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古希腊哲学最早将美德与知识相联系,“真”的达到就是“善”的实现,人的合目的性是建立在其合规律性的基础上的,伦理学从此有了独立存在的根据。近代知识论提出“知识就是力量”,将获得知识与获得幸福视为同一,知识(理性)是建立伦理的绝对普遍的坚实基础,人的尊严和主体性成为伦理追求的最大价值。20世纪以来,由于科学知识的异化,“知识与人的幸福和命运问题”凸现在当代伦理学面前。为知识找寻一条“应然”的光明之路,不仅是伦理学的理论使命,也是人类自身的神圣使命。  相似文献   
苟波 《中国道教》2005,(3):41-44
道教创立后,在汲取古代神话传说及民间信仰基础上,形成了自己的神仙境界系统,并对中国文学产生了巨大影响。“仙境”的观念早在道教之前就存在。虽然道教产生后在汲取“仙境”传说基础上形成了宗教色彩更浓的神仙境界理论,但“仙境”本身并非是一个纯宗教范畴。从最早的乐园神话开始,“仙境”就是中国先民集体意识中和谐富裕、平和安乐生活的象征,是中国人理想生活的一个缩影以及隐蔽在他们心灵深处的一个美好梦想。道教在先民原有的“仙境”思想的基础,又构造了自己的神仙谱系。道教认为,神仙有不同等级,居于不同的仙境,《太平经》分神仙为…  相似文献   
Successive development of disinhibitory action over long monotonous training periods was studied with choice RT stimuli possessing discordant properties related to their relative frequency and the direction of movement. The results indicate that stimuli with strong initial proactive interference on ensuing reaction to the critical probe-stimulus become, with prolonged training, the least interfering.  相似文献   
The Peterson and Peterson (1959) STM experiment was replicated with variation of presentation modality and encoding strategy. The effect of various scoring criteria was also analyzed. The recall data showed that a Peterson and Peterson type forgetting curve was obtained using auditory presentation and instructions to rehearse vocally the trigrams when scoring only completely correct recall within the first 3 sec of the recall interval. With visual presentation and instructions to find meaningful trigram interpretations, the forgetting curve was higher and much more flat, especially when scoring position correct recall within the total 0-10-sec recall interval. In a buildup of PI experiment, no buildup of PI could be detected when visual presentation was used together with instructions to find meaningful trigram interpretations. The importance of the different encoding activities for recall performance was discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to explore the issue of how the validity of the parallel inference (as a type of deductive reasoning) is possible in view of its deep semantic-syntactic structure. I first present a philosophical interpretation of the ancient Mohist treatment of the parallel inference concerning its semantic-syntactic structure. Then, to formally and accurately capture the later Mohist point in this connection for the sake of giving a general condition for the validity of the parallel inference, I suggest a modern logical treatment via an expanded predicate logic account.  相似文献   
In The Philosophical Quarterly , 48 (1998), Alexander Bird raises an objection against the conditional analysis of dispositions: where an 'antidote' is present all the supposed conditions for manifestation of a disposition are fulfilled but the manifestation does not occur. But Bird's argument suffers from equivocation. If we spell out properly whether the disposition's conditions are to include the presence of the antidote or not, the apparent counter-examples disappear. So his examples do not undermine the conditional analysis of dispositions; they show merely that we need to be careful about describing the examples consistently.  相似文献   
一、信仰制约在道德建设中的分量 什么叫道德?"道德归根到底是被人们的经济 条件所决定的评价人们的思想和行为的善与恶,光 荣与耻辱,公正与偏私的感觉、观念、原则和规范 的总和,它依靠社会舆论,社会习俗和人们内心信 念的力量,保证人们对它的遵守。"(孙国华主编:《法 学基础理论》,中国人民大学出版社,1987年版,第281页),在 这里,道德的来源和实现途径被分解成了社会舆 论、社会习俗和内心信念三个部分。内心信念是与  相似文献   
从政治合法性看执政党伦理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自上世纪 70年代始 ,政治哲学和政治伦理便逐渐凸显并最终主导了西方哲学论坛。然而在我国 ,这一哲学和伦理学的理论转向似乎刚刚发生 ,学界对此一理论转向的学术意识也才刚刚显露 ,可我们面对的是 ,大量的理论问题和实践问题不断涌现 ,异常复杂 ,难以把握。在此情形下 ,采取学术群体性的民主商谈方式来探究这一理论转向所产生的基础性课题 ,恐怕比学术个体的专题研究更为慎重 ,也更为急迫。2 0 0 4年夏 ,教育部高校哲学教学指导委员会在海南召开年会。期间与《伦理学研究》杂志主编、著名伦理学家唐凯麟先生重逢 ,承蒙先生厚爱如昨 ,托我组织一期学术专栏 ,命之为“政治伦理笔谈”。盛情之下 ,却之不恭。于是诚恳邀请到怀宏、剑涛、建华三位学兄襄助 ,切磋数月 ,始成如下四篇。现惶然贡献于学界 ,祈求抛顽石以引玉璞 ,或求其友声 ,或聆听批评 ,以此促进我国政治伦理的前沿研究。如此或可既不负凯麟先生雅扶后学之美意 ,又可尽我等伦理学者之天职。是以记之 !(万俊人 )  相似文献   
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