 并引入具有社会信息的情绪面孔, 探讨意识的神经相关物以及视觉意识与自动检测变化机制的关系。在A阶段, 部分被试对任务无关的情绪面孔处于无意识水平; 在B阶段, 所有被试对任务无关的情绪面孔处于意识水平; 在C阶段, 所有被试对任务相关的情绪面孔处于意识水平。结果显示, 任务无关的情绪面孔的意识过程诱发视觉意识负波(visual awareness negativity, VAN)、晚期正成分(late positivity, LP)和晚期枕区正成分(late occipital positivity, LOP)。此外, 无意识的情绪面孔能诱发视觉失匹配负波(visual mismatch negativity, vMMN), 且其幅值不受意识影响, 但是受任务相关性调制。这些结果提示对情绪面孔的视觉意识在不同的时间进程上有不同的ERP指标——VAN反映早期知觉经验, 而LP和LOP反映晚期意识过程, 而且面孔情绪信息的自动加工独立于视觉意识, 但是受视觉注意调制。  相似文献   
为了解精神病态罪犯可能存在的执行功能缺陷及其是否受冲动性影响,研究采用精神病态检核表(PCL-R)筛选出30名精神病态组被试和30名非精神病态组被试,通过爱荷华赌博任务(IGT)和河内塔任务(TOH)对两组被试执行功能的特点进行分析,并结合冲动性量表(BIS-11)对其冲动性进行测量。研究发现精神病态组的冲动性显著高于控制组;精神病态组选择高风险的不利牌显著多于对照组,即对惩罚不敏感;精神病态组在河内塔任务中的错误次数及所消耗时间都显著高于控制组;冲动性水平与两任务得分均无显著相关。结果表明,精神病态暴力犯在与前额叶相关的执行功能上存在缺陷,并与个体的高冲动性无关。  相似文献   
This study reexamined the organization of Young’s 18 early maladaptive schemas and their hypothesized associations with experiences of need-thwarting parental experiences in childhood and the “vulnerable child” mode of emotional distress in adulthood. A large Danish sample (N = 1054) of 658 clinical- and 391 nonclinical adults completed measures of early maladaptive schemas, parenting styles, and the vulnerable child mode. We identified four higher-order schema domains as most appropriate in terms of interpretability and empirical indices (“Disconnection & Rejection”, “Impaired Autonomy & Performance”, “Excessive Responsibility & Standards”, and “Impaired Limits”). All four schema domains were differentially associated with conceptually relevant need-thwarting parental experiences. Apart from “Impaired Limits”, the schema domains meaningfully accounted for the association between need-thwarting parental experiences in childhood and emotional states of feeling like a “vulnerable child” in adulthood. We conclude that four domains of early maladaptive schemas are empirically and conceptually consistent with Young’s schema therapy model of personality pathology and longstanding emotional disorders. Findings warrant replication using different populations and if possible a prospective multi-method design. A scoring key for computing the four schema domains is provided.  相似文献   
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